B: Biochemistry

B.1: analyse technological applications of enzymes in some industrial processes, and evaluate technological advances in the field of cellular biology;

B.1.1: analyse technological applications related to enzyme activity in the food and pharmaceutical industries (e.g., the production of dairy products; breadmaking; the use of enzymes to control reaction rates in pharmaceuticals)

Prairie Ecosystem

B.2: investigate the chemical structures, functions, and chemical properties of biological molecules involved in some common cellular processes and biochemical reactions;

B.2.1: use appropriate terminology related to biochemistry, including, but not limited to: active and passive transport, covalent and ionic bond, allosteric site, substrate, substrate-enzyme complex, and inhibition

Collision Theory
Covalent Bonds
Ionic Bonds

B.2.2: plan and conduct an investigation to demonstrate the movement of substances across a membrane (e.g., the effects of salt water and distilled water on a potato)


B.2.3: construct and draw three-dimensional molecular models of important biochemical compounds, including carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids

RNA and Protein Synthesis

B.2.4: conduct biological tests to identify biochemical compounds found in various food samples (e.g., use Benedict?s solution to test for carbohydrates in food samples), and compare the biochemical compounds found in each food to those found in the others

Identifying Nutrients

B.2.5: plan and conduct an investigation related to a cellular process (e.g., factors that affect enzyme activity; factors that affect transport of substances across cell membranes), using appropriate laboratory equipment and techniques, and report the results in an appropriate format

Cell Structure
Paramecium Homeostasis

B.3: demonstrate an understanding of the structures and functions of biological molecules, and the biochemical reactions required to maintain normal cellular function.

B.3.1: explain the roles of various organelles, such as lysosomes, vacuoles, mitochondria, internal cell membranes, ribosomes, smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi bodies, in cellular processes

Cell Energy Cycle
Cell Structure
Paramecium Homeostasis
RNA and Protein Synthesis

B.3.2: describe the structure of important biochemical compounds, including carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids, and explain their function within cells

RNA and Protein Synthesis

B.3.6: describe the structure of cell membranes according to the fluid mosaic model, and explain the dynamics of passive transport, facilitated diffusion, and the movement of large particles across the cell membrane by the processes of endocytosis and exocytosis

Cell Structure

C: Metabolic Processes

C.1: analyse the role of metabolic processes in the functioning of biotic and abiotic systems, and evaluate the importance of an understanding of these processes and related technologies to personal choices made in everyday life;

C.1.1: analyse the role of metabolic processes in the functioning of and interactions between biotic and abiotic systems (e.g., specialized microbes and enzymes in biotechnological applications to treat wastewater in the pulp and paper industry; microbes and enzymes in bioremediation, such as in the cleanup of oil spills; energy transfer from producers to consumers)

Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Pond Ecosystem

C.1.2: assess the relevance, to their personal lives and to the community, of an understanding of cell biology and related technologies (e.g., knowledge of metabolic processes is relevant to personal choices about exercise, diet, and the use of pharmacological substances; knowledge of cellular processes aids in our understanding and treatment of mitochondrial diseases [a group of neuromuscular diseases])

Cell Structure
Paramecium Homeostasis

C.2: investigate the products of metabolic processes such as cellular respiration and photosynthesis;

C.2.1: use appropriate terminology related to metabolism, including, but not limited to: energy carriers, glycolysis, Krebs cycle, electron transport chain, ATP synthase, oxidative phosphorylation, chemiosmosis, proton pump, photolysis, Calvin cycle, light and dark reactions, and cyclic and noncyclic phosphorylation

Cell Energy Cycle
Interdependence of Plants and Animals

C.2.2: conduct a laboratory investigation into the process of cellular respiration to identify the products of the process, interpret the qualitative observations, and display them in an appropriate format

Cell Energy Cycle
Interdependence of Plants and Animals

C.2.3: conduct a laboratory investigation of the process of photosynthesis to identify the products of the process, interpret the qualitative observations, and display them in an appropriate format

Cell Energy Cycle
Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Photosynthesis Lab

C.3: demonstrate an understanding of the chemical changes and energy conversions that occur in metabolic processes.

