ES: Earth Systems

ES.I: Students will understand the scientific evidence that supports theories that explain how the universe and solar system developed.

ES.I.1: Describe the big bang theory and evidence supporting it.

ES.I.1.a: Determine the motion of a star relative to Earth based on a red or blue shift in the wavelength of light from the star.

H-R Diagram

ES.I.2: Relate the structure and composition of the solar system to the processes that exist in the universe.

ES.I.2.b: Relate the life cycle of stars of various masses to the relative mass of elements produced.

Element Builder
H-R Diagram

ES.I.2.c: Explain the origin of the heavy elements on Earth (i.e., heavy elements were formed by fusion in ancient stars).

Element Builder

ES.I.2.d: Present evidence that the process that formed Earth’s heavy elements continues in stars today.

Element Builder

ES.I.2.e: Compare the life cycle of the sun to the life cycle of other stars.

H-R Diagram

ES.I.2.f: Relate the structure of the solar system to the forces acting upon it.

Gravitational Force
Rotation/Revolution of Venus and Earth

ES.II: Students will understand that the features of Earth's evolving environment affect living systems, and that life on Earth is unique in the solar system.

ES.II.1: Describe the unique physical features of Earth's environment that make life on Earth possible.

ES.II.1.b: Compare the conditions that currently support life on Earth to the conditions that exist on other planets in the solar system.

Solar System Explorer

ES.II.2: Analyze how ecosystems differ from each other due to abiotic and biotic factors.

ES.II.2.d: Explain that energy enters the vast majority of Earth's ecosystems through photosynthesis, and compare the path of energy through two different ecosystems.

Food Chain
Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Photosynthesis Lab

ES.II.2.e: Analyze interactions within an ecosystem (e.g., water temperature and fish species, weathering and water pH).

Food Chain
Interdependence of Plants and Animals

ES.III: Students will understand that gravity, density, and convection move Earth's plates and this movement causes the plates to impact other Earth systems.

ES.III.1: Explain the evidence that supports the theory of plate tectonics.

ES.III.1.a: Define and describe the location of the major plates and plate boundaries.

Plate Tectonics

ES.III.1.c: Relate the location of earthquakes and volcanoes to plate boundaries.

Earthquake - Determination of Epicenter
Earthquake - Recording Station
Plate Tectonics

ES.III.1.e: Evaluate the evidence for the current theory of plate tectonics.

Plate Tectonics

ES.III.2: Describe the processes within Earth that result in plate motion and relate it to changes in other Earth systems.

ES.III.2.a: Identify the energy sources that cause material to move within Earth.

Nuclear Decay

ES.III.2.c: Model the movement and interaction of plates.

Plate Tectonics

ES.III.2.d: Relate the movement and interaction of plates to volcanic eruptions, mountain building, and climate changes.

Plate Tectonics

ES.III.2.e: Predict the effects of plate movement on other Earth systems (e.g., volcanic eruptions affect weather, mountain building diverts waterways, uplift changes elevation that alters plant and animal diversity, upwelling from ocean vents results in changes in biomass).

Plate Tectonics

ES.IV: Students will understand that water cycles through and between reservoirs in the hydrosphere and affects the other spheres of the Earth system.

ES.IV.1: Explain the water cycle in terms of its reservoirs, the movement between reservoirs, and the energy to move water. Evaluate the importance of freshwater to the biosphere.

ES.IV.1.a: Identify the reservoirs of Earth’s water cycle (e.g., ocean, ice caps/glaciers, atmosphere, lakes, rivers, biosphere, groundwater) locally and globally, and graph or chart relative amounts in global reservoirs.

Water Cycle

ES.IV.1.b: Illustrate the movement of water on Earth and describe how the processes that move water (e.g., evaporation of water, melting of ice/snow, ocean currents, movement of water vapor by wind) use energy from the sun.

Water Cycle

ES.IV.1.c: Relate the physical and chemical properties of water to a water pollution issue.

Water Pollution

ES.IV.1.d: Make inferences about the quality and/or quantity of freshwater, using data collected from local water systems.

Water Pollution

ES.IV.1.e: Analyze how communities deal with water shortages, distribution, and quality in designing a long-term water use plan.

Water Pollution

ES.IV.2: Analyze the physical and biological dynamics of the oceans.

ES.IV.2.a: Describe the physical dynamics of the oceans (e.g., wave action, ocean currents, El Nino, tides).


