1: Scientific and Engineering Practices

5.1: The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific and engineering practices by

5.1.a: asking questions and defining problems

5.1.a.1: ask testable questions based on observations and predict reasonable outcomes based on patterns

Pattern Finder

5.1.a.3: define design problems that can be solved through the development of an object, tool, process, or system

Programmable Rover

5.1.b: planning and carrying out investigations

5.1.b.1: collaboratively plan and conduct investigations to produce data

Effect of Environment on New Life Form
Pendulum Clock

5.1.b.2: identify independent variable, dependent variables, and constants

Effect of Environment on New Life Form
Pendulum Clock

5.1.b.3: determine data that should be collected to answer a testable question

Effect of Environment on New Life Form
Pendulum Clock

5.1.b.4: take metric measurements using appropriate tools

Measuring Volume
Weight and Mass

5.1.c: interpreting, analyzing, and evaluating data

5.1.c.1: represent and analyze data using tables and graphs

Graphing Skills

5.1.d: constructing and critiquing conclusions and explanations

5.1.d.2: describe how scientific ideas apply to design solutions

Programmable Rover

5.1.d.3: generate and compare multiple solutions to problems based on how well they meet the criteria and constraints

Programmable Rover

5.1.e: developing and using models

5.1.e.1: develop models using an analogy, example, or abstract representation to describe a scientific principle or design solution

Ocean Mapping

2: Force, Motion, and Energy

5.2: The student will investigate and understand that energy can take many forms. Key ideas include

5.2.a: energy is the ability to do work or to cause change;

Sled Wars

5.2.b: there are many different forms of energy;

Energy Conversions
Heat Absorption
Sled Wars

5.2.c: energy can be transformed; and

Energy Conversions
Heat Absorption
Sled Wars

5.2.d: energy is conserved.

Energy Conversions
Sled Wars

5.3: The student will investigate and understand that there is a relationship between force and energy of moving objects. Key ideas include

5.3.a: moving objects have kinetic energy;

Sled Wars

5.3.b: motion is described by an object’s direction and speed;

Distance-Time Graphs
Distance-Time Graphs - Metric
Free Fall Tower
Measuring Motion

5.3.c: changes in motion are related to net force and mass;

Force and Fan Carts

5.3.d: when objects collide, the contact forces transfer energy and can change objects’ motion; and

Sled Wars

5.3.e: friction is a force that opposes motion.

Force and Fan Carts

5.4: The student will investigate and understand that electricity is transmitted and used in daily life. Key ideas include

5.4.a: electricity flows easily through conductors but not insulators;

Circuit Builder

5.4.b: electricity flows through closed circuits;

Circuit Builder

5.4.d: electrical energy can be transformed into radiant, mechanical, and thermal energy; and

Energy Conversions

5.4.e: a current flowing through a wire creates a magnetic field.

Magnetic Induction

5.5: The student will investigate and understand that sound can be produced and transmitted. Key ideas include

5.5.a: sound is produced when an object or substance vibrates;

Longitudinal Waves

5.6: The student will investigate and understand that visible light has certain characteristics and behaves in predictable ways. Key ideas include

5.6.b: the visible spectrum includes light with different wavelengths;

Basic Prism

5.6.c: matter influences the path of light; and

Basic Prism

5.6.d: radiant energy can be transformed into thermal, mechanical, and electrical energy.

Energy Conversions

3: Matter

5.7: The student will investigate and understand that matter has properties and interactions. Key ideas include

5.7.c: energy has an effect on the phases of matter.

Phase Changes
Phases of Water

4: Earth and Space Systems

5.8: The student will investigate and understand that Earth constantly changes. Key ideas include

5.8.b: plate tectonics describe movement of the crust;

Plate Tectonics

5.8.c: the rock cycle models the transformation of rocks;

Rock Cycle

5.8.d: processes such as weathering, erosion, and deposition change the surface of the Earth; and

Erosion Rates
River Erosion

5.8.e: fossils and geologic patterns provide evidence of Earth’s change.

Building Pangaea

5: Earth Resources

5.9: The student will investigate and understand that the conservation of energy resources is important. Key ideas include

5.9.a: some sources of energy are considered renewable and others are not;

Energy Conversions

Correlation last revised: 9/15/2020

This correlation lists the recommended Gizmos for this state's curriculum standards. Click any Gizmo title below for more information.