1: Systems Regulating Change in Human Organisms

1.1: Attitudes

1.1.1: foster curiosity about the structure and function of the human organism's endocrine and neural control systems and their role in maintaining homeostasis

Human Homeostasis
Paramecium Homeostasis

1.1.3: develop a commitment to learning about the functioning of the neural and endocrine systems and the importance of maintaining personal health

1.1.3.A: understanding how human physiological processes are regulated by electrochemical control systems, describing the structure and function of neurons, the central and peripheral nervous systems, and sensory input transducers; and/or by observing the principal features of a neuron, mammalian brain and eye; and designing and performing experiments to investigate reflex arcs and sensory input, within the context of:

1.1.3.A.6: evaluating the impact of photoperiod, light wavelength and duration on the human organism

Photosynthesis Lab

1.2: The human organism maintains homeostasis through the use of complex chemical control systems.

1.2.1: Knowledge

1.2.1.A: endocrine systems coordinate other organ systems through feedback to maintain internal homeostasis as well as the organism's equilibrium with the environment, by extending from Biology 20, Unit 4, the maintenance of metabolic equilibrium, and by:

1.2.1.A.3: explaining the metabolic roles hormones play in homeostasis; i.e., thyroxine to metabolism, insulin to blood sugar regulation, HGH to growth, ADH to water regulation

Paramecium Homeostasis
Photosynthesis Lab

1.2.2: Skills

1.2.2.B: inferring the role of ADH and aldosterone in the maintenance of homeostasis of water and ions, by the analysis and interpretation of data on blood and urine composition

Paramecium Homeostasis

2: Reproduction and Development

2.1: Attitudes

2.1.1: appreciate that there are biological and societal aspects to the study of reproduction

Pollination: Flower to Fruit

2.1.1.A: human organisms have evolved a specialized series of ducts and tubes to facilitate the union of an egg and sperm, by:

2.1.1.A.1: describing hormonal and chromosomal factors and explaining the physiological events resulting in the formation of the primary (gonads) and secondary (associated structures) reproductive organs in the female and male fetus

Human Karyotyping

2.2: Reproductive success of organisms is regulated by chemical control systems.

2.2.1: Knowledge

2.2.1.A: the development of sexual anatomy and sexual functioning is influenced by hormones, by:

2.2.1.A.4: comparing the cyclical patterns of reproduction in humans with that of nonprimate mammals.

Pollination: Flower to Fruit

2.2.3: STS Connections

2.2.3.A: understanding that human reproductive success, development of secondary sexual characteristics, formation of gametes and reproductive system maintenance are regulated by hormones; and by analyzing and inferring from data and physiological events the roles of sex hormones, within the context of:

2.2.3.A.2: explaining how reproductive hormone homeostasis is disrupted by the natural aging process

Paramecium Homeostasis

3: Cells, Chromosomes and DNA

3.1: Attitudes

3.1.4: appreciate the usefulness of computational competence and the problem-solving skills required by classical genetics

Chicken Genetics
Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

3.1.7: appreciate, and be critical about, current research and theories concerning genetic information.

Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

3.1.1: be open-minded toward new evidence, and be aware of the changes it may promote

3.1.1.A: chromosomes are duplicated before cells divide; that daughter cells get one complete set of chromosomes; that chromosome number must be reduced before fertilization; and that variations in the combination of genes on a chromosome can occur during that reduction, by recalling from Science 10, Unit 2, that growth may involve increasing cell number, and by:

3.1.1.A.1: explaining, in general, the events of the cell cycle, including cytokinesis, and chromosomal behaviour in mitosis and meiosis

Cell Division

3.1.1.A.4: comparing the processes of mitosis and meiosis

Cell Division

3.1.1.A.6: describing the diversity of reproductive strategies by comparing the alternation of generations in a range of plants and animals; i.e., pine, bee, mammal.

Pollination: Flower to Fruit

3.1.2: appreciate that extension of learning requires new knowledge, skills, attitudes and risk taking

3.1.2.A: identifying the stages of the cell cycle; and calculating the duration of each stage from observations of prepared slides of onion root tip cells

Cell Division

3.1.2.D: researching a range of reproductive strategies in seed plants and animals; and presenting this information in the form of charts, tables or diagrams; e.g., budding, spore production, binary fission

Pollination: Flower to Fruit

3.1.2.E: preparing and interpreting models of human karyotypes.