ES.IV.2.b: Determine how physical properties of oceans affect organisms (e.g., salinity, depth, tides, temperature).


ES.IV.2.d: Research and report on changing ocean levels over geologic time, and relate changes in ocean level to changes in the water cycle.

Water Cycle

ES.V: Students will understand that Earth's atmosphere interacts with and is altered by the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere.

ES.V.1: Describe how matter in the atmosphere cycles through other Earth systems.

ES.V.1.a: Trace movement of a carbon atom from the atmosphere through a plant, animal, and decomposer, and back into the atmosphere.

Dehydration Synthesis

ES.V.1.d: Research ways the biosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere interact with the atmosphere (e.g., volcanic eruptions putting ash and gases into the atmosphere, hurricanes, changes in vegetation).

Hurricane Motion

ES.V.2: Trace ways in which the atmosphere has been altered by living systems and has itself strongly affected living systems over the course of Earth's history.

ES.V.2.c: Compare the rate at which CO2 is put into the atmosphere to the rate at which it is removed through the carbon cycle.

Cell Energy Cycle
Greenhouse Effect
Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Photosynthesis Lab

ES.V.2.d: Analyze data relating to the concentration of atmospheric CO2 over the past 100 years.

Cell Energy Cycle
Greenhouse Effect
Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Photosynthesis Lab

ES.VI: Students will understand the source and distribution of energy on Earth and its effects on Earth systems.

ES.VI.1: Describe the transformation of solar energy into heat and chemical energy on Earth and eventually the radiation of energy to space.

ES.VI.1.a: Illustrate the distribution of energy coming from the sun that is reflected, changed into heat, or stored by plants.

Calorimetry Lab
Food Chain
Herschel Experiment

ES.VI.1.b: Describe the pathways for converting and storing light energy as chemical energy (e.g., light energy converted to chemical energy stored in plants, plants become fossil fuel).

Energy Conversion in a System

ES.VI.1.c: Investigate the conversion of light energy from the sun into heat energy by various Earth materials.

Calorimetry Lab
Energy Conversion in a System
Herschel Experiment
Phase Changes

ES.VI.1.d: Demonstrate how absorbed solar energy eventually leaves the Earth system as heat radiating to space.

Bohr Model of Hydrogen
Bohr Model: Introduction
Herschel Experiment

ES.VI.1.e: Construct a model that demonstrates the reduction of heat loss due to a greenhouse effect.

Greenhouse Effect

ES.VI.1.f: Research global changes and relate them to Earth systems (e.g., global warming, solar fluctuations).

Greenhouse Effect

ES.VI.2: Relate energy sources and transformation to the effects on Earth systems.

ES.VI.2.a: Describe the difference between climate and weather, and how technology is used to monitor changes in each.

Coastal Winds and Clouds
Relative Humidity
Seasons Around the World
Seasons in 3D
Seasons: Earth, Moon, and Sun
Seasons: Why do we have them?

ES.VI.2.b: Describe the effect of solar energy on the determination of climate and weather (e.g., El Nino, solar intensity).

Coastal Winds and Clouds
Seasons Around the World
Seasons in 3D
Seasons: Earth, Moon, and Sun
Seasons: Why do we have them?

ES.VI.2.d: Describe the Coriolis effect and its role in global wind and ocean current patterns.

Coastal Winds and Clouds

ES.VI.2.e: Relate how weather patterns are the result of interactions among ocean currents, air currents, and topography.

Coastal Winds and Clouds
Weather Maps

BI: Biology

BI.I: Students will understand that living organisms interact with one another and their environment.

BI.I.1: Summarize how energy flows through an ecosystem.

BI.I.1.a: Arrange components of a food chain according to energy flow.

Food Chain

BI.I.1.b: Compare the quantity of energy in the steps of an energy pyramid.

Food Chain

BI.I.1.c: Describe strategies used by organisms to balance the energy expended to obtain food to the energy gained from the food (e.g., migration to areas of seasonal abundance, switching type of prey based upon availability, hibernation or dormancy).

Evolution: Mutation and Selection
Food Chain

BI.I.1.d: Compare the relative energy output expended by an organism in obtaining food to the energy gained from the food (e.g., hummingbird - energy expended hovering at a flower compared to the amount of energy gained from the nectar, coyote - chasing mice to the energy gained from catching one, energy expended in migration of birds to a location with seasonal abundance compared to energy gained by staying in a cold climate with limited food).

