DCI.CHE.1: Mathematical and Computational Analysis

(Framing Text): Mathematical and computational analysis is a key component of scientific investigation and prediction of outcomes. These components create a more student-centered classroom.

CHE.1: Students will use mathematical and computational analysis to evaluate problems.

CHE.1.2: Design and conduct experiments using appropriate measurements, significant figures, graphical analysis to analyze data.

Real-Time Histogram
Seed Germination
Temperature and Sex Determination - Metric

DCI.CHE.2: Atomic Theory

(Framing Text): Atomic theory is the foundation of modern chemistry concepts. Students must be presented with a solid foundation of the atom and its components. These concepts lead to an understanding of the interactions of these components to explain macro-observations of the world.

CHE.2: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the atomic structure and the historical developments leading to modern atomic theory.

CHE.2.2: Construct models (e.g., ball and stick, online simulations, mathematical computations) of atomic nuclei to explain the abundance weighted average (relative mass) of elements and isotopes on the published mass of elements.

Element Builder

DCI.CHE.3: Periodic Table

(Framing Text): Modern chemistry is based on the predictability of atomic behavior. Periodic patterns in elements led to the development of the periodic table. Electron configuration is a direct result of this periodic behavior. The predictable behavior of electrons has led to the discovery of new compounds, elements, and atomic interactions. Predictability of atom behavior is a key to understanding ionic and covalent bonding and production of compounds or molecules.

CHE.3: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the periodic table as a systematic representation to predict properties of elements.

CHE.3.1: Explore and communicate the organization of the periodic table, including history, groups, families, family names, metals, nonmetals, metalloids, and transition metals.

Ionic Bonds

CHE.3.2: Analyze properties of atoms and ions (e.g., metal/nonmetal/metalloid behavior, electrical/heat conductivity, electronegativity and electron affinity, ionization energy, and atomic/ionic radii) using periodic trends of elements based on the periodic table.

Element Builder

DCI.CHE.4: Bonding

(Framing Text): A firm understanding of bonding is necessary to further development of the basic chemical concepts of compounds and chemical interactions.

CHE.4: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the types of bonds and resulting atomic structures for the classification of chemical compounds.

CHE.4.1: Develop and use models (e.g., Lewis dot, 3-D ball-stick, 3-D printing, or simulation programs such as PhET) to predict the type of bonding between atoms and the shape of simple compounds.

Covalent Bonds
Ionic Bonds

CHE.4.2: Use models such as Lewis structures and ball and stick models to depict the valence electrons and their role in the formation of ionic and covalent bonds.

Covalent Bonds
Ionic Bonds

CHE.4.3: Predict the ionic or covalent nature of different atoms based on electronegativity trends and/or position on the periodic table.

Covalent Bonds
Ionic Bonds

CHE.4.4: Use models and oxidation numbers to predict the type of bond, shape of the compound, and the polarity of the compound.

Covalent Bonds
Electron Configuration
Ionic Bonds

DCI.CHE.6: Chemical Reactions

(Framing Text): Understanding chemical reactions and predicting products of these reactions is essential to student success.

CHE.6: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the types, causes, and effects of chemical reactions.

CHE.6.1: Develop and use models to predict the products of chemical reactions (e.g., synthesis reactions; single replacement; double displacement; and decomposition, including exceptions such as decomposition of hydroxides, chlorates, carbonates, and acids). Discuss and/or compile lists of reactions used in everyday life.

Equilibrium and Concentration

CHE.6.2: Plan, conduct, and communicate the results of investigations to demonstrate different types of simple chemical reactions.

Equilibrium and Concentration

CHE.6.3: Use mathematics and computational analysis to represent the ratio of reactants and products in terms of masses, molecules, and moles (stoichiometry).

Chemical Equations
Limiting Reactants

CHE.6.4: Use mathematics and computational analysis to support the claim that atoms, and therefore mass, are conserved during a chemical reaction. Give real-world examples (e.g., burning wood).

Chemical Equations

CHE.6.5: Plan and conduct a controlled scientific investigation to produce mathematical evidence that mass is conserved. Use percent error to analyze the accuracy of results.

Chemical Changes

CHE.6.6: Use mathematics and computational analysis to support the concept of percent yield and limiting reagent.

Limiting Reactants

DCI.CHE.7: Gas Laws

(Framing Text): The comparison and development of the molecular states of matter are an integral part of understanding matter. Pressure, volume, and temperature are imperative to understanding the states of matter.

CHE.7: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the structure and behavior of gases.

CHE.7.2: Use an engineering design process to develop models (e.g., online simulations or student interactive activities) to explain and predict the behavior of each state of matter using the movement of particles and intermolecular forces to explain the behavior of matter.

Phase Changes

CHE.7.4: Use mathematical computations to describe the relationships comparing pressure, temperature, volume, and number of particles, including Boyle’s law, Charles’s law, Dalton’s law, combined gas laws, and ideal gas laws.

Equilibrium and Pressure

DCI.CHE.9: Acids and Bases (Enrichment)

CHE.9: Students will understand the nature and properties of acids, bases, and salt solutions.

CHE.9.2: Analyze and interpret data to identify differences between strong and weak acids and bases (i.e., dissociation).


CHE.9.4: Analyze and evaluate the Arrhenius, Bronsted-Lowry, and Lewis acid-base definitions.

pH Analysis
pH Analysis: Quad Color Indicator

DCI.CHE.10: Thermochemistry (Enrichment)

CHE.10: Students will understand that energy is exchanged or transformed in all chemical reactions.

CHE.10.4: Use mathematical and computational thinking to solve problems involving heat flow and temperature changes, using known values of specific heat and latent heat of phase change.

Calorimetry Lab

DCI.CHE.11: Equilibrium (Enrichment)

CHE.11: Students will understand that chemical equilibrium is a dynamic process at the molecular level.

CHE.11.2: Predict when equilibrium is established in a chemical reaction.

Equilibrium and Concentration
Equilibrium and Pressure

CHE.11.3: Use mathematical and computational thinking to calculate an equilibrium constant expression for a reaction.

Equilibrium and Concentration
Equilibrium and Pressure

Correlation last revised: 9/16/2020

This correlation lists the recommended Gizmos for this state's curriculum standards. Click any Gizmo title below for more information.