LS: Life Science

LS.2: Students shall demonstrate and apply knowledge of living systems using appropriate safety procedures, equipment, and technology

LS.2.7.2: Analyze how two or more organs work together to perform a function (e.g., mouth and stomach to digest food)

Circulatory System
Digestive System

LS.2.7.3: Identify organ systems in vertebrates and plants

Circulatory System
Digestive System

LS.2.7.4: Analyze the structure and function of tissues, organs, and organ systems of a vertebrate and an angiosperm using various models or methods of dissection

Circulatory System
Digestive System

LS.2.7.6: Identify human body systems:

LS.2.7.6.b: digestive

Digestive System

LS.2.7.6.c: circulatory

Circulatory System
Digestive System

LS.2.7.6.e: excretory

Digestive System

LS.2.7.6.h: endocrine

Digestive System

LS.2.7.7: Relate the structure of vertebrate and plant body systems to their functions

Circulatory System
Digestive System

LS.2.7.8: Investigate functions of human body systems

Circulatory System
Digestive System

LS.2.7.9: Describe interactions between major organ systems

Digestive System

LS.3: Students shall demonstrate and apply knowledge of life cycles, reproduction, and heredity using appropriate safety procedures, equipment, and technology

LS.3.7.3: Compare and contrast the structure and function of the sperm cell and the egg cell in vertebrates and plants and their role in sexual reproduction

Pollination: Flower to Fruit

LS.3.7.7: Differentiate between sexual and asexual reproduction in

LS.3.7.7.b: plants

Pollination: Flower to Fruit

LS.3.7.8: Identify the number and source of chromosomes in human body cells

Human Karyotyping

LS.3.7.9: Identify the number and source of chromosomes in human sex cells

Human Karyotyping

LS.3.7.10: Explain the role of cell division

Cell Division

LS.3.7.12: Summarize the interactions between organ systems in the maintenance of homeostasis

Human Homeostasis

PS: Physical Science

PS.6: Students shall demonstrate and apply knowledge of motion and forces using appropriate safety procedures, equipment, and technology

PS.6.7.1: Compare and contrast Newton’s three laws of motion

Force and Fan Carts

PS.6.7.2: Conduct investigations demonstrating Newton’s first law of motion

Force and Fan Carts

PS.6.7.3: Demonstrate Newton’s second law of motion

Force and Fan Carts

PS.6.7.4: Conduct investigations of Newton’s third law of motion

Force and Fan Carts

PS.7: Students shall demonstrate and apply knowledge of energy and transfer of energy using appropriate safety procedures, equipment, and technology

PS.7.7.3: Conduct investigations to identify types of potential energy and kinetic energy

Energy of a Pendulum
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects
Roller Coaster Physics
Sled Wars

ESS: Earth and Space Science

ESS.8: Students shall demonstrate and apply knowledge of Earth's structure and properties using appropriate safety procedures, equipment, and technology

ESS.8.7.2: Investigate the influence of global patterns on local weather:

ESS.8.7.2.a: movement of air masses

Coastal Winds and Clouds

ESS.8.7.2.d: global wind belts

Coastal Winds and Clouds

ESS.8.7.4: Investigate the effect that oceans have on climate

Coastal Winds and Clouds

ESS.8.7.5: Identify elements of weather:

ESS.8.7.5.e: humidity

Relative Humidity

ESS.8.7.6: Conduct investigations using weather measurement devices:

ESS.8.7.6.c: sling psychrometers

Hurricane Motion

ESS.8.7.7: Predict weather conditions using data on the following:

ESS.8.7.7.b: air pressure: highs, lows, fronts

Weather Maps

ESS.8.7.8: Identify the causes and effects of weather-related phenomena:

ESS.8.7.8.b: tornadoes/ hurricanes/cyclones/ typhoons

Hurricane Motion

ESS.8.7.12: Analyze the effect of the shape of Earth and the tilt of Earth’s axis on climate

Seasons: Why do we have them?
Summer and Winter

ESS.8.7.13: Identify and explain the effects that human activities have on weather and atmosphere

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors

ESS.8.7.16: Conduct investigations demonstrating the water cycle

Water Cycle

ESS.8.7.17: Explain the relationship between the water cycle and ground water

Water Cycle

ESS.8.7.18: Investigate cloud formation

Water Cycle

ESS.8.7.19: Conduct investigations demonstrating the greenhouse effect

Carbon Cycle
Greenhouse Effect

ESS.8.7.20: Research how human activities may contribute to global warming

Carbon Cycle
Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors
Greenhouse Effect

ESS.9: Students shall demonstrate and apply knowledge of Earth's history using appropriate safety procedures, equipment, and technology

ESS.9.7.3: Compare and contrast Earth's magnetic field to those of natural or human-made magnets with

ESS.9.7.3.a: North and South poles


ESS.10: Students shall demonstrate and apply knowledge of objects in the universe using appropriate safety procedures, equipment, and technology

ESS.10.7.1: Identify and model the causes of night and day

Seasons: Earth, Moon, and Sun

ESS.10.7.2: Compare and contrast Earth’s day to those of other planets in our solar system

Comparing Earth and Venus

ESS.10.7.3: Identify and model the cause of planetary years

Comparing Earth and Venus
Gravity Pitch

ESS.10.7.4: Compare and contrast Earth’s year to those of other planets in our solar system

Comparing Earth and Venus
Solar System Explorer

ESS.10.7.5: Identify and model the causes of seasons

Seasons in 3D
Seasons: Why do we have them?
Summer and Winter

ESS.10.7.6: Investigate careers, scientists, and historical breakthroughs related to rotations and revolutions of bodies in space

Gravity Pitch

Correlation last revised: 5/8/2018

This correlation lists the recommended Gizmos for this state's curriculum standards. Click any Gizmo title below for more information.