Food Chain

BI.I.2: Explain relationships between matter cycles and organisms.

BI.I.2.a: Use diagrams to trace the movement of matter through a cycle (i.e., carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, water) in a variety of biological communities and ecosystems.

Cell Energy Cycle
Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Photosynthesis Lab

BI.I.2.b: Explain how water is a limiting factor in various ecosystems.

Cell Energy Cycle

BI.I.2.c: Distinguish between inference and evidence in a newspaper, magazine, journal, or Internet article that addresses an issue related to human impact on cycles of matter in an ecosystem and determine the bias in the article.

Water Pollution

BI.I.2.d: Evaluate the impact of personal choices in relation to the cycling of matter within an ecosystem (e.g., impact of automobiles on the carbon cycle, impact on landfills of processed and packaged foods).

Water Pollution

BI.I.3: Describe how interactions among organisms and their environment help shape ecosystems.

BI.I.3.c: Use data to interpret interactions among biotic and abiotic factors (e.g., pH, temperature, precipitation, populations, diversity) within an ecosystem.

Food Chain

BI.II: Students will understand that all organisms are composed of one or more cells that are made of molecules, come from preexisting cells, and perform life functions.

BI.II.1: Describe the fundamental chemistry of living cells.

BI.II.1.a: List the major chemical elements in cells (i.e., carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorous, sulfur, trace elements).

Cell Structure

BI.II.1.c: Explain how the properties of water (e.g., cohesion, adhesion, heat capacity, solvent properties) contribute to maintenance of cells and living organisms.

Cell Structure

BI.II.2: Describe the flow of energy and matter in cellular function.

BI.II.2.b: Illustrate the cycling of matter and the flow of energy through photosynthesis (e.g., by using light energy to combine CO2 and H2O to produce oxygen and sugars) and respiration (e.g., by releasing energy from sugar and O2 to produce CO2 and H2O).

Cell Energy Cycle
Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Photosynthesis Lab

BI.II.2.c: Measure the production of one or more of the products of either photosynthesis or respiration.

Cell Energy Cycle
Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Photosynthesis Lab

BI.II.3: Investigate the structure and function of cells and cell parts.

BI.II.3.a: Explain how cells divide from existing cells.

Cell Division

BI.II.3.c: Describe how the transport of materials in and out of cells enables cells to maintain homeostasis (i.e., osmosis, diffusion, active transport).

Paramecium Homeostasis

BI.II.3.d: Describe the relationship between the organelles in a cell and the functions of that cell.

Cell Structure
Paramecium Homeostasis

BI.III: Students will understand the relationship between structure and function of organs and organ systems.

BI.III.2: Describe the relationship between structure and function of organ systems in plants and animals.

BI.III.2.b: Describe the structure and function of various organ systems (i.e., digestion, respiration, circulation, protection and support, nervous) and how these systems contribute to homeostasis of the organism.

Human Homeostasis
Paramecium Homeostasis

BI.IV: Students will understand that genetic information coded in DNA is passed from parents to offspring by sexual and asexual reproduction. The basic structure of DNA is the same in all living things. Changes in DNA may alter genetic expression.

BI.IV.1: Compare sexual and asexual reproduction.

BI.IV.1.a: Explain the significance of meiosis and fertilization in genetic variation.


BI.IV.1.b: Compare the advantages/disadvantages of sexual and asexual reproduction to survival of species.

Cell Division

BI.IV.1.c: Formulate, defend, and support a perspective of a bioethical issue related to intentional or unintentional chromosomal mutations.

Evolution: Mutation and Selection

BI.IV.2: Predict and interpret patterns of inheritance in sexually reproducing organisms.

BI.IV.2.a: Explain Mendel’s laws of segregation and independent assortment and their role in genetic inheritance.

Chicken Genetics
Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

BI.IV.2.b: Demonstrate possible results of recombination in sexually reproducing organisms using one or two pairs of contrasting traits in the following crosses: dominance/recessive, incomplete dominance, codominance, and sex-linked traits.

Chicken Genetics
Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

BI.IV.2.c: Relate Mendelian principles to modern-day practice of plant and animal breeding.

Chicken Genetics
Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

BI.IV.3: Explain how the structure and replication of DNA are essential to heredity and protein synthesis.

