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We love math and science. We know that you can too.
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What is serious fun?
It’s research driven solutions for the most critical STEM learning needs. It’s engaging, entertaining experiences that teachers and students actually WANT to participate in. It’s how we make sure that everyone has the opportunity to succeed at STEM, as well as the chance to love it as much as we do. Serious fun is our not-so-secret sauce, and it has four main ingredients.

We are precisely focused on mission-critical STEM learning needs.
All STEM education is important. But some STEM skills and knowledge are more challenging to understand, more difficult to teach, or more foundational to future learning. Students who build these foundations can use them to succeed at more advanced math and science challenges. Students who don’t get them will struggle until they do.
ExploreLearning focuses not only on STEM education but on the most critical challenges within it. The ones that are crucial to a student’s ability to progress in the classroom and enjoy greater opportunity beyond. The ones that are most difficult for teachers to solve on their own. These are exactly the areas we zero in on and solve, because that’s how we help both teachers and students succeed.

We create learning educators know they can count on.
Our team includes a diverse range of professionals, each expert in their respective fields. Educators and developers, scientists and mathematicians, instructional and visual designers, content experts, analysts, and more – we work together to redefine what’s possible in the digital learning space. We take performance seriously, using research to guide development, ongoing testing to guide improvement, and support to ensure educator success. Add in a healthy dose of creativity, and it’s how we deliver solutions that are as effective as they are fun.

We create experiences that students and teachers are excited to use.
The best learning solutions do more than just enable or empower their users. They excite. They tap into something emotional, driving motivation and persistence, giving users a sense of accomplishment, and inspiring them to use what they’ve learned in new ways. Through interactive and intuitive experiences, our solutions make STEM real and tangible while simultaneously sparking imagination. They not only entertain, but challenge, encourage, and reward, allowing teachers and students to see and celebrate progress.

We create confident explorers.
At its core, STEM is about exploration. And we are explorers. We thrive on the ability and opportunity to ask why. To discover answers, expand understanding, and make our world just a little bigger each and every day. It’s our goal to share the power of exploration with everyone we engage, and to help them love it just as much as we do. We give learners the confidence they need to try, to persist, and to continually conquer the unknown.

