BIO1.LS1: From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes

BIO1.LS1.1: Compare and contrast existing models, identify patterns, and use structural and functional evidence to analyze the characteristics of life. Engage in argument about the designation of viruses as non-living based on these characteristics.

Dichotomous Keys
Virus Lytic Cycle

BIO1.LS1.2: Evaluate comparative models of various cell types with a focus on organic molecules that make up cellular structures.

Cell Structure
Cell Types

BIO1.LS1.3: Integrate evidence to develop a structural model of a DNA molecule. Using the model, develop and communicate an explanation for how DNA serves as a template for self-replication and encodes biological information.

Building DNA

BIO1.LS1.4: Demonstrate how DNA sequence information is decoded through transcriptional and translational processes within the cell in order to synthesize proteins. Examine the relationship of structure and function of various types of RNA and the importance of this relationship in these processes.

RNA and Protein Synthesis

BIO1.LS1.6: Create a model for the major events of the eukaryotic cell cycle, including mitosis. Compare and contrast the rates of cell division in various eukaryotic cell types in multicellular organisms.

Cell Structure

BIO1.LS1.7: Utilize a model of a cell plasma membrane to compare the various types of cellular transport and test predictions about the movement of molecules into or out of a cell based on the homeostasis of energy and matter in cells.


BIO1.LS1.8: Create a model of photosynthesis demonstrating the net flow of matter and energy into a cell. Use the model to explain energy transfer from light energy into stored chemical energy in the product.

Cell Energy Cycle
Photosynthesis Lab

BIO1.LS1.9: Create a model of aerobic respiration demonstrating flow of matter and energy out of a cell. Use the model to explain energy transfer mechanisms. Compare aerobic respiration to alternative processes of glucose metabolism.

Cell Energy Cycle

BIO1.LS2: Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics

BIO1.LS2.1: Analyze mathematical and/or computational representations of population data that support explanations of factors that affect population size and carrying capacities of populations within an ecosystem. Examine a representative ecosystem and, based on interdependent relationships present, predict population size effects due to a given disturbance.

Food Chain
Rabbit Population by Season

BIO1.LS2.2: Create a model tracking carbon atoms between inorganic and organic molecules in an ecosystem. Explain human impacts on climate based on this model.

Carbon Cycle
Cell Energy Cycle

BIO1.LS2.3: Analyze through research the cycling of matter in our biosphere and explain how biogeochemical cycles are critical for ecosystem function.

Plants and Snails

BIO1.LS2.4: Analyze data demonstrating the decrease in biomass observed in each successive trophic level. Construct an explanation considering the laws of conservation of energy and matter and represent this phenomenon in a mathematical model to describe the transfer of energy and matter between trophic levels.

Food Chain

BIO1.LS3: Heredity: Inheritance and Variation of Traits

BIO1.LS3.3: Through pedigree analysis, identify patterns of trait inheritance to predict family member genotypes. Use mathematical thinking to predict the likelihood of various types of trait transmission.

Chicken Genetics
Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

BIO1.LS4: Biological Change: Unity and Diversity

BIO1.LS4.1: Evaluate scientific data collected from analysis of molecular sequences, fossil records, biogeography, and embryology. Identify chronological patterns of change and communicate that biological evolution is supported by multiple lines of empirical evidence that identify similarities inherited from a common ancestor (homologies).

Human Evolution - Skull Analysis

BIO1.LS4.2: Using a model that demonstrates the change in allele frequencies resulting in evolution of a population over many generations, identify causative agents of change.


BIO1.LS4.3: Identify ecosystem services and assess the role of biodiversity in support of these services. Analyze the role human activities have on disruption of these services.

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors
Coral Reefs 2 - Biotic Factors

BIO1.ETS2: Links Among Engineering, Technology, Science, and Society

BIO1.ETS2.1: Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information on how molecular biotechnology may be used in a variety of fields.

GMOs and the Environment
Genetic Engineering

BIO1.ETS2.2: Investigate the means by which karyotypes are utilized in diagnostic medicine.

Human Karyotyping

Correlation last revised: 8/19/2021

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