BI.IV.3.b: Explain the importance of DNA replication in cell reproduction.

Building DNA
Cell Division

BI.IV.3.d: Describe how mutations may affect genetic expression and cite examples of mutagens.

Evolution: Mutation and Selection

BI.IV.3.f: Research, report, and debate genetic technologies that may improve the quality of life (e.g., genetic engineering, cloning, gene splicing).

Chicken Genetics

BI.V: Students will understand that biological diversity is a result of evolutionary processes.

BI.V.1: Relate principles of evolution to biological diversity.

BI.V.1.a: Describe the effects of environmental factors on natural selection.

Evolution: Mutation and Selection
Natural Selection

BI.V.1.b: Relate genetic variability to a species’ potential for adaptation to a changing environment.

Evolution: Mutation and Selection
Natural Selection

BI.V.1.d: Compare selective breeding to natural selection and relate the differences to agricultural practices.

Evolution: Mutation and Selection
Natural Selection

BI.V.2: Cite evidence for changes in populations over time and use concepts of evolution to explain these changes.

BI.V.2.a: Cite evidence that supports biological evolution over time (e.g., geologic and fossil records, chemical mechanisms, DNA structural similarities, homologous and vestigial structures).

Human Evolution - Skull Analysis

BI.V.2.b: Identify the role of mutation and recombination in evolution.

Evolution: Mutation and Selection
Human Evolution - Skull Analysis

BI.V.2.c: Relate the nature of science to the historical development of the theory of evolution.

Human Evolution - Skull Analysis

BI.V.2.d: Distinguish between observations and inferences in making interpretations related to evolution (e.g., observed similarities and differences in the beaks of Galapagos finches leads to the inference that they evolved from a common ancestor; observed similarities and differences in the structures of birds and reptiles leads to the inference that birds evolved from reptiles).

Human Evolution - Skull Analysis

BI.V.3: Classify organisms into a hierarchy of groups based on similarities that reflect their evolutionary relationships.

BI.V.3.a: Classify organisms using a classification tool such as a key or field guide.

Human Evolution - Skull Analysis

BI.V.3.b: Generalize criteria used for classification of organisms (e.g., dichotomy, structure, broad to specific).

Human Evolution - Skull Analysis

BI.V.3.c: Explain how evolutionary relationships are related to classification systems.

Human Evolution - Skull Analysis

BI.V.3.d: Justify the ongoing changes to classification schemes used in biology.

Human Evolution - Skull Analysis

CH: Chemistry

CH.I: Students will understand that all matter in the universe has a common origin and is made of atoms, which have structure and can be systematically arranged on the periodic table.

CH.I.1: Recognize the origin and distribution of elements in the universe.

CH.I.1.b: Recognize that all matter in the universe and on earth is composed of the same elements.

Element Builder

CH.I.1.c: Identify the distribution of elements in the universe.

Element Builder

CH.I.1.d: Compare the occurrence of heavier elements on earth and the universe.

Element Builder

CH.I.2: Relate the structure, behavior, and scale of an atom to the particles that compose it.

CH.I.2.b: Evaluate the limitations of using models to describe atoms.

Element Builder

CH.I.2.c: Discriminate between the relative size, charge, and position of protons, neutrons, and electrons in the atom.

Electron Configuration
Element Builder
Nuclear Decay

CH.I.2.d: Generalize the relationship of proton number to the element’s identity.

Element Builder
Nuclear Decay

CH.I.2.e: Relate the mass and number of atoms to the gram-sized quantities of matter in a mole.


CH.I.3: Correlate atomic structure and the physical and chemical properties of an element to the position of the element on the periodic table.

CH.I.3.a: Use the periodic table to correlate the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in an atom.

Electron Configuration
Element Builder
Ionic Bonds
Nuclear Decay

CH.I.3.b: Compare the number of protons and neutrons in isotopes of the same element.

Element Builder
Nuclear Decay

CH.I.3.c: Identify similarities in chemical behavior of elements within a group.

Covalent Bonds
Electron Configuration
Ionic Bonds

CH.I.3.e: Compare the properties of elements (e.g., metal, nonmetallic, metalloid) based on their position in the periodic table.

Electron Configuration
Element Builder

CH.II: Students will understand the relationship between energy changes in the atom specific to the movement of electrons between energy levels in an atom resulting in the emission or absorption of quantum energy. They will also understand that the emission of high-energy particles results from nuclear changes and that matter can be converted to energy during nuclear reactions.