C.3.1: explain the chemical changes and energy conversions associated with the processes of aerobic and anaerobic cellular respiration (e.g., in aerobic cellular respiration, glucose and oxygen react to produce carbon dioxide, water, and energy in the form of heat and ATP; in anaerobic cellular respiration, yeast reacts with glucose in the absence of oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and ethanol)

Pond Ecosystem

C.3.2: explain the chemical changes and energy conversions associated with the process of photosynthesis (e.g., carbon dioxide and water react with sunlight to produce oxygen and glucose)

Cell Energy Cycle
Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Photosynthesis Lab
Pond Ecosystem

C.3.3: use the laws of thermodynamics to explain energy transfer in the cell during the processes of cellular respiration and photosynthesis

Cell Energy Cycle
Energy Conversion in a System
Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Photosynthesis Lab
Pond Ecosystem

C.3.4: describe, compare, and illustrate (e.g., using flow charts) the matter and energy transformations that occur during the processes of cellular respiration (aerobic and anaerobic) and photosynthesis, including the roles of oxygen and organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts

Cell Energy Cycle
Cell Structure
Energy Conversion in a System
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects
Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Photosynthesis Lab
Pond Ecosystem

D: Molecular Genetics

D.2: investigate, through laboratory activities, the structures of cell components and their roles in processes that occur within the cell;

D.2.1: use appropriate terminology related to molecular genetics, including, but not limited to: polymerase I, II, and III, DNA ligase, helicase, Okazaki fragment, mRNA, rRNA, tRNA, codon, anticodon, translation, transcription, and ribosome subunits

Chicken Genetics
RNA and Protein Synthesis

D.2.2: analyse a simulated strand of DNA to determine the genetic code and base pairing of DNA (e.g., determine base sequences of DNA for a protein; analyse base sequences in DNA to recognize an anomaly)

Building DNA
RNA and Protein Synthesis

D.2.4: investigate and analyse the cell components involved in the process of protein synthesis, using appropriate laboratory equipment and techniques, or a computer simulation

Cell Structure
Paramecium Homeostasis
RNA and Protein Synthesis

D.3: demonstrate an understanding of concepts related to molecular genetics, and how genetic modification is applied in industry and agriculture.

D.3.1: explain the current model of DNA replication, and describe the different repair mechanisms that can correct mistakes in DNA sequencing

Building DNA

D.3.2: compare the structures and functions of RNA and DNA, and explain their roles in the process of protein synthesis

RNA and Protein Synthesis

D.3.4: explain how mutagens, such as radiation and chemicals, can cause mutations by changing the genetic material in cells (e.g., the mechanisms and effects of point mutations and frameshift mutations)

Evolution: Mutation and Selection

D.3.5: describe some examples of genetic modification, and explain how it is applied in industry and agriculture (e.g., the processes involved in cloning, or in the sequencing of DNA bases; the processes involved in the manipulation of genetic material and protein synthesis; the development and mechanisms of the polymerization chain reaction)

RNA and Protein Synthesis

D.3.6: describe the functions of some of the cell components used in biotechnology (e.g., the roles of plasmids, restriction enzymes, recombinant DNA, and vectors in genetic engineering)

Cell Structure
Paramecium Homeostasis

D.3.7: describe, on the basis of research, some of the historical scientific contributions that have advanced our understanding of molecular genetics (e.g., discoveries made by Frederick Griffith, Watson and Crick, Hershey and Chase)

Chicken Genetics
Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

E: Homeostasis

E.1: evaluate the impact on the human body of selected chemical substances and of environmental factors related to human activity;

E.1.2: evaluate, on the basis of research, some of the human health issues that arise from the impact of human activities on the environment (e.g., the effects of synthetic estrogen compounds released into our water systems; the effects of leaching of compounds from plastic products into soil and water)

Water Pollution

E.2: investigate the feedback mechanisms that maintain homeostasis in living organisms;

E.2.1: use appropriate terminology related to homeostasis, including, but not limited to: insulin, testosterone, estrogen, nephron, dialysis, pituitary, synapse, and acetylcholine

Human Homeostasis
Paramecium Homeostasis

E.2.2: plan and construct a model to illustrate the essential components of the homeostatic process (e.g., create a flow chart that illustrates representative feedback mechanisms in living things)

Human Homeostasis
Paramecium Homeostasis

E.2.3: plan and conduct an investigation to study a feedback system (e.g., stimulus response loop)

Human Homeostasis

E.2.4: plan and conduct an investigation to study the response mechanism of an invertebrate to external stimuli (e.g., the instinctive behaviour of an invertebrate in response to a stimulus such as light), using appropriate laboratory equipment and techniques

Human Homeostasis
Paramecium Homeostasis

E.3: demonstrate an understanding of the anatomy and physiology of human body systems, and explain the mechanisms that enable the body to maintain homeostasis.

