SBI3U: Biology, University Preparation

SBI3U.A: Cellular Functions

SBI3U.A.1: Overall Expectations

SBI3U.A.1.1: demonstrate an understanding of cell structure and function and the processes of metabolism and membrane transport;

Cell Energy Cycle
Cell Structure
Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Paramecium Homeostasis
Photosynthesis Lab

SBI3U.A.1.2: investigate the fundamental molecular principles and mechanisms that govern energy-transforming activities in all living matter, whether it be animal, plant, or microbial;

Photosynthesis Lab

SBI3U.A.1.3: demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between cell functions and their technological and environmental applications.

Cell Structure
Paramecium Homeostasis

SBI3U.A.2: Understanding Basic Concepts

SBI3U.A.2.1: describe how organelles and other cell components carry out various cell processes (e.g., digestion, transportation, gas exchange, excretion) and explain how these processes are related to the function of organs;

Cell Structure

SBI3U.A.2.2: identify and describe the structure and function of important biochemical compounds, including carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids;

Identifying Nutrients
Paramecium Homeostasis
RNA and Protein Synthesis

SBI3U.A.2.3: describe the fluid mosaic structure of cell membranes, and explain the dynamics of passive transport (facilitated diffusion) and the processes of endocytosis and exocytosis of large particles;

Cell Structure

SBI3U.A.2.4: explain the flow of energy between photosynthesis and respiration;

Cell Energy Cycle
Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Photosynthesis Lab
Pond Ecosystem

SBI3U.A.2.5: compare anaerobic respiration (including fermentation) and aerobic respiration and state the advantages and disadvantages for an organism or tissue of using either process;

Cell Energy Cycle

SBI3U.A.2.6: illustrate and explain important cellular processes (e.g., protein synthesis, respiration, lysosomal digestion), including their function in the cell, the ways in which they are interrelated, and the fact that they occur in all living cells.

Cell Energy Cycle
Cell Structure
Paramecium Homeostasis
RNA and Protein Synthesis

SBI3U.A.3: Developing Skills of Inquiry and Communication

SBI3U.A.3.1: design and carry out an investigation on cellular function, controlling the major variables (e.g., examine the movement of substances across a membrane; measure a metabolic process such as fermentation);

Cell Structure

SBI3U.A.3.2: view and manipulate computer-generated, three-dimensional molecular models of important biochemical compounds, including carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids;

RNA and Protein Synthesis

SBI3U.A.3.3: identify new questions and problems stemming from the study of metabolism in plant and animal cells (e.g., What is the relationship between chloroplasts and mitochondria in plant cells?);

Cell Energy Cycle
Cell Structure
Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Photosynthesis Lab

SBI3U.A.4: Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment

SBI3U.A.4.2: explain how scientific knowledge of cellular processes is used in technological applications (e.g., how knowledge of a particular microbe is used in biotechnological applications in the pulp and paper industry or in the clean-up of oil spills);

Cell Structure

SBI3U.A.4.3: analyse ways in which societal needs have led to technological advances related to cellular processes (e.g., document, using newspaper articles, the impact of public awareness on research to detect and treat diseases such as AIDS and hepatitis C).

Cell Structure

SBI3U.B: Genetic Continuity

SBI3U.B.1: Overall Expectations

SBI3U.B.1.1: demonstrate an understanding of the necessity of meiosis and describe the importance of genes in transmitting hereditary characteristics according to Mendel's model of inheritance;

Chicken Genetics
Human Karyotyping
Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

SBI3U.B.1.2: perform laboratory studies of meiosis and analyse the results of genetic research related to the laws of heredity;

Chicken Genetics
Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

SBI3U.B.1.3: outline the scientific findings and some of the technological advances that led to the modern concept of the gene and to genetic technology, and demonstrate an awareness of some of the social and political issues raised by genetic research and reproductive technology.

Chicken Genetics
DNA Fingerprint Analysis
Human Karyotyping
Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

SBI3U.B.2: Understanding Basic Concepts

SBI3U.B.2.1: demonstrate an understanding of the process and importance of mitosis (e.g., cell division and the phases of mitosis);

Cell Division

SBI3U.B.2.2: explain how the concepts of DNA, genes, chromosomes, and meiosis account for the transmission of hereditary characteristics from generation to generation (e.g., explain how the sex of an individual can be determined genetically; demonstrate an understanding that the expression of a genetic disorder linked to the sex chromosomes is more common in males than in females);

Cell Division
DNA Fingerprint Analysis
Human Karyotyping

SBI3U.B.2.3: describe and explain the process of discovery (e.g., the sequence of studies and the knowledge gained) that led Mendel to formulate his laws of heredity;

Chicken Genetics
Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

SBI3U.B.2.4: explain the process of meiosis in terms of the replication and movement of chromosomes;

Building DNA

SBI3U.B.2.5: describe genetic disorders (e.g., Down syndrome, cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy, fragile X syndrome) in terms of the chromosomes affected, physical effects, and treatment;

Human Karyotyping

SBI3U.B.2.6: explain, using Mendelian genetics, the concepts of dominance, co-dominance, incomplete dominance, recessiveness, and sex-linkage;

Chicken Genetics
Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

SBI3U.B.2.7: predict the outcome of various genetic crosses.

Chicken Genetics
Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

SBI3U.B.3: Developing Skills of Inquiry and Communication

SBI3U.B.3.2: solve basic genetic problems involving monohybrid crosses, incomplete dominance, co-dominance, dihybrid crosses, and sex-linked genes using the Punnett method;

Chicken Genetics
Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

SBI3U.B.3.3: organize data (e.g., in a table) that illustrate the number of chromosomes in haploid cells and diploid cells, and the number of pairs of chromosomes in diploid cells, that occur in various organisms before, during, and as a result of meiosis;

Human Karyotyping

SBI3U.B.4: Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment

SBI3U.B.4.3: identify and describe examples of Canadian contributions to knowledge about genetic processes (e.g., research into cystic fibrosis) and to technologies and techniques related to genetic processes (e.g., the invention of nuclear magnetic resonance [NMR]).

Chicken Genetics
Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

SBI3U.C: Internal Systems and Regulation

SBI3U.C.1: Overall Expectations

SBI3U.C.1.1: describe and explain the major processes, mechanisms, and systems, including the respiratory, circulatory, and digestive systems, by which plants and animals maintain their internal environment;

Circulatory System

SBI3U.C.1.2: illustrate and explain, through laboratory investigations, the contribution of various types of systems and processes to internal regulation in plant and animal systems;

Human Homeostasis

SBI3U.C.2: Understanding Basic Concepts

SBI3U.C.2.1: describe the process of ventilation and gas exchange from the environment to the cell (e.g., describe the pathway of oxygen from the atmosphere to the cell, and the roles of ventilation, haemoglobin, and diffusion in this process);


SBI3U.C.2.2: explain the role of transport or circulatory systems in the transport of substances in an organism (e.g., explain how nutrients, respiratory gases, end products of metabolism, and hormones or regulatory chemicals are transported from one area in an organism to another);

Circulatory System

SBI3U.C.2.3: describe the importance of nutrients and digestion in providing substances needed for energy and growth (e.g., relate the need for carbohydrates in the diet to their role in cellular respiration; describe the many uses of proteins; describe how plants use nutrients);

Cell Energy Cycle

SBI3U.C.2.4: demonstrate an understanding of how fitness level is related to the efficiency of metabolism and of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;

Cell Energy Cycle
Circulatory System
Human Homeostasis
Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Photosynthesis Lab

SBI3U.C.2.5: describe how the use of prescription and non-prescription drugs can disrupt or help maintain homeostasis (e.g., describe the effects of acetylsalicylic acid, or ASA, on human systems).