CH.II.1: Evaluate quantum energy changes in the atom in terms of the energy contained in light emissions.

CH.II.1.a: Identify the relationship between wavelength and light energy.

Photoelectric Effect

CH.II.1.b: Examine evidence from the lab indicating that energy is absorbed or released in discrete units when electrons move from one energy level to another.

Bohr Model of Hydrogen
Bohr Model: Introduction
Herschel Experiment
Photoelectric Effect

CH.II.1.c: Correlate the energy in a photon to the color of light emitted.

Bohr Model of Hydrogen
Bohr Model: Introduction
Herschel Experiment
Photoelectric Effect

CH.II.1.d: After observing spectral emissions in the lab (e.g., flame test, spectrum tubes), identify unknown elements by comparison to known emission spectra.

Bohr Model of Hydrogen
Bohr Model: Introduction
Element Builder

CH.II.2: Evaluate how changes in the nucleus of an atom result in emission of radioactivity.

CH.II.2.a: Recognize that radioactive particles and wavelike radiations are products of the decay of an unstable nucleus.

Nuclear Decay

CH.II.2.b: Interpret graphical data relating half-life and age of a radioactive substance.


CH.II.2.c: Compare the mass, energy, and penetrating power of alpha, beta, and gamma radiation.

Nuclear Decay

CH.II.2.d: Compare the strong nuclear force to the amount of energy released in a nuclear reaction and contrast it to the amount of energy released in a chemical reaction.

Nuclear Decay

CH.III: Students will understand chemical bonding and the relationship of the type of bonding to the chemical and physical properties of substances.

CH.III.1: Analyze the relationship between the valence (outermost) electrons of an atom and the type of bond formed between atoms.

CH.III.1.a: Determine the number of valence electrons in atoms using the periodic table.

Covalent Bonds
Dehydration Synthesis
Electron Configuration
Element Builder
Ionic Bonds

CH.III.1.b: Predict the charge an atom will acquire when it forms an ion by gaining or losing electrons.

Element Builder

CH.III.1.c: Predict bond types based on the behavior of valence (outermost) electrons.

Covalent Bonds
Element Builder
Ionic Bonds

CH.III.1.d: Compare covalent, ionic, and metallic bonds with respect to electron behavior and relative bond strengths.

Covalent Bonds
Dehydration Synthesis
Ionic Bonds

CH.III.2: Explain that the properties of a compound may be different from those of the elements or compounds from which it is formed.

CH.III.2.a: Use a chemical formula to represent the names of elements and numbers of atoms in a compound and recognize that the formula is unique to the specific compound.

Covalent Bonds
Dehydration Synthesis
Ionic Bonds

CH.IV: Students will understand that in chemical reactions matter and energy change forms, but the amounts of matter and energy do not change.

CH.IV.1: Identify evidence of chemical reactions and demonstrate how chemical equations are used to describe them.

CH.IV.1.b: Compare the properties of reactants to the properties of products in a chemical reaction.

Limiting Reactants

CH.IV.1.c: Use a chemical equation to describe a simple chemical reaction.

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equation Balancing
Limiting Reactants

CH.IV.1.d: Recognize that the number of atoms in a chemical reaction does not change.

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equation Balancing
Limiting Reactants

CH.IV.1.e: Determine the molar proportions of the reactants and products in a balanced chemical reaction.

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equation Balancing

CH.IV.2: Analyze evidence for the laws of conservation of mass and conservation of energy in chemical reactions.

CH.IV.2.a: Using data from quantitative analysis, identify evidence that supports the conservation of mass in a chemical reaction.

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equation Balancing
Limiting Reactants

CH.IV.2.e: Using either a constructed or a diagrammed electrochemical cell, describe how electrical energy can be produced in a chemical reaction (e.g., half reaction, electron transfer).

Advanced Circuits

CH.V: Students will understand that many factors influence chemical reactions and some reactions can achieve a state of dynamic equilibrium.

CH.V.1: Evaluate factors specific to collisions (e.g., temperature, particle size, concentration, and catalysts) that affect the rate of chemical reaction.

CH.V.1.a: Design and conduct an investigation of the factors affecting reaction rate and use the findings to generalize the results to other reactions.