E.3.1: describe the anatomy and physiology of the endocrine, excretory, and nervous systems, and explain how these systems interact to maintain homeostasis

Human Homeostasis
Paramecium Homeostasis

E.3.2: explain how reproductive hormones act in human feedback mechanisms to maintain homeostasis (e.g., the actions of male and female reproductive hormones on their respective body systems)

Human Homeostasis
Paramecium Homeostasis

E.3.3: describe the homeostatic processes involved in maintaining water, ionic, thermal, and acid?base equilibrium, and explain how these processes help body systems respond to both a change in environment and the effects of medical treatments (e.g., the role of feedback mechanisms in water balance or thermoregulation; how the buffering system of blood maintains the body?s pH balance; the effect of medical treatments on the endocrine system; the effects of chemotherapy on homeostasis)

Circulatory System
Human Homeostasis
Paramecium Homeostasis

F: Population Dynamics

F.1: analyse the relationships between population growth, personal consumption, technological development, and our ecological footprint, and assess the effectiveness of some Canadian initiatives intended to assist expanding populations;

F.1.1: analyse the effects of human population growth, personal consumption, and technological development on our ecological footprint (e.g., the deforestation resulting from expanding development and demand for wood products causes the destruction of habitats that support biological diversity; the acidification of lakes associated with some industrial processes causes a decrease in fish populations)

Prairie Ecosystem
Rabbit Population by Season
Water Pollution

F.1.2: assess, on the basis of research, the effectiveness of some Canadian technologies and projects intended to nourish expanding populations (e.g., the risks and benefits of growing genetically modified canola; some of the sustainable development projects funded by the Canadian International Development Agency [CIDA])

Forest Ecosystem
Prairie Ecosystem

F.2: investigate the characteristics of population growth, and use models to calculate the growth of populations within an ecosystem;

F.2.1: use appropriate terminology related to population dynamics, including, but not limited to: carrying capacity, population growth, population cycle, fecundity, and mortality

Food Chain
Forest Ecosystem
Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
Prairie Ecosystem
Rabbit Population by Season

F.2.2: use conceptual and mathematical population growth models to calculate the growth of populations of various species in an ecosystem (e.g., use the concepts of exponential, sigmoid, and sinusoidal growth to estimate the sizes of various populations)

Food Chain
Forest Ecosystem
Prairie Ecosystem

F.2.3: determine, through laboratory inquiry or using computer simulations, the characteristics of population growth of two different populations (e.g., the different population cycles of a predator and its prey; the population cycles of two populations that compete for food; the increase of Aboriginal compared to non-Aboriginal populations and the significant difference in average age between the two groups)

Food Chain
Forest Ecosystem
Prairie Ecosystem

F.3: demonstrate an understanding of concepts related to population growth, and explain the factors that affect the growth of various populations of species.

F.3.1: explain the concepts of interaction (e.g., competition, predation, defence mechanism, symbiotic relationship, parasitic relationship) between different species

Food Chain
Forest Ecosystem
Prairie Ecosystem

F.3.2: describe the characteristics of a given population, such as its growth, density (e.g., fecundity, mortality), distribution, and minimum viable size

Density Experiment: Slice and Dice
Density Laboratory
Determining Density via Water Displacement
Forest Ecosystem

F.3.3: explain factors such as carrying capacity, fecundity, density, and predation that cause fluctuation in populations, and analyse the fluctuation in the population of a species of plant, wild animal, or microorganism

Density Experiment: Slice and Dice
Density Laboratory
Determining Density via Water Displacement
Food Chain
Forest Ecosystem
Prairie Ecosystem
Rabbit Population by Season

F.3.4: explain the concept of energy transfer in a human population in terms of the flow of food energy in the production, distribution, and use of food resources

Energy Conversion in a System

F.3.5: explain how a change in one population in an aquatic or terrestrial ecosystem can affect the entire hierarchy of living things in that system (e.g., how the disappearance of crayfish from a lake causes a decrease in the bass population of the lake; how the disappearance of beaver from an ecosystem causes a decrease in the wolf population in that ecosystem)

Food Chain
Forest Ecosystem
Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Prairie Ecosystem

Correlation last revised: 8/18/2015

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