2: Students will use scientific skills and processes to explain the chemical and physical interactions (i.e., natural forces and cycles, transfer of energy) of the environment, Earth, and the universe that occur over time.

2.E: Interactions of Hydrosphere and Atmosphere

2.E.2: Recognize and describe that each season has different weather conditions.

2.E.2.b: Compare average daily temperatures during different seasons.

Summer and Winter

3: The students will use scientific skills and processes to explain the dynamic nature of living things, their interactions, and the results from the interactions that occur over time.

3.C: Genetics

3.C.1: Explain that in order for offspring to resemble their parents, there must be a reliable way to transfer information from one generation to the next.

3.C.1.a: Describe traits found in animals and plants, such as eye color, height, leaf shape, seed type that are passed from one generation to another


3.C.1.b: Explain that some likenesses between parents and offspring are inherited (such as eye color in humans, nest building in birds, or flower color in plants) and other likenesses are learned (such as language in humans)


3.C.1.c: Raise questions based on observations of a variety of parent and offspring likenesses and differences, such as ?Why don?t all the puppies have the same traits, such as eye color and size as their parents?? or ? How do traits get transferred??


3.C.1.d: Develop a reasonable explanation to support the idea that information is passed from parent to offspring.


3.E: Flow of Matter and Energy

3.E.1: Recognize food as the source of materials that all living things need to grow and survive.

3.E.1.c: Identify the things that are essential for plants to grow and survive.

Growing Plants

3.F: Ecology

3.F.1: Explain ways that individuals and groups of organisms interact with each other and their environment.

3.F.1.a: Identify and describe the interactions of organisms present in a habitat.

3.F.1.a.1: Competition for space, food, and water

Forest Ecosystem

3.F.1.a.3: Roles within food chains and webs: scavengers, decomposers, producers, consumers.

Forest Ecosystem
Prairie Ecosystem

4: Students will use scientific skills and processes to explain the composition, structure, and interactions of matter in order to support the predictability of structure and energy transformations

4.A: Structure of Matter

4.A.1: Provide evidence to support the fact that matter has observable and measurable properties

4.A.1.b: Describe and compare the physical properties of samples of matter.

4.A.1.b.2: Hardness

Mineral Identification

4.A.1.b.4: Ability to conduct heat

Conduction and Convection

4.A.1.b.5: Ability to conduct electricity

Circuit Builder

4.A.1.b.6: Ability to be attracted by magnets


4.A.1.c: Compare samples of like materials using appropriate tools to measure, estimate, and calculate size, capacities, masses and weights.

Weight and Mass

5: Students will use scientific skills and processes to explain the interactions of matter and energy and the energy transformations that occur.

5.B: Thermodynamics

5.B.1: Provide evidence that heat can be transferred in different ways.

5.B.1.a: Recognize and explain that heat can be transferred either by direct contact between objects at different temperatures or without direct contact.

5.B.1.a.1: A spoon in hot water

Conduction and Convection

5.B.1.a.2: Heat from a flame

Conduction and Convection

5.C: Electricity and Magnetism

5.C.1: Recognize and describe the effects of static electric charges.

5.C.1.b: Observe the phenomena produced by the static charges.

5.C.1.b.3: Feeling a shock

Charge Launcher

5.C.1.b.4: Attracting lightweight materials over a distance without making contact

Charge Launcher

5.C.2: Investigate and provide evidence that electricity requires a closed loop in order to produce measurable effects.

5.C.2.b: Investigate and describe (orally or with diagrams) how to light a light bulb or sound a buzzer given a battery, wires, and light bulb or buzzer.

Circuit Builder

5.C.2.c: Describe and compare the path of electricity (circuit) within this system that caused the light to light or the buzzer to sound to those that do not affect the light or buzzer.

Circuit Builder

5.C.2.d: Observe, describe and compare materials that readily conduct electricity and those that do not conduct electricity.

Circuit Builder

5.C.2.e: Provide evidence from observations and investigations that electrical circuits require a complete loop through which electricity can pass.

Circuit Builder

5.C.3: Cite evidence supporting that forces can act on objects without touching them.

5.C.3.a: Investigate and describe the effect that two magnets have on each other.

5.C.3.a.1: Like poles repel


5.C.3.a.2: Opposite poles attract


5.C.3.b: Based on observations, describe the effect of a magnet on a variety of objects including those that are metallic or non-metallic; those made with iron or made with other metals; and on other magnets.


5.C.3.c: Compare a compass to a magnet based on observations of the effect a variety of objects (metallic or non-metallic; those made with iron or other metals; and magnets) have on a compass.


5.C.3.d: Provide examples to demonstrate the different ways a magnet acts on objects and how the objects respond.


5.C.3.g: Cite examples showing that magnetic, electrical, and gravitational forces can act at a distance.

Free Fall Tower

Correlation last revised: 1/19/2015

This correlation lists the recommended Gizmos for this state's curriculum standards. Click any Gizmo title below for more information.