Collision Theory

CH.V.1.b: Use information from graphs to draw warranted conclusions about reaction rates.

Collision Theory

CH.V.1.c: Correlate frequency and energy of collisions to reaction rate.

2D Collisions
Collision Theory

CH.V.1.d: Identify that catalysts are effective in increasing reaction rates.

Collision Theory

CH.VI: Students will understand the properties that describe solutions in terms of concentration, solutes, solvents, and the behavior of acids and bases.

CH.VI.1: Describe factors affecting the process of dissolving and evaluate the effects that changes in concentration have on solutions.

CH.VI.1.c: Describe the relative amount of solute particles in concentrated and dilute solutions and express concentration in terms of molarity and molality.

Colligative Properties

CH.VI.1.e: Relate the concept of parts per million (PPM) to relevant environmental issues found through research.

Colligative Properties

CH.VI.2: Summarize the quantitative and qualitative effects of colligative properties on a solution when a solute is added.

CH.VI.2.a: Identify the colligative properties of a solution.

Colligative Properties
Freezing Point of Salt Water

CH.VI.2.b: Measure change in boiling and/or freezing point of a solvent when a solute is added.

Colligative Properties
Freezing Point of Salt Water
Phase Changes

CH.VI.2.c: Describe how colligative properties affect the behavior of solutions in everyday applications (e.g., road salt, cold packs, antifreeze).

Colligative Properties
Freezing Point of Salt Water

CH.VI.3: Differentiate between acids and bases in terms of hydrogen ion concentration.

CH.VI.3.a: Relate hydrogen ion concentration to pH values and to the terms acidic, basic or neutral.

pH Analysis
pH Analysis: Quad Color Indicator

CH.VI.3.b: Using an indicator, measure the pH of common household solutions and standard laboratory solutions, and identify them as acids or bases.

pH Analysis
pH Analysis: Quad Color Indicator

CH.VI.3.d: Research and report on the uses of acids and bases in industry, agriculture, medicine, mining, manufacturing, or construction.

pH Analysis
pH Analysis: Quad Color Indicator

CH.VI.3.e: Evaluate mechanisms by which pollutants modify the pH of various environments (e.g., aquatic, atmospheric, soil).

pH Analysis
pH Analysis: Quad Color Indicator

PH: Physics

PH.I: Students will understand how to measure, calculate, and describe the motion of an object in terms of position, time, velocity, and acceleration.

PH.I.1: Describe the motion of an object in terms of position, time, and velocity.

PH.I.1.c: Distinguish between speed and velocity.

Distance-Time Graphs
Distance-Time and Velocity-Time Graphs
Fan Cart Physics
Freefall Laboratory
Roller Coaster Physics

PH.I.1.e: Collect, graph, and interpret data for position vs. time to describe the motion of an object and compare this motion to the motion of another object.

Distance-Time Graphs
Distance-Time and Velocity-Time Graphs
Fan Cart Physics
Freefall Laboratory
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects
Roller Coaster Physics
Uniform Circular Motion

PH.I.2: Analyze the motion of an object in terms of velocity, time, and acceleration.

PH.I.2.a: Determine the average acceleration of an object from data showing velocity at given times.

Fan Cart Physics
Freefall Laboratory
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects
Uniform Circular Motion

PH.I.2.b: Describe the velocity of an object when its acceleration is zero.

Distance-Time Graphs
Distance-Time and Velocity-Time Graphs
Fan Cart Physics
Freefall Laboratory
Uniform Circular Motion

PH.I.2.c: Collect, graph, and interpret data for velocity vs. time to describe the motion of an object.

Atwood Machine
Distance-Time Graphs
Distance-Time and Velocity-Time Graphs
Fan Cart Physics
Freefall Laboratory
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects
Roller Coaster Physics
Uniform Circular Motion

PH.I.2.d: Describe the acceleration of an object moving in a circular path at constant speed (i.e., constant speed, but changing direction).

Fan Cart Physics
Freefall Laboratory
Uniform Circular Motion

PH.I.2.e: Analyze the velocity and acceleration of an object over time.

Distance-Time Graphs
Distance-Time and Velocity-Time Graphs
Fan Cart Physics
Freefall Laboratory
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects
Uniform Circular Motion

PH.I.4: Use Newton's first law to explain the motion of an object.

PH.I.4.a: Describe the motion of a moving object on which balanced forces are acting.