Paramecium Homeostasis

SBI3U.C.3: Developing Skills of Inquiry and Communication

SBI3U.C.3.1: compare the anatomy of different organisms - vertebrate and/or invertebrate (e.g., carry out a dissection, or use a computer-simulated dissection, of a mammal or a fish to examine the heart, the pulmonary circulation system, the aorta, and other main arteries and veins, and compare the functions of the arteries and veins to those of xylem and phloem in plants);

Circulatory System

SBI3U.D: Diversity of Living Things

SBI3U.D.2: Understanding Basic Concepts

SBI3U.D.2.2: compare and contrast the structure and function of different types of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells (e.g., compare prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells in terms of genetic material, metabolism, and organelles/cell parts);

Cell Structure

SBI3U.D.2.3: describe selected anatomical and physiological characteristics of representative organisms from each life kingdom and a representative virus (e.g., describe gas exchange mechanisms and structures, or reproductive processes and components);

Virus Life Cycle (Lytic)

SBI3U.D.2.4: compare and contrast the life cycles of representative organisms from each life kingdom and a representative virus (e.g., draw and label the life cycles of representative organisms, and make a chart comparing the features of the life cycles);

Virus Life Cycle (Lytic)

SBI3U.D.2.5: explain the importance of sexual reproduction (including the process of meiosis) to variability within a population.


SBI3U.D.3: Developing Skills of Inquiry and Communication

SBI3U.D.3.2: classify representative organisms from each of the kingdoms (e.g., classify organisms according to their nutritional pattern, type of reproduction, habitat, and general structures);

Human Evolution - Skull Analysis

SBI3U.D.3.3: use appropriate sampling procedures to collect various organisms in a marsh, pond, or other ecosystem, and classify them following the principles of taxonomy.

Forest Ecosystem
Human Evolution - Skull Analysis
Prairie Ecosystem

SBI3U.D.4: Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment

SBI3U.D.4.1: explain the relevance of current studies of viruses and bacteria to the field of biotechnology (e.g., give examples of how viruses and bacteria are used in biotechnology);

Virus Life Cycle (Lytic)

SBI3U.D.4.2: demonstrate an understanding of the connection between biodiversity and species survival (e.g., state the advantages to a population of having genetic variations between individuals - such as the resistance to infection by "new" micro-organisms, the resistance of insects to pesticides, or the resistance of bacteria to antibiotics; explain why some species and not others survive an environmental stress).

Prairie Ecosystem

SBI3U.E: Plants: Anatomy, Growth, and Functions

SBI3U.E.1: Overall Expectations

SBI3U.E.1.2: demonstrate an understanding, based in part on their own investigations, of the connections among the factors that affect the growth of plants, the uses of plants, and the ways in which plants adapt to their environment;

Evolution: Mutation and Selection
Natural Selection

SBI3U.E.2: Understanding Basic Concepts

SBI3U.E.2.1: illustrate the process of succession and the role of plants in the maintenance of diversity and the survival of organisms;

Prairie Ecosystem

SBI3U.E.3: Developing Skills of Inquiry and Communication

SBI3U.E.3.1: design and carry out an experiment to determine the factors that affect the growth of a population of plants, identifying and controlling major variables (e.g., examine the effect on plant growth of the quantity of nutrients, or the quantity and quality of light, or temperature, or salinity);

Forest Ecosystem
Prairie Ecosystem

SBI3U.E.4: Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment

SBI3U.E.4.3: express opinions supported by their own research about the case for funding certain projects in plant science or technology rather than others (e.g., evaluate the relative merits, for funding purposes, of research projects on genetic manipulation of plants over projects related to the development of organic products);

Chicken Genetics

SBI3C: Biology, College Preparation

SBI3C.A: Cellular Biology

SBI3C.A.1: Overall Expectations

SBI3C.A.1.1: demonstrate an understanding of the basic processes of cellular biology, including membrane transport, cellular respiration, photosynthesis, and enzyme activity;

Cell Energy Cycle
Cell Structure
Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Paramecium Homeostasis
Photosynthesis Lab
Pond Ecosystem

SBI3C.A.1.2: investigate the factors that influence cellular activity using appropriate laboratory equipment and techniques;

Cell Structure

SBI3C.A.1.3: demonstrate an understanding of the importance of cellular processes in their personal lives, as well as in the development and application of biotechnology.

Cell Structure
Paramecium Homeostasis

SBI3C.A.2: Understanding Basic Concepts

SBI3C.A.2.2: describe how organelles and other cell components carry out various cell processes;

Cell Energy Cycle
Cell Structure
Paramecium Homeostasis

SBI3C.A.2.3: identify and describe the structure and function of important biochemical compounds, including carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids (e.g., use models to represent the molecules or monomers of the polymers);

RNA and Protein Synthesis

SBI3C.A.2.5: identify cell processes and functions that use facilitated diffusion, osmosis, and active transport (e.g., describe the importance of facilitated diffusion in the movement of glucose across the membrane in the liver; describe the need for energy in the sodium-potassium pump);


SBI3C.A.2.6: compare the chemical changes and energy transformations associated with the processes of respiration (aerobic and anaerobic) and photosynthesis;

Cell Energy Cycle
Energy Conversion in a System
Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Photosynthesis Lab
Pond Ecosystem

SBI3C.A.2.7: identify the role of compounds present in cellular respiration and photosynthesis (e.g., water, glucose, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and adenosine triphosphate [ATP]).

Cell Energy Cycle
Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Photosynthesis Lab
Pond Ecosystem

SBI3C.A.3: Developing Skills of Inquiry and Communication

SBI3C.A.3.1: analyse, based on their findings from a laboratory experiment, the effect of various factors (e.g., pH, temperature, and concentration of solute) on the rate of diffusion across a plasma membrane;

Cell Structure

SBI3C.A.3.2: prepare a wet mount of a stained specimen and, using a light microscope, identify some of the organelles of a cell (e.g., view with a light microscope nuclei and chloroplasts - ribosomes and mitochondria are more difficult to see);

Cell Energy Cycle
Paramecium Homeostasis

SBI3C.A.3.3: apply mathematical models to answer questions related to cell processes (e.g., calculate the magnification of a specimen; use the concept of exponential growth to explain the growth of cells);

Cell Structure
Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
Paramecium Homeostasis

SBI3C.A.3.4: perform common laboratory procedures needed for the study of cell processes, using appropriate techniques (e.g., prepare buffer solutions needed for laboratory investigations into enzyme and membrane activity);

Cell Structure
Paramecium Homeostasis

SBI3C.A.4: Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment

SBI3C.A.4.1: collaboratively or individually, research ways in which knowledge of cell processes and related technologies is relevant to their personal lives and the life of their community (e.g., investigate the effects of good nutrition on health using knowledge of metabolic processes and how they are clinically measured);

Cell Structure

SBI3C.A.4.3: apply scientific principles in describing and analysing the function of laboratory equipment and techniques used in cell biology.

Cell Structure

SBI3C.B: Microbiology

SBI3C.B.1: Overall Expectations

SBI3C.B.1.1: demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of various micro-organisms, of their role in the environment, and of their influences on other organisms, including humans;

Forest Ecosystem
Prairie Ecosystem

SBI3C.B.2: Understanding Basic Concepts

SBI3C.B.2.1: compare the structure and properties of the genetic material of viruses and bacteria with those of eukaryotic cells;

Chicken Genetics
Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)
Virus Life Cycle (Lytic)

SBI3C.B.2.2: illustrate the differences between representative bacteria (including Eubacteria and Archeabacteria), protists, viruses, and fungi by comparing their shape, motility, ecological role, and connection to human diseases;

Forest Ecosystem
Prairie Ecosystem
Virus Life Cycle (Lytic)

SBI3C.B.2.3: analyse and explain the different methods of reproduction in various types of viruses, monera, and fungi;

Virus Life Cycle (Lytic)

SBI3C.B.2.4: describe the anatomy and physiology of representative organisms from monera, protists, fungi, and viruses;

Virus Life Cycle (Lytic)

SBI3C.B.2.6: describe the role of viruses and bacteria in genetic manipulation, using their knowledge of DNA.

