2: Explain concepts related to objects and materials, position and motion of objects, and properties of magnetism.

2.b: Explore and identify physical changes of matter, including melting, freezing, boiling, evaporation, and condensation,

Phases of Water

2.c: Investigate and describe forces affecting motion in simple machines (lever, wheel and axle, block and tackle, inclined plane, screw.)

Ants on a Slant (Inclined Plane)
Wheel and Axle

2.d: Differentiate between potential and kinetic energy and recognize their conversions.

2.d.1: Potential to kinetic (e.g., winding a clock/clock begins ticking)

Energy Conversions

2.d.2: Kinetic to potential (e.g., roller coaster moving downward/upward to the top of the hill)

Energy Conversions

2.g: Cite evidence to explain why heating or cooling may change the properties of materials (e.g., boiling an egg, evaporating water, chilling gelatin, making ice cream, etc.)

Phases of Water

3: Describe the characteristics, structures, life cycles, and environments of organisms.

3.a: Research and explain diverse life forms (including vertebrates and invertebrates) that live in different environments and the structures that serve different functions in their survival (e.g., methods of movement, defense, camouflage).

Forest Ecosystem
Prairie Ecosystem

3.b: Identify and describe the purpose of the digestive, nervous, skeletal, and muscular systems of the body.

Circulatory System

3.e: Recall that organisms can survive only when in environments (deserts, tundras, forests, grasslands, taigas, wetlands) in which their needs are met and interpret the interdependency of plants and animals within a food chain, including producer, consumer, decomposer, herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, predator, and prey.

Forest Ecosystem
Prairie Ecosystem

4: Develop an understanding of the properties of Earth materials, objects in the sky, and changes in Earth and sky.

4.a: Recall that soil is made up of various materials (weathered rock, minerals, plant and animal remains, living organisms.)

Mineral Identification

4.d: Identify the causes and effects of various types of air, land, and water pollution and infer ways to protect the environment.

Prairie Ecosystem

4.e: Identify patterns in the phases of the moon, describe their sequence, and predict the next phase viewed in the night sky.

Phases of the Moon

4.f: Describe the different components of the solar system (sun, planets, moon, asteroids, comets.)

4.f.1: Gravitational attraction of the sun

Free Fall Tower
Gravity Pitch
Solar System

4.f.2: Phases of the moon

Phases of the Moon

Correlation last revised: 10/24/2009

This correlation lists the recommended Gizmos for this state's curriculum standards. Click any Gizmo title below for more information.