2D Collisions
Atwood Machine
Fan Cart Physics
Uniform Circular Motion

PH.I.4.b: Describe the motion of a stationary object on which balanced forces are acting.

2D Collisions
Atwood Machine
Fan Cart Physics
Uniform Circular Motion

PH.I.4.c: Describe the balanced forces acting on a moving object commonly encountered (e.g., forces acting on an automobile moving at constant velocity, forces that maintain a body in an upright position while walking).

2D Collisions
Atwood Machine
Fan Cart Physics
Uniform Circular Motion

PH.II: Students will understand the relation between force, mass, and acceleration.

PH.II.1: Analyze forces acting on an object.

PH.II.1.a: Observe and describe forces encountered in everyday life (e.g., braking of an automobile - friction, falling rain drops - gravity, directional compass - magnetic, bathroom scale - elastic or spring).

Inclined Plane - Simple Machine
Roller Coaster Physics

PH.II.1.b: Use vector diagrams to represent the forces acting on an object.

Atwood Machine
Coulomb Force (Static)
Inclined Plane - Simple Machine
Uniform Circular Motion

PH.II.1.d: Calculate the net force acting on an object.

Atwood Machine
Fan Cart Physics
Inclined Plane - Simple Machine
Pith Ball Lab
Uniform Circular Motion

PH.II.2: Using Newton's second law, relate the force, mass, and acceleration of an object.

PH.II.2.a: Determine the relationship between the net force on an object and the object’s acceleration.

Atwood Machine
Fan Cart Physics
Freefall Laboratory
Inclined Plane - Simple Machine
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects
Uniform Circular Motion

PH.II.2.b: Relate the effect of an object’s mass to its acceleration when an unbalanced force is applied.

Atwood Machine
Fan Cart Physics
Freefall Laboratory
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects
Uniform Circular Motion

PH.II.2.c: Determine the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration from experimental data and compare the results to Newton’s second law.

Atwood Machine
Fan Cart Physics
Freefall Laboratory
Uniform Circular Motion

PH.II.2.d: Predict the combined effect of multiple forces (e.g., friction, gravity, and normal forces) on an object’s motion.

Inclined Plane - Simple Machine

PH.II.3: Explain that forces act in pairs as described by Newton's third law.

PH.II.3.a: Identify pairs of forces (e.g., action-reaction, equal and opposite) acting between two objects (e.g., two electric charges, a book and the table it rests upon, a person and a rope being pulled).

2D Collisions
Air Track
Atwood Machine
Fan Cart Physics
Uniform Circular Motion

PH.II.3.b: Determine the magnitude and direction of the acting force when magnitude and direction of the reacting force is known.

2D Collisions
Gravitational Force
Uniform Circular Motion

PH.II.3.c: Provide examples of practical applications of Newton’s third law (e.g., forces on a retaining wall, rockets, walking).

2D Collisions
Air Track
Atwood Machine
Fan Cart Physics
Uniform Circular Motion

PH.II.3.d: Relate the historical development of Newton’s laws of motion to our current understanding of the nature of science (e.g., based upon previous knowledge, empirical evidence, replicable observations, development of scientific law).

2D Collisions
Air Track
Atwood Machine
Fan Cart Physics
Uniform Circular Motion

PH.III: Students will understand the factors determining the strength of gravitational and electric forces.

PH.III.1: Relate the strength of the gravitational force to the distance between two objects and the mass of the objects (i.e., Newton's law of universal gravitation).

PH.III.1.a: Investigate how mass affects the gravitational force (e.g., spring scale, balance, or other method of finding a relationship between mass and the gravitational force).

Beam to Moon (Ratios and Proportions)
Freefall Laboratory

PH.III.1.b: Distinguish between mass and weight.

Beam to Moon (Ratios and Proportions)

PH.III.1.c: Describe how distance between objects affects the gravitational force (e.g., effect of gravitational forces of the moon and sun on objects on Earth).

Gravitational Force

PH.III.1.e: Research the importance of gravitational forces in the space program.

Gravitational Force
Orbital Motion - Kepler's Laws

PH.III.2: Describe the factors that affect the electric force (i.e., Coulomb's law).

PH.III.2.a: Relate the types of charge to their effect on electric force (i.e., like charges repel, unlike charges attract).

Coulomb Force (Static)
Pith Ball Lab

PH.III.2.b: Describe how the amount of charge affects the electric force.