Virus Life Cycle (Lytic)

SBI3C.B.4: Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment

SBI3C.B.4.1: evaluate the impact of viral, bacterial, and fungal infections on the health of host organisms, and on humans in particular (e.g., examine the relationship between the emergence of new species of bacteria and viruses and the use of antibiotics, and determine the health implications for human populations);

Disease Spread
Virus Life Cycle (Lytic)

SBI3C.B.4.2: describe some ways in which viruses, bacteria, and fungi are used in biotechnology (e.g., describe the use of viruses as vectors and as restriction enzymes);

Virus Life Cycle (Lytic)

SBI3C.B.4.3: explain and illustrate the roles of viruses and bacteria in genetic engineering;

Virus Life Cycle (Lytic)

SBI3C.B.4.5: describe some beneficial functions of micro-organisms in an ecosystem (e.g., the role of bacteria as decomposers).

Food Chain
Forest Ecosystem
Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Prairie Ecosystem

SBI3C.C: Animal Anatomy and Physiology

SBI3C.C.1: Overall Expectations

SBI3C.C.1.1: demonstrate an understanding of the structure, function, and interactions of the main internal systems of humans and other animals;

Circulatory System

SBI3C.C.1.2: investigate, with the aid of laboratory procedures, the physiological mechanisms of animal systems that are responsible for the physical health of the individual;

Circulatory System

SBI3C.C.2: Understanding Basic Concepts

SBI3C.C.2.1: describe the anatomy and physiology of the digestive, circulatory, excretory, respiratory, reproductive, and locomotion systems of humans and one other animal;

Circulatory System

SBI3C.C.2.2: explain mechanisms of interaction between animal systems (e.g., describe the exchanges between capillaries and tissues; explain the emulsification of lipids by bile);

Circulatory System

SBI3C.C.2.3: explain how the endocrine system and central nervous system help maintain homeostasis (e.g., describe how blood sugar levels are maintained by the liver and the pancreas);

Human Homeostasis
Paramecium Homeostasis

SBI3C.D: Plant Structure and Physiology

SBI3C.D.1: Overall Expectations

SBI3C.D.1.3: evaluate the roles of plants in the urban community, in various technologies and industries, and in natural ecosystems.

Food Chain
Forest Ecosystem
Photosynthesis Lab
Prairie Ecosystem

SBI3C.D.2: Understanding Basic Concepts

SBI3C.D.2.4: describe the processes of growth and differentiation in plants (e.g., describe the differentiation of germ cells in various tissues; compare meristem cells with elongated cells);

Photosynthesis Lab

SBI3C.D.2.5: explain the role of tropisms in plants (e.g., describe the reaction of a plant to light, to gravity, or to humidity).

Photosynthesis Lab

SBI3C.D.3: Developing Skills of Inquiry and Communication

SBI3C.D.3.4: analyse the chemical and physical elements that contribute to plant production in the agriculture and forestry industries;

Element Builder

SBI3C.D.3.5: investigate tropisms by growing plants from seeds;

Human Homeostasis

SBI3C.D.4: Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment

SBI3C.D.4.2: outline the use of plants in the food, textile, pharmaceutical, and fresh produce industries;

Forest Ecosystem
Prairie Ecosystem

SBI3C.D.4.4: evaluate the importance of plant diversity both in maintaining natural ecosystems and in providing sources of medicines;

Food Chain
Forest Ecosystem
Prairie Ecosystem

SBI3C.E: Environmental Science

SBI3C.E.1: Overall Expectations

SBI3C.E.1.1: demonstrate an understanding of factors that influence the sustainability of the natural environment and evaluate their importance;

Food Chain
Forest Ecosystem
Prairie Ecosystem

SBI3C.E.1.2: analyse how various factors influence the relationships between organisms and the natural environment;

Food Chain
Forest Ecosystem
Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Prairie Ecosystem

SBI3C.E.1.3: explain why it is important to be aware of the impact of human activities on the natural environment.

Forest Ecosystem
Prairie Ecosystem
Rabbit Population by Season
Water Pollution

SBI3C.E.2: Understanding Basic Concepts

SBI3C.E.2.1: demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental principles of taxonomy by classifying organisms from a local ecosystem;

Forest Ecosystem
Prairie Ecosystem

SBI3C.E.2.2: assess the impact of agriculture on the natural environment;

Water Pollution

SBI3C.E.2.3: use energy pyramids to explain the production, distribution, and use of food resources in a food chain (e.g., draw energy pyramids that illustrate human consumption of corn, of cattle, and of salmon);

Food Chain
Forest Ecosystem
Prairie Ecosystem

SBI3C.E.2.4: explain the ecological role of representative organisms from each of the kingdoms of life (including Eubacteria and Archeabacteria);

Food Chain
Forest Ecosystem
Prairie Ecosystem

SBI3C.E.2.6: describe the flow of matter through the biogeochemical cycles (e.g., describe and illustrate the carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and water cycles);

Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Photosynthesis Lab

SBI3C.E.2.7: describe and evaluate factors contributing to environmental resistance and a change in the carrying capacity of ecosystems;

Food Chain
Rabbit Population by Season

SBI3C.E.2.8: define population growth and identify the factors that influence it;

Forest Ecosystem
Prairie Ecosystem

SBI3C.E.3: Developing Skills of Inquiry and Communication

SBI3C.E.3.2: conduct a laboratory investigation into competition between species and evaluate the findings (e.g., investigate the competition for food among the different species of paramecium);

Prairie Ecosystem

SBI3C.E.3.3: investigate and explain how a change in one population can affect the entire food web (e.g., explain how the killing off of species of fish by the lamprey eel affects fishing communities; explain the effects of the introduction of zebra mussels into the Great Lakes);

Food Chain
Forest Ecosystem
Prairie Ecosystem

SBI3C.E.3.4: represent the growth of populations using mathematical calculations, graphs and charts of population growth and life cycles, and survivorship curves;

Forest Ecosystem
Prairie Ecosystem

SBI3C.E.3.5: investigate, independently or collaboratively, the effect that human population growth has on the environment and the quality of life (e.g., examine effects, such as the movement or elimination of wildlife and plants, that are caused by the encroachment of human populations on ecosystems).

Forest Ecosystem
Prairie Ecosystem

SBI3C.E.4: Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment

SBI3C.E.4.1: independently or collaboratively, synthesize and evaluate information from a variety of sources about an environmental and population-related issue, and propose a course of action (e.g., analyse a natural preserve as to its raison d'?tre, such as the species being conserved);

Forest Ecosystem
Prairie Ecosystem
Water Pollution

SCH3U: Chemistry, University Preparation

SCH3U.A: Matter and Chemical Bonding

SCH3U.A.1: Overall Expectations

SCH3U.A.1.1: demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between periodic tendencies, types of chemical bonding, and the properties of ionic and molecular compounds;

Electron Configuration

SCH3U.A.1.2: carry out laboratory studies of chemical reactions, analyse chemical reactions in terms of the type of reaction and the reactivity of starting materials, and use appropriate symbols and formulae to represent the structure and bonding of chemical substances;

Balancing Chemical Equations
Covalent Bonds
Dehydration Synthesis
Ionic Bonds
Limiting Reactants

SCH3U.A.2: Understanding Basic Concepts

SCH3U.A.2.1: define and describe the relationship among atomic number, mass number, atomic mass, isotope, and radio isotope;

Element Builder
Nuclear Decay

SCH3U.A.2.2: demonstrate an understanding of the periodic law, and describe how electron arrangement and forces in atoms can explain periodic trends such as atomic radius, ionization energy, electron affinity, and electronegativity;

Electron Configuration
Ionic Bonds

SCH3U.A.2.3: demonstrate an understanding of the formation of ionic and covalent bonds and explain the properties of the products;

Covalent Bonds
Ionic Bonds

SCH3U.A.2.4: explain how different elements combine to form covalent and ionic bonds using the octet rule;

Covalent Bonds
Ionic Bonds

SCH3U.A.2.5: demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the type of chemical reaction (e.g., synthesis, decomposition, single and double displacement) and the nature of the reactants;

Balancing Chemical Equations
Dehydration Synthesis
Limiting Reactants

SCH3U.A.2.6: relate the reactivity of a series of elements to their position in the periodic table (e.g., compare the reactivity of metals in a group and metals in the same period; compare the reactivity of non-metals in a group).