It all started with an idea.
And a guy. A guy named Dave…
Check out the short(ish) version of how ExploreLearning came to be.
Our StoryMeet the people making it happen.
Across all areas and levels of our business, our people are what make success possible.
Our TeamEmployee Spotlight
Dennis Scully
Account Executive
“I help school districts and schools use technology to help their students succeed in math and science.”
Employee Spotlight
Margarita Figueroa
Systems Engineer
“STEM is part of everyone’s life. Preparing children with the base knowledge and the skills to adapt to become lifelong learners, will set them up for success in the future.”
Employee Spotlight
Emily Reichbach
Senior Virtual Learning Community Specialist
“ I love that each day I get to do my two favorite things, learn and create. I am passionate about directly engaging with teachers, listening to their feedback, and providing solutions to make their jobs easier. ”
Employee Spotlight
Eleonore Rowe
Graphic Designer
“I think STEM education is important because it inspires us and gives us appreciation for the technology and science around us. ”
Employee Spotlight
Jason Fritz
Account Executive
“I educate and align Teachers & Administrators needs to ExploreLearning solutions that will impact their students in STEM education.”
Employee Spotlight
Alex Linares
Senior Marketing Operations Specialist
“STEM builds so many valuable skills that will serve learners for their entire lives: critical thinking, problem-solving, and an innovative mindset of exploration.”
Employee Spotlight
Monika Bell
Senior Implementation Coordinator
“I love making a positive difference in how young people view STEM subjects.”
Employee Spotlight
Meg Strong-Cruz
Technical Support Specialist
“I help customers troubleshoot issues and find solutions to problems across all ExploreLearning products.”
Employee Spotlight
Jenna Bushspies
Sr. Analytics Engineer
“I love what ExploreLearning stands for! I am passionate about education and helping other people!”
Employee Spotlight
Brooks Child
Frontend Software Engineer Lead
“STEM education teaches us the tools we need to ask “why” and then figure it out ourselves. Nothing is beyond the scope of our brains if we devote enough energy to understanding it.”
Employee Spotlight
Mangai Neelavannan
Learning Architect
“STEM education is like the Swiss Army knife of knowledge – it equips you with tools to tackle the challenges of tomorrow. With the rapid advancements in technology, including artificial intelligence (AI), STEM skills are more important than ever. STEM education is the key to unlocking a world of endless possibilities and shaping the course of our collective future.”
Employee Spotlight
Natalie Kass
Customer Success Partner
“STEM education fosters critical thinking and sparks innovation to address hard problems, like food supply, global warming, infrastructure, and security. ”
Employee Spotlight
Rachel Person
Sales Operations and Sales Manager
“What big STEM accomplishment do you think we’ll see happen in the next 100 years, and why are you excited about it? Growing organs! No more waiting list for people who need it. ”
Employee Spotlight
Steve Geinitz
Account Executive
“What do you like about working at EL? Seeing the excitement on students’ faces when I visit with my customers and knowing our products help them succeed. ”
Employee Spotlight
Casey Chafouleas
Creative Director
“I often say I 'make things pretty' because to me, the beauty is in finding solutions.”
Employee Spotlight
Jef Freydl
Senior Digital Designer
“I love the way we are pushing education forward and helping kids to enjoy learning.”
Employee Spotlight
Jodi Barber-Harris
Senior Implementation Manager
“My team is supportive, collaborative, and passionate about helping teachers and students.”
Employee Spotlight
LaTonya Lewis
Order Entry Team Lead
“I believe STEM education is important because as the world evolves, we need to as well.”
Employee Spotlight
Joseph Brudlos
Art Director
“It’s great to work in a company where you are part of an effective team.”
Employee Spotlight
Alice Johnson Kelly
Senior Account Executive
“The best part about my job is hands down the people I work with daily!”
Employee Spotlight
Trista Straube
Professional Development Area Operations Manager
“On this team, I have felt like there are no limits to my growth, and I am wholeheartedly supported in anything I seek out for my own professional development.”
Employee Spotlight
Shauna Kirkland
Digital Marketing Specialist
“I really enjoy getting to work with a team that has a sense of camaraderie where everyone is welcome to openly share ideas, solutions, passions, and feedback.”
Employee Spotlight
Brian Capps
Sr Dev Ops Engineer
“STEM will apply to almost every job that will be available in the future. Automation and machinery will be the way things are done. ”
Employee Spotlight
Marie Wagner
Professional Development Administrator
“I truly feel valued and listened to no matter who I am talking to.”
Employee Spotlight
Amanda Wilson
Senior Implementation Coordinator
“I love visiting the classroom for leadership events. Experiencing the enthusiasm of teachers and students is inspirational! ”
Employee Spotlight
Sophie Solzbach
Senior Digital Marketing Specialist
“I love seeing how our products improve outcomes for kids! Getting to see and share new efficacy research and data on our products is also super exciting to me.”
Employee Spotlight
Jennifer Kendrick
Account Executive – Southern California
“ By promoting STEM education, we can inspire the next generation of scientists, engineers, and innovators.”
Employee Spotlight
Allison Davis
Marketing Content Specialist
“I’m passionate about STEM education because it prepares students for the exciting and unknown careers of the future. ”
Employee Spotlight
Dianne Schramm
Marketing Content Specialist
“My grandmother worked in STEM in the medical field. She had a thirst for knowledge, always wanting to learn about the latest research or newest innovations in medicine. My curiosity is a direct result of her influence.”
Employee Spotlight
Alec McElroy
Customer Success Manager
“STEM education promotes critical thinking and curiosity. And positive change starts with asking questions. To give students a strong foundation in STEM education is to give them the tools to change the world! ”
Success Story
Success Story: QSTSS Transforms STEM Education with Gizmos
Discover how Qatar Science & Technology Secondary School for boys uses Gizmos to enhance STEM education, boost student engagement, and more.
Read More about Success Story: QSTSS Transforms STEM Education with Gizmos All Case StudiesSee what's news.
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