LS: Life Science

LS.2: Students shall demonstrate and apply knowledge of living systems using appropriate safety procedures, equipment, and technology

LS.2.8.1: Illustrate the hierarchical relationships of cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, and organisms

Circulatory System
Digestive System
Pollination: Flower to Fruit

LS.2.8.2: Identify different types of single-celled organisms:

LS.2.8.2.a: protists

Paramecium Homeostasis

LS.2.8.6: Compare and contrast characteristics of unicellular organisms and multi-cellular organisms

Paramecium Homeostasis

LS.3: Students shall demonstrate and apply knowledge of life cycles, reproduction, and heredity using appropriate safety procedures, equipment, and technology

LS.3.8.1: Identify and explain why inherited characteristics of living things depend on genes

Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

LS.3.8.2: Differentiate between dominant and recessive traits

Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

LS.3.8.4: Differentiate among observed inherited traits and acquired traits of plants and animals


LS.3.8.5: Interpret simple genetic crosses using Punnett Squares

Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

LS.3.8.6: Predict patterns that emerge from simple genetic crosses

Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

LS.3.8.7: Conduct investigations demonstrating that the phenotype of a genetic trait is the result of genotype

Chicken Genetics
Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

LS.3.8.8: Explain how genetic variation within a species is a result of dominant traits and recessive traits

Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

LS.3.8.11: Investigate careers, scientists, and historical breakthroughs related to genetics

Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

LS.3.8.13: Identify basic ideas related to biological evolution:

LS.3.8.13.b: variations within species

Evolution: Mutation and Selection

LS.3.8.13.c: adaptations

Evolution: Mutation and Selection
Evolution: Natural and Artificial Selection

LS.3.8.13.d: natural selection

Evolution: Mutation and Selection
Evolution: Natural and Artificial Selection
Natural Selection
Rainfall and Bird Beaks

LS.3.8.14: Explain that the fossil record provides evidence of life forms' appearance, diversification, and extinction

Human Evolution - Skull Analysis

LS.3.8.15: Explain the process of natural selection

Evolution: Mutation and Selection
Evolution: Natural and Artificial Selection
Natural Selection
Rainfall and Bird Beaks

LS.3.8.16: Identify genetic traits that make organisms more likely to survive and reproduce in a particular environment

Rainfall and Bird Beaks

LS.3.8.17: Investigate careers, scientists, and historical breakthroughs related to natural selection and the fossil record

Rainfall and Bird Beaks

LS.4: Students shall demonstrate and apply knowledge of populations and ecosystems using appropriate safety procedures, equipment, and technology.

LS.4.8.1: Analyze the effect of changes in environmental conditions on the survival of individual organisms and entire species

Natural Selection
Rabbit Population by Season
Rainfall and Bird Beaks

PS: Physical Science

PS.5: Students shall demonstrate and apply knowledge of matter, including properties and changes, using appropriate safety procedures, equipment, and technology

PS.5.8.2: Explain the structure of atoms

Element Builder

PS.5.8.3: Determine the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in an atom

Element Builder

PS.5.8.4: Create atomic models of common elements

Element Builder

PS.6: Students shall demonstrate and apply knowledge of motion and forces using appropriate safety procedures, equipment, and technology

PS.6.8.1: Model how motion and forces change Earth's surface:

PS.6.8.1.a: compression

Plate Tectonics

PS.6.8.1.b: tension

Plate Tectonics

PS.6.8.2: Conduct investigations demonstrating the field force (lines of force) in magnetic fields


PS.6.8.4: Analyze and compare the relationship between electricity and magnetism

Electromagnetic Induction
Magnetic Induction

PS.7: Students shall demonstrate and apply knowledge of energy and transfer of energy using appropriate safety procedures, equipment, and technology

PS.7.8.1: Construct open and closed electrical circuits:

PS.7.8.1.a: series circuits

Circuit Builder

PS.7.8.1.b: parallel circuits

Circuit Builder

PS.7.8.2: Describe and diagram open and closed series and parallel circuits

Advanced Circuits
Circuit Builder

PS.7.8.3: Compare and contrast open and closed series circuits and parallel circuits

Advanced Circuits
Circuit Builder

PS.7.8.4: Conduct investigations demonstrating the characteristics of a wave:

PS.7.8.4.a: wavelength

Ripple Tank

PS.7.8.4.b: frequency

Ripple Tank

PS.7.8.4.c: speed

Ripple Tank

PS.7.8.4.d: amplitude

Ripple Tank

PS.7.8.5: Conduct investigations of longitudinal and transverse waves to determine how they are different

Longitudinal Waves

PS.7.8.6: Explain how energy is transferred through waves:

PS.7.8.6.a: seismic waves

Earthquakes 1 - Recording Station

PS.7.8.6.d: electromagnetic waves

Heat Absorption

PS.7.8.8: Differentiate among reflection, refraction, and absorption of various types of waves

Heat Absorption
Ray Tracing (Lenses)
Ray Tracing (Mirrors)

PS.7.8.12: Conduct investigations demonstrating the separation of white light into its spectrum using refraction

Basic Prism

PS.7.8.13: Compare ways to transfer information:

PS.7.8.13.b: light

Heat Absorption

ESS: Earth and Space Science

ESS.8: Students shall demonstrate and apply knowledge of Earth's structure and properties using appropriate safety procedures, equipment, and technology

ESS.8.8.1: Analyze the causes and predict the consequences of global warming on the following:

ESS.8.8.1.a: weather

Greenhouse Effect

ESS.8.8.4: Synthesize and model the result of both constructive and destructive forces on land forms:

ESS.8.8.4.d: crustal deformation

Plate Tectonics

ESS.8.8.7: Use topographic maps to identify surface features of Earth

Building Topographic Maps
Reading Topographic Maps

ESS.8.8.8: Demonstrate an understanding of the agents of erosion:

ESS.8.8.8.e: animals, including humans

Water Pollution

ESS.8.8.20: Conduct investigations on soil permeability


ESS.9: Students shall demonstrate and apply knowledge of Earth's history using appropriate safety procedures, equipment, and technology

ESS.9.8.1: Explain processes that have changed Earth’s surface that have resulted from sudden events (e.g., earthquakes and volcanoes) and gradual changes (e.g., uplift, erosion, and weathering)

Rock Cycle

ESS.10: Students shall demonstrate and apply knowledge of objects in the universe using appropriate safety procedures, equipment, and technology

ESS.10.8.1: Summarize the effects of gravity on bodies in space

Gravity Pitch

ESS.10.8.2: Identify variables that affect the amount of gravitational force between two objects:

ESS.10.8.2.a: mass of the objects

Gravitational Force

ESS.10.8.2.b: distance between the objects

Gravitational Force

ESS.10.8.3: Relate the effects of the moon’s gravitational force on Earth’s ocean tides


ESS.10.8.4: Identify the causes of the following:

ESS.10.8.4.a: high tides


ESS.10.8.4.b: low tides


ESS.10.8.4.c: spring tides


ESS.10.8.4.d: neap tides


ESS.10.8.9: Investigate careers, scientists, and historical breakthroughs related to gravity, galaxies, and the universe

Gravity Pitch

Correlation last revised: 5/8/2018

This correlation lists the recommended Gizmos for this state's curriculum standards. Click any Gizmo title below for more information.