Electron Configuration
Ionic Bonds

SCH3U.A.3: Developing Skills of Inquiry and Communication

SCH3U.A.3.1: use appropriate scientific vocabulary to communicate ideas related to chemical reactions (e.g., electronegativity, chemical bond, periodic trend, ionization energy, electron affinity);

Covalent Bonds
Ionic Bonds

SCH3U.A.3.2: analyse data involving periodic properties such as ionization energy and atomic radius in order to recognize general trends in the periodic table;

Electron Configuration

SCH3U.A.3.3: predict the ionic character or polarity of a given bond using electronegativity values, and represent the formation of ionic and covalent bonds using diagrams;

Covalent Bonds
Ionic Bonds

SCH3U.A.3.4: draw Lewis structures, construct molecular models, and give the structural formulae for compounds containing single and multiple bonds;

Covalent Bonds

SCH3U.A.3.5: write, using IUPAC or traditional systems, the formulae of binary and tertiary compounds, including those containing elements with multiple valences, and recognize the formulae in various contexts;

Covalent Bonds
Ionic Bonds

SCH3U.A.3.6: predict the products of, and write chemical equations to represent, synthesis, decomposition, substitution, and double displacement reactions, and test the predictions through experimentation;

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equation Balancing
Dehydration Synthesis

SCH3U.A.4: Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment

SCH3U.A.4.1: identify chemical substances and reactions in everyday use or of environmental significance (e.g., fertilizers, greenhouse gases, photosynthesis);

Photosynthesis Lab

SCH3U.A.4.3: evaluate and compare the reactivity of metals and alloys (e.g., gold in jewellery, iron and stainless steel), and explain why most metals are found in nature as compounds;

Ionic Bonds

SCH3U.B: Quantities in Chemical Reactions

SCH3U.B.1: Overall Expectations

SCH3U.B.1.1: demonstrate an understanding of the mole concept and its significance in the analysis of chemical systems;


SCH3U.B.1.2: carry out experiments and complete calculations based on quantitative relationships in balanced chemical reactions;

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equation Balancing

SCH3U.B.2: Understanding Basic Concepts

SCH3U.B.2.1: demonstrate an understanding of Avogadro's number, the mole concept, and the relationship between the mole and molar mass;


SCH3U.B.2.2: explain the relationship between isotopic abundance and relative atomic mass;

Element Builder
Nuclear Decay

SCH3U.B.2.3: distinguish between the empirical formula and the molecular formula of a compound;

Covalent Bonds

SCH3U.B.2.4: explain the law of definite proportions;

Covalent Bonds
Dehydration Synthesis
Ionic Bonds

SCH3U.B.2.5: state the quantitative relationships expressed in a chemical equation (e.g., in moles, grams, atoms, ions, or molecules).

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equation Balancing
Limiting Reactants

SCH3U.B.3: Developing Skills of Inquiry and Communication

SCH3U.B.3.1: use appropriate scientific vocabulary to communicate ideas related to chemical calculations (e.g., stoichiometry, percentage yield, limiting reagent, mole, atomic mass);

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equation Balancing
Limiting Reactants

SCH3U.B.3.3: solve problems involving quantity in moles, number of particles, and mass;


SCH3U.B.3.4: determine empirical formulae and molecular formulae, given molar masses and percentage composition or mass data;


SCH3U.B.3.5: balance chemical equations by inspection;

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equation Balancing

SCH3U.B.3.6: balance simple nuclear equations;

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equation Balancing
Nuclear Decay

SCH3U.B.3.7: calculate, for any given reactant or product in a chemical equation, the corresponding mass or quantity in moles or molecules of any other reactant or product;

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equation Balancing
Ionic Bonds
Limiting Reactants

SCH3U.B.3.8: solve problems involving percentage yield and limiting reagents;

Limiting Reactants

SCH3U.B.4: Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment

SCH3U.B.4.2: explain how different stoichiometric combinations of elements in compounds can produce substances with different properties (e.g., water and hydrogen peroxide, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide);


SCH3U.C: Solutions and Solubility

SCH3U.C.1: Overall Expectations

SCH3U.C.1.1: demonstrate an understanding of the properties of solutions, the concept of concentration, and the importance of water as a solvent;

Colligative Properties

SCH3U.C.1.3: relate a scientific knowledge of solutions and solubility to everyday applications, and explain how environmental water quality depends on the concentrations of a variety of dissolved substances.

Solubility and Temperature
Water Pollution

SCH3U.C.2: Understanding Basic Concepts

SCH3U.C.2.3: describe the dependence on temperature of solubility in water for solids, liquids, and gases;

Freezing Point of Salt Water
Phase Changes
Solubility and Temperature

SCH3U.C.2.6: explain qualitatively, in terms of degree of dissociation, the difference between strong and weak acids and bases;

pH Analysis
pH Analysis: Quad Color Indicator

SCH3U.C.2.7: demonstrate an understanding of the operational definition of pH (i.e., pH = -log10[H+]).

pH Analysis
pH Analysis: Quad Color Indicator

SCH3U.C.3: Developing Skills of Inquiry and Communication

SCH3U.C.3.2: solve problems involving concentration of solutions and express the results in various units (e.g., moles per litre, grams per 100 mL, parts per million [and billion], mass or volume per cent);

Colligative Properties

SCH3U.C.3.4: determine, through experiments, qualitative and quantitative properties of solutions (e.g., perform a qualitative analysis of ions in a solution; plot solubility curves for some common solutes in water), and solve problems based on such experiments;

Solubility and Temperature

SCH3U.C.3.5: represent precipitation reactions by their net ionic equations;

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equation Balancing

SCH3U.C.3.6: determine through experimentation the effect of dilution on the pH of an acid or a base;

pH Analysis
pH Analysis: Quad Color Indicator

SCH3U.C.3.7: write balanced chemical equations for reactions involving acids and bases (e.g., dissociation, displacement, and neutralization reactions);

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equation Balancing

SCH3U.C.4: Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment

SCH3U.C.4.1: supply examples from everyday life of solutions involving all three states (e.g., carbonated water, seawater, alloys, air);

Phase Changes

SCH3U.C.4.2: describe examples of solutions for which the concentration must be known and exact (e.g., intravenous solutions, drinking water);

Colligative Properties

SCH3U.D: Gases and Atmospheric Chemistry

SCH3U.D.1: Overall Expectations

SCH3U.D.1.1: demonstrate an understanding of the laws that govern the behaviour of gases;

Boyle's Law and Charles' Law

SCH3U.D.1.2: investigate through experimentation the relationships among the pressure, volume, and temperature of a gas, and solve problems involving quantity of substance in moles, molar masses and volumes, and the gas laws;

Boyle's Law and Charles' Law

SCH3U.D.2: Understanding Basic Concepts

SCH3U.D.2.1: explain different states of matter in terms of the forces between atoms, molecules, and ions;

Phase Changes

SCH3U.D.2.2: describe the gaseous state, using kinetic molecular theory, in terms of degree of disorder and types of motion of atoms and molecules;

Boyle's Law and Charles' Law
Phase Changes
Temperature and Particle Motion

SCH3U.D.2.3: describe the quantitative relationships that exist among the following variables for an ideal gas: pressure, volume, temperature, and amount of substance;

