5.5: Demonstrate safe methods for the study of magnetism and electricity, identify methods for measurement and control, and apply techniques for evaluating magnetic and electrical properties of materials.

5.5.1: Recognize and appreciate the potential dangers involved in using sources of electrical currents:

5.5.1.b: understand that small batteries are a relatively safe source of electricity, for experimentation and study, but that care should be taken to avoid short circuits

Circuit Builder

5.5.1.c: understand that short circuits may cause wires to heat up, as well as waste the limited amount of energy in batteries.

Circuit Builder

5.5.3: Demonstrate and interpret evidence of magnetic fields around magnets and around current-carrying wires, by use of iron filings or by use of one or more compasses.


5.5.4: Demonstrate that a continuous loop of conducting material is needed for an uninterrupted flow of current in a circuit.

Circuit Builder

5.5.5: Distinguish electrical conductors?materials that allow electricity to flow through them? from insulators?materials that do not allow electricity to flow through them.

Circuit Builder

5.5.6: Recognize and demonstrate that some materials, including resistors, are partial conductors of electricity.

Circuit Builder

5.5.7: Predict the effect of placing an electrical resistance in a simple circuit; e.g., in a circuit with a light bulb or electric motor.

Circuit Builder

5.5.10: Draw and interpret, with guidance, circuit diagrams that include symbols for switches, power sources, resistors, lights and motors.

Circuit Builder

5.6: Construct simple circuits, and apply an understanding of circuits to the construction and control of motorized devices.

5.6.2: Design and construct circuits that operate lights and other electrical devices.

Circuit Builder

5.6.7: Demonstrate different ways of lighting two lights from a single power source, and compare the results. Students should recognize that wiring two bulbs in series makes both bulbs glow less brightly than if the bulbs are wired in parallel. Students may demonstrate this knowledge operationally and do not need to use the terms series and parallel.

Circuit Builder

5.6.8: Demonstrate different ways of using two batteries to light a bulb, and compare the results. Students should recognize that wiring the batteries in series causes the bulb to glow brighter than it would if parallel wiring were used.

Circuit Builder

5.7: Describe the properties and interactions of various household liquids and solids, and interpret their interactions.

5.7.7: Distinguish reversible from irreversible changes of materials, and give examples of each.

Chemical Changes

5.7.8: Recognize and describe evidence of a chemical reaction. Explain how the products of a reaction differ from the original substances.

Chemical Changes

5.9: Investigate relationships between weather phenomena and human activity.

5.9.3: Describe and demonstrate methods for measuring wind speed and for finding wind direction.

Observing Weather (Customary)
Observing Weather (Metric)

5.9.6: Measure at least four different kinds of weather phenomena. Either studentconstructed or standard instruments may be used.

Observing Weather (Customary)

5.9.8: Identify some common types of clouds, and relate them to weather patterns.

Observing Weather (Metric)
Weather Maps - Metric

5.9.9: Describe the effects of the Sun?s energy on daily and seasonal changes in temperature? 24-hour and yearly cycles of change.

Summer and Winter

5.9.11: Understand that climate refers to long term weather trends in a particular region and that climate varies throughout the world.

Comparing Climates (Customary)

5.10.6: Identify the roles of different organisms in the food web of a pond:

5.10.6.a: producers?green plants that make their own food, using sunlight

Forest Ecosystem

5.10.6.b: consumers?animals that eat living plants and/or animals

Forest Ecosystem

5.10.6.c: decomposers?organisms, such as molds, fungi, insects and worms, that reuse and recycle materials that were formerly living.

Forest Ecosystem

5.10.7: Draw diagrams of food chains and food webs, and interpret such diagrams.

Forest Ecosystem
Prairie Ecosystem

5.10.8: Recognize that some aquatic animals use oxygen from air and others from water, and identify examples and adaptations of each.

Pond Ecosystem

5.10.9: Identify human actions that can threaten the abundance or survival of living things in wetland ecosystems; e.g., adding pollutants, changing the flow of water, trapping or hunting pond wildlife.

Water Pollution

5.10.11: Recognize that changes in part of an environment have effects on the whole environment.


Correlation last revised: 9/16/2020

This correlation lists the recommended Gizmos for this province's curriculum standards. Click any Gizmo title below for more information.