Human Karyotyping

3.1.3: value the development of information, science and technology, while continuing to cultivate human values

3.1.3.A: understanding that mitosis results in cell division and genetic continuity, and meiosis results in gamete formation and genetic variation; and by observing actively dividing cells, performing meiosis simulations and researching reproductive strategies in plants and animals, within the context of:

3.1.3.A.2: evaluating how a knowledge of cell division might be applied to the limitation of cancerous growth in plants or animals

Cell Division

3.1.3.A.4: evaluating the impact of research in plant and animal reproduction on our understanding of mitosis and meiosis in humans

Cell Division

3.1.3.A.5: any other relevant context.

Cell Division

3.2: Genetic characters are handed down by simple rules.

3.2.1: Knowledge

3.2.1.A: chromosomes consist of a sequence of genes and their alleles, and that during meiosis and fertilization these genes become combined in new sequences, by extending from Biology 30, Unit 2, fertilization and development in the human organism, and by:

3.2.1.A.1: describing the evidence for the segregation of genes and the independent assortment of genes on different chromosomes, as investigated by Mendel

Chicken Genetics
Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

3.2.1.A.3: explaining the significance of sex chromosomes compared to autosomes, as investigated by Morgan.

Human Karyotyping

3.2.2: Skills

3.2.2.A: performing experiments to investigate the relationships between chance and genetic inheritance

Chicken Genetics
Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)
Natural Selection

3.2.2.B: performing simulations to investigate monohybrid and dihybrid genetic crosses, by using Punnett squares

Chicken Genetics
Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

3.2.2.D: drawing and interpreting pedigree charts from data on human single allele and multiple allele inheritance patterns; e.g., blood types

Chicken Genetics
Human Karyotyping
Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

3.2.2.F: designing and performing an experiment to demonstrate the inheritance pattern of a trait controlled by a single pair of genes.

Evolution: Mutation and Selection

3.2.3: STS Connections

3.2.3.A: understanding how genetic characters are handed down by simple rules; and describing evidence for gene segregation and explaining the significance of crossing over and sex chromosomes; and by drawing and interpreting pedigree charts; and performing simulations or experiments to predict inheritance patterns, within the context of:

3.2.3.A.1: evaluating, from a variety of perspectives, the needs and interests of society and the role of genetic counselling in the identification and treatment of potentially disabling genetic disorders; e.g., phenylketonuria

Human Karyotyping

3.2.3.A.3: discussing biotechnology and gene replacement therapy in the treatment of human genetic disorders

Human Karyotyping

3.2.3.A.4: any other relevant context.

Chicken Genetics
Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

3.3: Classical genetics can be explained at a molecular level.

3.3.1: Knowledge

3.3.1.A: genetic information in chromosomes is translated into protein structure; that the information may be manipulated; and that the manipulated information may be used to transform cells, by:

3.3.1.A.1: summarizing the historical events that led to the discovery of the structure of the DNA molecule, as described by Watson and Crick

Building DNA

3.3.1.A.2: describing, in general, how genetic information is contained in the sequence of bases in DNA molecules in chromosomes; how the DNA molecules replicate themselves; how the information is transcribed into sequences of bases in RNA molecules and is finally translated into sequences of amino acids in proteins

Building DNA
RNA and Protein Synthesis

3.3.1.A.3: explaining, in general, how restriction enzymes and ligases may cut DNA molecules into smaller fragments and reassemble them with new sequences of bases

RNA and Protein Synthesis

3.3.1.A.5: explaining how a random change (mutation) in the sequence of bases provides a source of genetic variability

Evolution: Mutation and Selection

3.3.1.A.6: explaining how information in nucleic acids contained in the nucleus, mitochondria and chloroplasts gives evidence for the relationships among organisms of different species.

Building DNA
Cell Energy Cycle
Cell Structure
Photosynthesis Lab
RNA and Protein Synthesis

3.3.2: Skills

3.3.2.A: predicting the general arrangement of genes in a chromosome, from analysis of data on crossing over between genes in a single pair of chromosomes

Human Karyotyping

3.3.2.B: designing and constructing models of DNA to demonstrate the general structure and base arrangement

Building DNA

3.3.2.C: performing simulations to demonstrate the replication of DNA and the transcription and translation of its information

Building DNA
RNA and Protein Synthesis

3.3.3: STS Connections

3.3.3.A: understanding how DNA structure and function can explain classical genetics; and explaining DNA manipulation, mutations and DNA evidence for organism relationships; and by predicting gene sequences; designing and constructing DNA models; performing experiments to demonstrate DNA expression; and analyzing and inferring the relationship between human activities and mutations, within the context of:

3.3.3.A.3: discussing the Human Genome Project in terms of the needs, interests and financial support of society

Human Karyotyping

3.3.3.A.6: any other relevant context.