Boyle's Law and Charles' Law
Temperature and Particle Motion

SCH3U.D.3: Developing Skills of Inquiry and Communication

SCH3U.D.3.2: use and interconvert appropriate units to express pressure (e.g., pascals, atmospheres, mm Hg) and temperature (e.g., Celsius and Kelvin scales);


SCH3U.D.3.3: determine through experimentation the quantitative and graphical relationships among the pressure, volume, and temperature of an ideal gas;

Boyle's Law and Charles' Law
Temperature and Particle Motion

SCH3U.D.3.4: solve quantitative problems involving the following gas laws: Charles's law, Boyle's law, the combined gas law, Gay-Lussac's law, Dalton's law of partial pressures, the ideal gas law;

Boyle's Law and Charles' Law

SCH3U.D.3.5: perform stoichiometric calculations involving the quantitative relationships among the quantity of substances in moles, the number of atoms, the number of molecules, the mass, and the volume of the substances in a balanced chemical equation;

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equation Balancing

SCH3U.D.4: Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment

SCH3U.D.4.3: identify technological products and safety concerns associated with compressed gases (e.g., propane tanks, medical oxygen tanks, welders' acetylene tanks);

Boyle's Law and Charles' Law

SCH3U.E: Hydrocarbons and Energy

SCH3U.E.2: Understanding Basic Concepts

SCH3U.E.2.1: identify the origins and major sources of organic compounds;

Dehydration Synthesis

SCH3U.E.2.3: describe some of the physical and chemical properties of hydrocarbons (e.g., solubility in water, density, melting point, boiling point, and combustibility of the alkanes);

Density Experiment: Slice and Dice
Density Laboratory
Determining Density via Water Displacement
Freezing Point of Salt Water
Mystery Powder Analysis

SCH3U.E.2.5: explain how mass, heat capacity, and change in temperature of an object determine the amount of heat it gains or loses;

Calorimetry Lab
Energy Conversion in a System
Phase Changes

SCH3U.E.2.6: identify ways in which reactants, products, and a heat term are combined to form thermochemical equations representing endothermic and exothermic chemical changes.

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equation Balancing

SCH3U.E.3: Developing Skills of Inquiry and Communication

SCH3U.E.3.5: carry out an experiment involving the production or combustion of a hydrocarbon (e.g., formation of acetylene, burning paraffin) and write the corresponding balanced chemical equation;

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equation Balancing

SCH3U.E.3.6: write balanced chemical equations for the complete and incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons;

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equation Balancing

SPH3U: Physics, University Preparation

SPH3U.A: Forces and Motion

SPH3U.A.1: Overall Expectations

SPH3U.A.1.1: demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between forces and the acceleration of an object in linear motion;

Atwood Machine
Charge Launcher
Fan Cart Physics
Force and Fan Carts
Freefall Laboratory
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects

SPH3U.A.1.2: investigate, through experimentation, the effect of a net force on the linear motion of an object, and analyse the effect in quantitative terms, using graphs, free-body diagrams, and vector diagrams;

Atwood Machine
Coulomb Force (Static)
Force and Fan Carts
Inclined Plane - Simple Machine
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects
Pith Ball Lab

SPH3U.A.2: Understanding Basic Concepts

SPH3U.A.2.1: define and describe concepts and units related to force and motion (e.g., vectors, scalars, displacement, uniform motion, instantaneous and average velocity, uniform acceleration, instantaneous and average acceleration, applied force, net force, static friction, kinetic friction, coefficients of friction);

Atwood Machine
Force and Fan Carts
Inclined Plane - Simple Machine
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects
Roller Coaster Physics

SPH3U.A.2.2: describe and explain different kinds of motion, and apply quantitatively the relationships among displacement, velocity, and acceleration in specific contexts;

Atwood Machine
Distance-Time Graphs
Distance-Time and Velocity-Time Graphs
Fan Cart Physics
Force and Fan Carts
Roller Coaster Physics
Uniform Circular Motion

SPH3U.A.2.3: analyse uniform motion in the horizontal plane in a variety of situations, using vector diagrams;

Atwood Machine
Distance-Time Graphs

SPH3U.A.2.5: analyse and describe the gravitational force acting on an object near, and at a distance from, the surface of the Earth;

Atwood Machine
Beam to Moon (Ratios and Proportions)
Charge Launcher
Freefall Laboratory
Golf Range!
Gravity Pitch
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects

SPH3U.A.2.6: analyse and describe the forces acting on an object, using free-body diagrams, and determine the acceleration of the object;

Force and Fan Carts
Freefall Laboratory
Inclined Plane - Simple Machine

SPH3U.A.2.7: state Newton's laws, and apply them to explain the motion of objects in a variety of contexts;

2D Collisions
Air Track
Atwood Machine
Fan Cart Physics
Force and Fan Carts
Uniform Circular Motion

SPH3U.A.2.8: analyse in quantitative terms, using Newton's laws, the relationships among the net force acting on an object, its mass, and its acceleration.

Atwood Machine
Fan Cart Physics
Force and Fan Carts
Freefall Laboratory
Inclined Plane - Simple Machine
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects
Uniform Circular Motion

SPH3U.A.3: Developing Skills of Inquiry and Communication

SPH3U.A.3.2: carry out experiments to verify Newton's second law of motion;

Atwood Machine
Fan Cart Physics
Force and Fan Carts

SPH3U.A.3.3: interpret patterns and trends in data by means of graphs drawn by hand or by computer, and infer or calculate linear and non-linear relationships among variables (e.g., analyse and explain the motion of objects, using displacement-time graphs, velocity-time graphs, and acceleration-time graphs);

Distance-Time Graphs
Distance-Time and Velocity-Time Graphs
Fan Cart Physics
Force and Fan Carts
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects
Roller Coaster Physics

SPH3U.A.3.4: analyse the motion of objects, using vector diagrams, free-body diagrams, uniform acceleration equations, and Newton's laws of motion.

2D Collisions
Atwood Machine
Force and Fan Carts
Inclined Plane - Simple Machine
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects
Uniform Circular Motion

SPH3U.A.4: Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment

SPH3U.A.4.1: explain how the contributions of Galileo and Newton revolutionized the scientific thinking of their time and provided the foundation for understanding the relationship between motion and force;

2D Collisions
Atwood Machine
Fan Cart Physics
Force and Fan Carts
Uniform Circular Motion

SPH3U.A.4.3: analyse and explain the relationship between an understanding of forces and motion and an understanding of political, economic, environmental, and safety issues in the development and use of transportation technologies (including terrestrial and space vehicles) and recreation and sports equipment.

Atwood Machine
Charge Launcher
Fan Cart Physics
Force and Fan Carts
Uniform Circular Motion

SPH3U.B: Energy, Work, and Power

SPH3U.B.1: Overall Expectations

SPH3U.B.1.1: demonstrate an understanding, in qualitative and quantitative terms, of the concepts of work, energy (kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy, and thermal energy and its transfer [heat]), energy transformations, efficiency, and power;

Inclined Plane - Rolling Objects
Inclined Plane - Simple Machine
Pulley Lab

SPH3U.B.1.2: design and carry out experiments and solve problems involving energy transformations and the law of conservation of energy;

Energy Conversion in a System
Energy of a Pendulum
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects
Period of a Pendulum
Roller Coaster Physics
Simple Harmonic Motion

SPH3U.B.1.3: analyse the costs and benefits of various energy sources and energy-transformation technologies that are used around the world, and explain how the application of scientific principles related to mechanical energy has led to the enhancement of sports and recreational activities.

