NCES.8.P: Matter: Properties and Change

NCES.8.P.1: Understand the properties of matter and changes that occur when matter interacts in an open and closed container.

NCES.8.P.1.3: Compare physical changes such as size, shape and state to chemical changes that are the result of a chemical reaction to include changes in temperature, color, formation of a gas or precipitate.

Chemical Changes

NCES.8.P.1.4: Explain how the idea of atoms and a balanced chemical equation support the law of conservation of mass.

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Changes
Chemical Equations

NCES.8.P: Energy: Conservation and Transfer

NCES.8.P.2: Explain the environmental implications associated with the various methods of obtaining, managing, and using energy resources.

NCES.8.P.2.1: Explain the environmental consequences of the various methods of obtaining, transforming and distributing energy.

Pond Ecosystem

NCES.8.E: Earth Systems, Structures and Processes

NCES.8.E.1: Understand the hydrosphere and the impact of humans on local systems and the effects of the hydrosphere on humans.

NCES.8.E.1.2: Summarize evidence that Earth’s oceans are a reservoir of nutrients, minerals, dissolved gases, and life forms:

NCES.8.E.1.2.d: Behavior of gases in the marine environment

Pond Ecosystem

NCES.8.E.1.3: Predict the safety and potability of water supplies in North Carolina based on physical and biological factors, including:

NCES.8.E.1.3.a: Temperature

Pond Ecosystem

NCES.8.E.1.3.b: Dissolved oxygen

Pond Ecosystem

NCES.8.E: Earth History

NCES.8.E.2: Understand the history of Earth and its life forms based on evidence of change recorded in fossil records and landforms.

NCES.8.E.2.1: Infer the age of Earth and relative age of rocks and fossils from index fossils and ordering of rock layers (relative dating and radioactive dating).


NCES.8.L: Structures and Functions of Living Organisms

NCES.8.L.1: Understand the hazards caused by agents of diseases that effect living organisms.

NCES.8.L.1.1: Summarize the basic characteristics of viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites relating to the spread, treatment and prevention of disease.

Virus Lytic Cycle

NCES.8.L: Ecosystems

NCES.8.L.3: Understand how organisms interact with and respond to the biotic and abiotic components of their environment.

NCES.8.L.3.1: Explain how factors such as food, water, shelter and space affect populations in an ecosystem.

Food Chain
Pond Ecosystem

NCES.8.L.3.2: Summarize the relationships among producers, consumers, and decomposers including the positive and negative consequences of such interactions including:

NCES.8.L.3.2.a: Coexistence and cooperation

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors
Food Chain
Forest Ecosystem

NCES.8.L.3.2.b: Competition (predator/prey)

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors
Food Chain
Forest Ecosystem
Prairie Ecosystem

NCES.8.L.3.3: Explain how the flow of energy within food webs is interconnected with the cycling of matter (including water, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and oxygen).

Forest Ecosystem

NCES.8.L: Evolution and Genetics

NCES.8.L.4: Understand the evolution of organisms and landforms based on evidence, theories and processes that impact the Earth over time.

NCES.8.L.4.1: Summarize the use of evidence drawn from geology, fossils, and comparative anatomy to form the basis for biological classification systems and the theory of evolution.

Human Evolution - Skull Analysis

Correlation last revised: 10/4/2022

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