4: Change in Populations and Communities

4.1: Attitudes

4.1.2: appreciate the usefulness of computational competence and problem-solving skills required by population genetics

Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

4.1.5: appreciate that change occurs in populations and communities over very long and short time scales

Human Evolution - Skull Analysis

4.1.6: value the knowledge that all organisms have an important role in maintaining the life of the planet

Food Chain
Interdependence of Plants and Animals

4.1.1: be open-minded toward new evidence and be aware of the changes it may promote

4.1.1.A: populations can be defined in terms of their gene pools, by extending from Biology 20, Unit 3, the nature of variation and adaptation in populations, and by:

4.1.1.A.1: describing the Hardy-Weinberg principle and explaining its importance to population gene pool stability and the significance of nonequilibrium values; e.g., evolution of a population

Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

4.1.1.A.2: describing the conditions that cause the gene pool diversity to change; e.g., random genetic drift, gene migration, differential reproduction


4.1.1.A.3: applying, quantitatively, the Hardy-Weinberg principle to observed and published data

Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

4.1.1.A.4: describing the molecular basis and significance of gene pool change over time; i.e., mutations.

Evolution: Mutation and Selection

4.1.2.A: calculating and interpreting problem-solving exercises involving the Hardy-Weinberg principle expressed as p² + 2pq + q² = 1

Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

4.1.2.B: performing experiments and/or computer simulations to demonstrate population growth and gene pool change.


4.1.2.C: calculating and interpreting problem-solving exercises involving the Hardy-Weinberg principle expressed as p² + 2pq + q² = 1

Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

4.1.2.D: performing experiments and/or computer simulations to demonstrate population growth and gene pool change.


4.1.3: develop a positive attitude toward mathematical and scientific process skills

4.1.3.A: understanding that communities consist of population-specific gene pools; and explaining the significance of the Hardy-Weinberg principle and the molecular basis of gene pool change over time; and by applying and interpreting the Hardy-Weinberg principle, and performing experiments to demonstrate population growth, within the context of:

4.1.3.A.3: assessing the role and importance of models in science to explain observable phenomena; e.g., the Hardy-Weinberg principle

Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

4.1.3.A.4: any other relevant context.

Food Chain
Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

4.2: Individuals of populations interact with each other and members of other populations.

4.2.1: Knowledge

4.2.1.A: interactions occur among members of the same population of a species as well as among members of populations of different species, by:

4.2.1.A.2: describing the relationships between predator and prey species and their influence on population changes; and explaining the role of defence mechanisms in predation; e.g., mimicry, protective colouration

Food Chain

4.2.1.A.3: explaining how mixtures of populations that define communities may change over time or remain as a climax community; e.g., primary succession, secondary succession.

Food Chain

4.2.2: Skills

4.2.2.C: performing simulations to investigate the relationships between predators and their prey

Food Chain

4.2.3: STS Connections

4.2.3.A: understanding that individuals interact with each other and other populations, and that communities and their populations change over time; and by summarizing and evaluating relationships; and by performing predatory- prey simulations; and designing and performing experiments demonstrating biotic interactions, within the context of:

4.2.3.A.1: discussing the implications of the predator- prey relationship for wildlife management in national and provincial parks

Food Chain

4.2.3.A.4: any other relevant context.

Food Chain

4.3: Population change over time can be expressed in quantitative terms.

4.3.1: Knowledge

4.3.1.A: populations grow in characteristic ways, and that the changes in population growth can be quantified, by extending from Biology 20, Unit 3, variations within populations, and by:

4.3.1.A.2: describing the growth of populations in terms of the mathematical relationship among carrying capacity, biotic potential and the number of individuals in the population

Food Chain

4.3.1.A.3: explaining, quantitatively, the behaviour of populations, using different growth patterns; i.e., r- and K-strategies, J and S curves

Food Chain

4.3.2: Skills

4.3.2.A: graphing and interpreting population growth data on a variety of organisms

Distance-Time and Velocity-Time Graphs

Correlation last revised: 2/26/2010

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