Energy Conversion in a System
Energy of a Pendulum
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects
Period of a Pendulum
Roller Coaster Physics
Simple Harmonic Motion

SPH3U.B.2: Understanding Basic Concepts

SPH3U.B.2.1: define and describe the concepts and units related to energy, work, and power (e.g., energy, work, power, gravitational potential energy, kinetic energy, thermal energy and its transfer [heat], efficiency);

Food Chain
Inclined Plane - Rolling Objects
Inclined Plane - Simple Machine
Pulley Lab

SPH3U.B.2.2: identify conditions required for work to be done, and apply quantitatively the relationships among work, force, and displacement along the line of the force;

Charge Launcher
Inclined Plane - Simple Machine
Pulley Lab
Wheel and Axle

SPH3U.B.2.3: analyse, in qualitative and quantitative terms, simple situations involving work, gravitational potential energy, kinetic energy, and thermal energy and its transfer (heat), using the law of conservation of energy;

Energy Conversion in a System
Energy of a Pendulum
Inclined Plane - Rolling Objects
Inclined Plane - Simple Machine
Pulley Lab
Temperature and Particle Motion

SPH3U.B.2.5: analyse, in quantitative terms, the relationships among per-cent efficiency, input energy, and useful output energy for several energy transformations.

Inclined Plane - Simple Machine

SPH3U.B.3: Developing Skills of Inquiry and Communication

SPH3U.B.3.1: design and carry out experiments related to energy transformations, identifying and controlling major variables (e.g., design and carry out an experiment to identify the energy transformations of a swinging pendulum, and to verify the law of conservation of energy; design and carry out an experiment to determine the power produced by a student);

Energy Conversion in a System
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects

SPH3U.B.3.2: analyse and interpret experimental data or computer simulations involving work, gravitational potential energy, kinetic energy, thermal energy and its transfer (heat), and the efficiency of the energy transformation (e.g., experimental data on the motion of a swinging pendulum or a falling or sliding mass in terms of the energy transformations that occur);

Heat Transfer by Conduction
Inclined Plane - Simple Machine
Pulley Lab

SPH3U.B.3.3: communicate the procedures, data, and conclusions of investigations involving work, mechanical energy, power, thermal energy and its transfer (heat), and the law of conservation of energy, using appropriate means (e.g., oral and written descriptions, numerical and/or graphical analyses, tables, diagrams).

Ants on a Slant (Inclined Plane)
Calorimetry Lab
Energy Conversion in a System
Heat Transfer by Conduction
Inclined Plane - Simple Machine
Phase Changes
Pulley Lab

SPH3U.B.4: Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment

SPH3U.B.4.1: analyse, using their own or given criteria, the economic, social, and environmental impact of various energy sources (e.g., wind, tidal flow, falling water, the sun, thermal energy and its transfer [heat]) and energy-transformation technologies (e.g., hydroelectric power plants and energy transformations produced by other renewable sources, fossil fuel, and nuclear power plants) used around the world;

Energy Conversion in a System

SPH3U.B.4.2: analyse and explain improvements in sports performance, using principles and concepts related to work, kinetic and potential energy, and the law of conservation of energy (e.g., explain the importance of the initial kinetic energy of a pole vaulter or high jumper).

Energy Conversion in a System
Energy of a Pendulum
Inclined Plane - Rolling Objects
Inclined Plane - Simple Machine
Period of a Pendulum
Pulley Lab
Simple Harmonic Motion

SPH3U.C: Waves and Sound

SPH3U.C.1: Overall Expectations

SPH3U.C.1.1: demonstrate an understanding of the properties of mechanical waves and sound and the principles underlying the production, transmission, interaction, and reception of mechanical waves and sound;

Earthquake - Determination of Epicenter
Earthquake - Recording Station
Longitudinal Waves
Sound Beats and Sine Waves

SPH3U.C.1.2: investigate the properties of mechanical waves and sound through experiments or simulations, and compare predicted results with actual results;

Earthquake - Determination of Epicenter
Earthquake - Recording Station
Longitudinal Waves
Sound Beats and Sine Waves

SPH3U.C.1.3: describe and explain ways in which mechanical waves and sound are produced in nature, and evaluate the contributions to entertainment, health, and safety of technologies that make use of mechanical waves and sound.

Earthquake - Determination of Epicenter
Earthquake - Recording Station
Longitudinal Waves
Sound Beats and Sine Waves

SPH3U.C.2: Understanding Basic Concepts

SPH3U.C.2.1: define and describe the concepts and units related to mechanical waves (e.g., longitudinal wave, transverse wave, cycle, period, frequency, amplitude, phase, wavelength, velocity, superposition, constructive and destructive interference, standing waves, resonance);

Earthquake - Recording Station
Longitudinal Waves
Sound Beats and Sine Waves

SPH3U.C.2.2: describe and illustrate the properties of transverse and longitudinal waves in different media, and analyse the velocity of waves travelling in those media in quantitative terms;

Earthquake - Recording Station

SPH3U.C.2.4: explain and graphically illustrate the principle of superposition, and identify examples of constructive and destructive interference;

Sound Beats and Sine Waves

SPH3U.C.2.5: analyse the components of resonance and identify the conditions required for resonance to occur in vibrating objects and in various media;

Longitudinal Waves

SPH3U.C.2.6: identify the properties of standing waves and, for both mechanical and sound waves, explain the conditions required for standing waves to occur;

Earthquake - Determination of Epicenter
Earthquake - Recording Station
Longitudinal Waves
Sound Beats and Sine Waves

SPH3U.C.2.7: explain the Doppler effect, and predict in qualitative terms the frequency change that will occur in a variety of conditions;

Doppler Shift
Doppler Shift Advanced
Sound Beats and Sine Waves

SPH3U.C.2.8: analyse, in quantitative terms, the conditions needed for resonance in air columns, and explain how resonance is used in a variety of situations (e.g., analyse resonance conditions in air columns in quantitative terms, identify musical instruments using such air columns, and explain how different notes are produced).

Longitudinal Waves

SPH3U.C.3: Developing Skills of Inquiry and Communication

SPH3U.C.3.1: draw, measure, analyse, and interpret the properties of waves (e.g., reflection, diffraction, and interference, including interference that results in standing waves) during their transmission in a medium and from one medium to another, and during their interaction with matter;

Earthquake - Determination of Epicenter
Longitudinal Waves

SPH3U.C.3.2: design and conduct an experiment to determine the speed of waves in a medium, compare theoretical and empirical values, and account for discrepancies;

Earthquake - Determination of Epicenter

SPH3U.C.3.3: analyse, through experimentation, the conditions required to produce resonance in vibrating objects and/or in air columns (e.g., in string instruments, tuning forks, wind instruments), predict the conditions required to produce resonance in specific cases, and determine whether the predictions are correct through experimentation.

Longitudinal Waves

SPH3U.C.4: Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment

SPH3U.C.4.1: describe how knowledge of the properties of waves is applied in the design of buildings (e.g., with respect to acoustics) and of various technological devices (e.g., musical instruments, audio-visual and home entertainment equipment), as well as in explanations of how sounds are produced and transmitted in nature, and how they interact with matter in nature (e.g., how organisms produce or receive infrasonic, audible, and ultrasonic sounds);

Earthquake - Determination of Epicenter
Longitudinal Waves
Sound Beats and Sine Waves

SPH3U.C.4.2: evaluate the effectiveness of a technological device related to human perception of sound (e.g., hearing aid, earphones, cell phone), using given criteria;

Longitudinal Waves
Sound Beats and Sine Waves

SPH3U.D: Light and Geometric Optics

SPH3U.D.1: Overall Expectations

SPH3U.D.1.2: investigate the properties of light through experimentation, and illustrate and predict the behaviour of light through the use of ray diagrams and algebraic equations;

Ray Tracing (Lenses)
Ray Tracing (Mirrors)

SPH3U.D.2: Understanding Basic Concepts

SPH3U.D.2.1: define and describe concepts and units related to light (e.g., reflection, refraction, partial reflection and refraction, index of refraction, total internal reflection, critical angle, focal point, image);

Ray Tracing (Lenses)
Ray Tracing (Mirrors)

SPH3U.D.2.3: predict, in qualitative and quantitative terms, the refraction of light as it passes from one medium to another, using Snell's law;

Basic Prism

SPH3U.D.2.4: explain the conditions required for total internal reflection, using light-ray diagrams, and analyse and describe situations in which these conditions occur;

Heat Absorption
Laser Reflection
Ray Tracing (Lenses)
Ray Tracing (Mirrors)

SPH3U.D.2.5: describe and explain, with the aid of light-ray diagrams, the characteristics and positions of the images formed by lenses;

Ray Tracing (Lenses)
Ray Tracing (Mirrors)

SPH3U.D.2.6: describe the effects of converging and diverging lenses on light, and explain why each type of lens is used in specific optical devices;

Ray Tracing (Lenses)

SPH3U.D.2.7: analyse, in quantitative terms, the characteristics and positions of images formed by lenses.

