5.P: Students will use appropriate scientific models to describe and quantify the nature and interactions of matter and energy.

5.P.3: Analyze interactions of energy and matter.

5.P.3.2: Students are able to describe the Sun's ability to produce energy in the forms of light and heat.

5.P.3.2.b: Describe significant characteristics of different forms of energy.

Energy Conversions
Heat Absorption

5.P.3.2.c: Explain energy transfers and transformation of light.

Energy Conversions

5.P.3.3: Students are able to describe basic properties of light.

Basic Prism
Ripple Tank

5.L: Students will describe structures and attributes of living things, processes of life, and interaction with each other and the environment.

5.L.2: Analyze various patterns and products of natural and induced biological change.

5.L.2.1: Students are able to predict physical characteristics with family lineage.

5.L.2.1.b: Explain how physical traits pass from generation to generation.


5.L.2.2: Students are able to describe structures and processes involved in plant reproduction.

5.L.2.2.a: Know parts of the plant.

Flower Pollination

5.L.3: Analyze how organisms are linked to one another and the environment.

5.L.3.2: Students are able to analyze the roles of organisms to determine the transfer of energy using an energy pyramid model.

5.L.3.2.b: Define an organism.

Pond Ecosystem

5.E: Students will analyze the composition, formative processes, and history of the universe, solar system, and Earth.

5.E.1: Analyze the various structures and processes of the Earth system.

5.E.1.1: Students are able to describe the basic structure of Earth's interior.

5.E.1.1.d: Examine topographical maps.

Building Topographic Maps
Reading Topographic Maps

5.E.2: Analyze essential principles and ideas about the composition and structure of the universe.

5.E.2.1: Students are able to describe the components (Sun, planets, and moons) of the solar system.

5.E.2.1.a: Relative size

Solar System

5.E.2.1.b: Order and relative distance from the Sun and each other

Solar System

5.E.2.1.c: Describe the relative scale of the Earth to the Sun, planets, and the Moon.

Solar System

Correlation last revised: 5/24/2018

This correlation lists the recommended Gizmos for this state's curriculum standards. Click any Gizmo title below for more information.