Experience first-hand the impact our research-based STEM solutions can make for your students. Our seriously fun products are full of engaging learning experiences and powerful teacher resources to help you support ALL learners. Ready to unlock STEM success? For a limited time, you and your students can experience an ExploreLearning product in your classroom FREE for 45 days!

STEM simulations that excite active learning and understanding
Unleash the power of the “ah-ha!” moment. Our 550+ interactive math and science Gizmos build deep conceptual understanding through inquiry and exploration for grades 3-12.

The Most Effective Math Fact Fluency Solution
Adaptive and individualized, Reflex is the most effective system for mastering basic facts in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division for grades 2+.

Stop the Fractions Struggle
Adaptive and game-based, Frax uses the latest research-based instructional methods to create a more effective and fun way to teach and learn fractions for grades 3-5.

Give Kids a Head Start in Science
Science4Us introduces critical science foundations through literacy-infused lessons and engaging interactive games, songs, and hands-on experiments for grades K-2. It's never too early to learn science!