Ray Tracing (Lenses)
Ray Tracing (Mirrors)

SPH3U.D.3: Developing Skills of Inquiry and Communication

SPH3U.D.3.1: demonstrate and illustrate, using light-ray diagrams, the refraction, partial refraction and reflection, critical angle, and total internal reflection of light at the interface of a variety of media;

Basic Prism
Heat Absorption
Laser Reflection
Ray Tracing (Lenses)
Ray Tracing (Mirrors)

SPH3U.D.3.2: carry out an experiment to verify Snell's law;


SPH3U.D.3.3: predict, using ray diagrams and algebraic equations, the image position and characteristics of a converging lens, and verify the predictions through experimentation;

Ray Tracing (Lenses)
Ray Tracing (Mirrors)

SPH3U.D.3.4: carry out experiments involving the transmission of light, compare theoretical predictions and empirical evidence, and account for discrepancies (e.g., given the index of refraction, predict and verify the critical angle of incidence of a substance; given the focal length of a lens, predict and verify the position and characteristics of an image);

Ray Tracing (Lenses)

SPH3U.D.4: Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment

SPH3U.D.4.1: describe how images are produced and reproduced for the purposes of entertainment and culture (e.g., in movie theatres, in audio-visual and home entertainment equipment, in optical illusions);

Ray Tracing (Lenses)
Ray Tracing (Mirrors)

SPH3U.D.4.2: evaluate, using given criteria, the effectiveness of a technological device or procedure related to human perception of light (e.g., eyeglasses, contact lenses, virtual reality "glasses", infra-red or low light vision sensors, laser surgery);

Ray Tracing (Lenses)

SPH3U.E: Electricity and Magnetism

SPH3U.E.2: Understanding Basic Concepts

SPH3U.E.2.1: define and describe the concepts and units related to electricity and magnetism (e.g., electric charge, electric current, electric potential, electron flow, magnetic field, electromagnetic induction, energy, power, kilowatt-hour);

Household Energy Usage

SPH3U.E.2.2: describe the two conventions used to denote the direction of movement of electric charge in an electric circuit (i.e., electric current [movement of positive charge] and electron flow [movement of negative charge]), recognizing that electric current is the preferred convention;

Advanced Circuits
Charge Launcher
Coulomb Force (Static)
Pith Ball Lab

SPH3U.E.2.8: compare direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC) in qualitative terms, and explain the importance of alternating current in the transmission of electrical energy;

Advanced Circuits

SPH3U.E.2.9: explain, in terms of the interaction of electricity and magnetism, and analyse in quantitative terms, the operation of transformers (e.g., describe the basic parts and the operation of step-up and step-down transformers; solve problems involving energy, power, potential difference, current, and the number of turns in the primary and secondary coils of a transformer).

Household Energy Usage

SNC3M: Science, University/College Preparation

SNC3M.A: Everyday Chemicals and Safe Practice

SNC3M.A.2: Understanding Basic Concepts

SNC3M.A.2.1: define and give examples of such chemical terms as corrosive product, acid, base, organic solvent, fuel;

pH Analysis
pH Analysis: Quad Color Indicator

SNC3M.A.2.2: explain how chemical and physical characteristics of everyday substances are the result of differences in the bonding of their constituent parts (e.g., covalent, polar covalent, ionic bonds, metallic bonding);

Covalent Bonds
Mystery Powder Analysis

SNC3M.A.2.3: give evidence for, and classify the types of, reactions involving everyday chemicals (e.g., combustion, displacement, acid-base reactions);

Balancing Chemical Equations

SNC3M.A.2.5: describe the effects of everyday chemicals (e.g., acid emissions, carbon emissions, CFCs, PCBs) on the well-being of organisms, including humans;

Water Pollution

SNC3M.A.4: Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment

SNC3M.A.4.3: assess the environmental impact of the increased use of chemicals in the manufacturing of new products used in the home, workplace, and industry.

Water Pollution

SNC3M.B: Body Input and Body Function

SNC3M.B.2: Understanding Basic Concepts

SNC3M.B.2.1: define such terms as the following, and give examples of each: lipid (e.g., saturated fatty acid), carbohydrate (e.g., monosaccharide, polysaccharide), protein (e.g., the amino acid building blocks, essential amino acid), vitamin (e.g., fat-soluble vitamin), mineral;

Identifying Nutrients

SNC3M.B.2.2: identify the sources, basic chemical structure, and function in the body of the principal food nutrients (e.g., carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, minerals);

Identifying Nutrients

SNC3M.B.3: Developing Skills of Inquiry and Communication

SNC3M.B.3.2: determine, through investigations, how certain factors affect body function (e.g., the impact of exercise and tobacco on cardiovascular function);

Circulatory System

SNC3M.C: Waste Management

SNC3M.C.2: Understanding Basic Concepts

SNC3M.C.2.1: define, and when appropriate give examples of, such terms as the following: solid/liquid/gaseous waste, toxic waste, heavy metals, chlorinated hydrocarbons, acid rain, ozone, greenhouse effect;

Greenhouse Effect

SNC3M.C.3: Developing Skills of Inquiry and Communication

SNC3M.C.3.3: describe and explain, through research and reporting, the use of bacteria as waste decomposers (e.g., write an essay on the use of bacteria in sewage treatment plants, septic-tank systems, and the clean-up of oil spills);

Forest Ecosystem

SNC3M.D: Science and Space

SNC3M.D.2: Understanding Basic Concepts

SNC3M.D.2.1: define, and when appropriate give examples of, such concepts as the following: gravity, microgravity, Newton's law of universal gravitation, crystallization, surface tension;

Gravitational Force
Gravity Pitch
Orbital Motion - Kepler's Laws

SNC3M.D.2.2: describe how Newton's laws of motion and his law of universal gravitation explain the phenomenon of gravity and the necessary conditions of microgravity and "weightlessness";

2D Collisions
Force and Fan Carts
Gravitational Force
Gravity Pitch
Orbital Motion - Kepler's Laws

SNC3M.D.2.3: compare, by conducting research, the various ways of simulating a microgravity environment (e.g., through the use of aircraft, rockets, drop towers, and orbiting spacecraft);

Gravitational Force
Gravity Pitch
Orbital Motion - Kepler's Laws

SNC3M.D.3: Developing Skills of Inquiry and Communication

SNC3M.D.3.3: illustrate, through laboratory investigation, the effects of Earth's gravity on the behaviour of fluids (e.g., conduct an experiment on the effects of gravity on surface tension and the effects of differences in surface tension on fluid flows);

Atwood Machine
Freefall Laboratory
Gravity Pitch
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects

SNC3M.D.4: Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment

SNC3M.D.4.1: describe how research into the behaviour of solids or liquids in space has benefited society (e.g., research on calcium and bone loss with extended time in space has implications for the treatment of osteoporosis);