Coulomb Force (Static)
Pith Ball Lab

PH.III.2.c: Investigate the relationship of distance between charged objects and the strength of the electric force.

Coulomb Force (Static)
Pith Ball Lab

PH.III.2.d: Research and report on electric forces in everyday applications found in both nature and technology (e.g., lightning, living organisms, batteries, copy machine, electrostatic precipitators).

Coulomb Force (Static)
Pith Ball Lab

PH.IV: Students will understand transfer and conservation of energy.

PH.IV.1: Determine kinetic and potential energy in a system.

PH.IV.1.a: Identify various types of potential energy (i.e., gravitational, elastic, chemical, electrostatic, nuclear).

Energy Conversion in a System
Energy of a Pendulum
Inclined Plane - Rolling Objects
Period of a Pendulum
Potential Energy on Shelves
Simple Harmonic Motion

PH.IV.1.b: Calculate the kinetic energy of an object given the velocity and mass of the object.

Air Track
Energy of a Pendulum
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects
Period of a Pendulum
Roller Coaster Physics
Simple Harmonic Motion

PH.IV.2: Describe conservation of energy in terms of systems.

PH.IV.2.b: Relate the transformations between kinetic and potential energy in a system (e.g., moving magnet induces electricity in a coil of wire, roller coaster, internal combustion engine).

Energy Conversion in a System
Energy of a Pendulum
Inclined Plane - Rolling Objects
Inclined Plane - Simple Machine
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects
Period of a Pendulum
Simple Harmonic Motion

PH.IV.2.c: Gather data and calculate the gravitational potential energy and the kinetic energy of an object (e.g., pendulum, water flowing downhill, ball dropped from a height) and relate this to the conservation of energy of a system.

Air Track
Energy Conversion in a System
Energy of a Pendulum
Inclined Plane - Rolling Objects
Inclined Plane - Simple Machine
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects
Period of a Pendulum
Roller Coaster Physics
Simple Harmonic Motion

PH.IV.2.d: Evaluate social, economic, and environmental issues related to the production and transmission of electrical energy.

Advanced Circuits

PH.IV.3: Describe common energy transformations and the effect on availability of energy.

PH.IV.3.a: Describe the loss of useful energy in energy transformations.

Calorimetry Lab
Phase Changes

PH.IV.3.b: Investigate the transfer of heat energy by conduction, convection, and radiation.

Heat Transfer by Conduction

PH.IV.3.c: Describe the transformation of mechanical energy into electrical energy and the transmission of electrical energy.

Advanced Circuits
Energy Conversion in a System
Simple Harmonic Motion

PH.IV.3.d: Research and report on the transformation of energy in electrical generation plants (e.g., chemical to heat to electricity, nuclear to heat to mechanical to electrical, gravitational to kinetic to mechanical to electrical), and include energy losses during each transformation.

Advanced Circuits
Energy Conversion in a System
Phase Changes

PH.V: Students will understand the properties and applications of waves.

PH.V.1: Demonstrate an understanding of mechanical waves in terms of general wave properties.

PH.V.1.a: Differentiate between period, frequency, wavelength, and amplitude of waves.

Photoelectric Effect
Sound Beats and Sine Waves

PH.V.1.b: Investigate and compare reflection, refraction, and diffraction of waves.

Laser Reflection
Ray Tracing (Lenses)

PH.V.1.d: Identify the relationship between the speed, wavelength, and frequency of a wave.

Photoelectric Effect
Sound Beats and Sine Waves

PH.V.1.e: Explain the observed change in frequency of a mechanical wave coming from a moving object as it approaches and moves away (i.e., Doppler effect).

Doppler Shift
Doppler Shift Advanced
Sound Beats and Sine Waves

PH.V.2: Describe the nature of electromagnetic radiation and visible light.

PH.V.2.a: Describe the relationship of energy to wavelength or frequency for electromagnetic radiation.

Photoelectric Effect

PH.V.2.d: Explain the observed change in frequency of an electromagnetic wave coming from a moving object as it approaches and moves away (i.e., Doppler effect, red/blue shift).

Doppler Shift Advanced
Photoelectric Effect
Sound Beats and Sine Waves

Correlation last revised: 3/29/2010

This correlation lists the recommended Gizmos for this state's curriculum standards. Click any Gizmo title below for more information.