Freezing Point of Salt Water
Phase Changes

SNC3M.E: Technologies in Everyday Life

SNC3M.E.2: Understanding Basic Concepts

SNC3M.E.2.3: explain fundamental scientific principles (e.g., electrical resistance, gene mutation) related to an example of an everyday technology (e.g., the microprocessor, in vitro fertilization);

Evolution: Mutation and Selection

SNC3E: Science, Workplace Preparation

SNC3E.A: Materials and Safety

SNC3E.A.2: Understanding Basic Concepts

SNC3E.A.2.3: describe factors that affect the rate of chemical reaction, paying special attention to what makes reactions dangerous (e.g., increasing the temperature at which a reaction takes place can cause an explosion; volatile liquids and dispersed powders have a greater rate of reaction);

Collision Theory

SNC3E.A.2.4: identify some oxidizing agents by name and/or chemical formula, and describe their chemical reactivity with fuels and other oxidizable substances (e.g., write the chemical formula for oxygen gas and explain the reaction of oxygen gas with a fuel in terms of the products formed);

Covalent Bonds
Dehydration Synthesis
Ionic Bonds

SNC3E.A.3: Developing Skills of Inquiry and Communication

SNC3E.A.3.1: formulate scientific questions, in qualitative terms, about rates of chemical reaction (e.g., How do the rates of combustion of some fuels in air differ? What happens to the rates of combustion of fuels in pure oxygen or when mixed with a solid oxidant?);

Collision Theory

SNC3E.B: Electrical Circuits

SNC3E.B.1: Overall Expectations

SNC3E.B.1.1: demonstrate an understanding of the components and functions of electrical circuits that are commonly found at home and in the workplace;

Advanced Circuits

SNC3E.B.1.2: construct, analyse, and repair simple electrical circuits, using schematic diagrams, working with electrical tools and components, and examining small everyday electrical devices and appliances;

Advanced Circuits

SNC3E.B.2: Understanding Basic Concepts

SNC3E.B.2.1: describe the basic components and layout of a simple electrical circuit;

Advanced Circuits

SNC3E.B.2.2: describe common electrical components that regulate the flow of electricity or that are used as safety mechanisms in circuits (e.g., switches, bimetallic strips, resistors, fuses, ground fault interrupters [GFIs], surge protectors);

Advanced Circuits

SNC3E.B.2.3: explain the difference between direct current and alternating current, and identify situations in which each is used (e.g., compare the use of direct current in a portable appliance such as a flashlight to the use of alternating current in household appliances);


SNC3E.B.2.4: analyse, in qualitative terms, the relationship among potential difference, electric current, and resistance in a complete electrical circuit (e.g., determine that the amount of current in an electrical circuit increases as the applied potential difference increases);

Advanced Circuits

SNC3E.B.2.5: identify the SI units for measuring energy, power, potential difference, current, and resistance;

Advanced Circuits
Household Energy Usage

SNC3E.B.2.6: describe proper safety procedures necessary for working with electrical systems at home and in the workplace, and identify situations in which electrical circuits can be fire hazards and dangerous to human life (e.g., describe the potential hazards related to the use of power tools and electric lawnmowers in the rain);

Advanced Circuits

SNC3E.B.3: Developing Skills of Inquiry and Communication

SNC3E.B.3.1: build a simple electrical device, accurately following a clear set of instructions and circuit diagrams (e.g., construct and test a simple electrical device such as a loudspeaker, electric motor);

Advanced Circuits
Identifying Nutrients

SNC3E.B.3.3: safely construct simple electrical circuits from conventional schematic diagrams that include common electrical symbols (e.g., symbols for DC and AC power sources, switches, potentiometers, resistors, bulbs, measurement devices such as ammeters and voltmeters, grounds);

Advanced Circuits

SNC3E.B.3.4: safely use appropriate tools for constructing electrical circuits (e.g., soldering irons, wire strippers, crimping tools, screwdrivers, and a variety of common connectors);

Advanced Circuits

SNC3E.B.3.5: identify and appropriately use equipment for measuring potential difference, electrical current, and resistance (e.g., use multimeters and a galvanometer to make various measurements in an electrical circuit; use an oscilloscope to show the characteristics of the electrical current);

Advanced Circuits

SNC3E.B.3.6: analyse electrical circuits or computer simulations of electrical circuits, identify any faults, and make corrections (e.g., repair a defective small household appliance);

Advanced Circuits

SNC3E.B.4: Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment

SNC3E.B.4.2: devise a household plan for survival in the event of a prolonged public power disruption (e.g., identify alternative sources of energy that are readily available in the community);

Household Energy Usage

SNC3E.C: Micro-organisms

SNC3E.C.2: Understanding Basic Concepts

SNC3E.C.2.1: describe the basic characteristics of representative bacteria, protists, viruses, and fungi;

Virus Life Cycle (Lytic)

SNC3E.C.2.2: compare the life cycles of representative bacteria, protists, viruses, and fungi;

Virus Life Cycle (Lytic)

SNC3E.C.2.3: explain the methods of reproduction of representative bacteria, protists, viruses, and fungi;

Virus Life Cycle (Lytic)

SNC3E.C.2.4: describe the anatomy and physiology of representative bacteria, protists, viruses, and fungi;

Virus Life Cycle (Lytic)

SNC3E.C.2.6: describe how bacteria, protists, viruses, and fungi cause diseases in humans and how they are useful to humans.

Disease Spread
Virus Life Cycle (Lytic)

SNC3E.C.4: Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment

SNC3E.C.4.2: describe some of the challenges of developing or modifying technologies to control or inhibit the reproduction and growth of micro-organisms (e.g., vaccines to fight viruses that are constantly mutating).

Evolution: Mutation and Selection
Virus Life Cycle (Lytic)

SNC3E.D: The Immune System and Human Health

SNC3E.D.2: Understanding Basic Concepts

SNC3E.D.2.1: explain, in general terms, the cellular and chemical components of the human immune system (e.g., describe how the cell membrane of white blood cells deals with infection; explain how chemicals in the immune system attack foreign or abnormal proteins to protect the body);

Cell Structure

SNC3E.D.2.2: distinguish between communicable and non-communicable diseases;

Disease Spread

SNC3E.D.2.3: describe the role of blood components in controlling pathogens (e.g., clotting factors, white blood cells, antibodies);

Circulatory System

SNC3E.D.4: Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment

SNC3E.D.4.3: analyse ways in which human health has been improved over time as a result of a better understanding of pathogens and genetics and improved sanitary conditions and personal hygiene (e.g., development of a smallpox vaccine by Edward Jenner, or polio vaccine by Jonas Salk; development of public health guidelines for food handling and preparation in restaurants to prevent microbial contamination of the final product).

Chicken Genetics
Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

SNC3E.E: Human Impact on the Environment

SNC3E.E.1: Overall Expectations

SNC3E.E.1.1: demonstrate an understanding of the impact of humans on the environment, and assess alternative courses of action to protect the environment;

Rabbit Population by Season
Water Pollution

SNC3E.E.2: Understanding Basic Concepts

SNC3E.E.2.1: analyse interactions between the environment and human activities (e.g., analyse the interdependence of biotic and abiotic factors in a municipal waste disposal site);

Rabbit Population by Season
Water Pollution

SNC3E.E.2.2: define population growth and explain the factors that influence it;

Forest Ecosystem
Prairie Ecosystem

SNC3E.E.2.3: evaluate the correlation between Earth's carrying capacity and the demands on natural resources made by human population growth;

Food Chain
Forest Ecosystem
Prairie Ecosystem
Rabbit Population by Season

SNC3E.E.2.4: describe and explain the production, distribution, and use of food resources, using the concept of the energy pyramid;

Food Chain
Prairie Ecosystem

SNC3E.E.2.5: explain the importance of biodiversity with respect to the sustainability of life within the biosphere (e.g., the danger of extinction for species that have little genetic variability, or the concern about the diminishing number of species of wheat grown worldwide).

Chicken Genetics

Correlation last revised: 2/2/2010

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