L.5: Life Science

DCI.L.5.3: Ecology and Interdependence

(Framing Text): A major role an organism serves in an ecosystem can be described by the way in which it obtains its energy. Energy is transferred within an ecosystem by producers, consumers, or decomposers. A healthy ecosystem is one in which a diverse population of life forms can meet their needs in a relatively stable web of life.

L.5.3B: Students will demonstrate an understanding of a healthy ecosystem with a stable web of life and the roles of living things within a food chain and/or food web, including producers, primary and secondary consumers, and decomposers.

L.5.3B.1: Obtain and evaluate scientific information regarding the characteristics of different ecosystems and the organisms they support (e.g., salt and fresh water, deserts, grasslands, forests, rain forests, or polar tundra lands).

Pond Ecosystem

L.5.3B.2: Develop and use a food chain model to classify organisms as producers, consumers, or decomposers. Trace the energy flow to explain how each group of organisms obtains energy.

Forest Ecosystem

L.5.3B.3: Design and interpret models of food webs to justify what effects the removal or the addition of a species (i.e., introduced or invasive) would have on a specific population and/or the ecosystem as a whole.

Forest Ecosystem

L.5.3B.4: Communicate scientific or technical information that explains human positions in food webs and our potential impacts on these systems.

Forest Ecosystem

P.5: Physical Science

DCI.P.5.5: Organization of Matter and Chemical Interactions

(Framing Text): Matter can be segregated into tiny particles that are too small to see, but can be detected by other methods. These tiny particles are referred to as atoms, which can be combined to form molecules. Substances exhibit specific properties that can be observed and measured.

P.5.5A: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the physical properties of matter.

P.5.5A.3: Analyze matter through observations and measurements to classify materials (e.g., powders, metals, minerals, or liquids) based on their properties (e.g., color, hardness, reflectivity, electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, response to magnetic forces, solubility, or density).

Mineral Identification

P.5.5A.4: Make and test predictions about how the density of an object affects whether the object sinks or floats when placed in a liquid.


(Framing Text): Physical properties can be observed and measured without changing the composition of matter. A physical change occurs when the matter’s physical appearance is altered while leaving the composition of the matter unchanged. When two or more substances are mixed together, a new substance with different properties can sometimes be formed, but the total amount (i.e., mass) of the substances is conserved (i.e., total mass stays the same). In a chemical change, the composition of the original matter is altered to create a new substance. A different compound is present at the completion of the chemical change.

P.5.5C: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the difference between physical and chemical changes.

P.5.5C.3: Analyze and interpret data to support claims that when two substances are mixed, the total weight of matter is conserved.

Chemical Changes

DCI.P.5.6: Motions, Forces, and Energy

(Framing Text): Gravity is a force that draws objects to Earth. This force acting on an object near Earth's surface pulls that object toward the planet's center. The motion of an object can be described in terms of its position, direction, and speed. Multiple factors determine the rate and motion of an object. Other than Earth, any celestial objects will exert varying gravitational pulls on other objects according to their mass and density.

P.5.6: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the factors that affect the motion of an object through a study of Newton's Laws of Motion.

P.5.6.4: Plan and conduct scientific investigations to test the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces on the speed and/or direction of objects in motion.

Force and Fan Carts

P.5.6.5: Predict how a change of force, mass, and/or friction affects the motion of an object to convert potential energy into kinetic energy.

Force and Fan Carts

E.5: Earth and Space Science

DCI.E.5.8: Earth and the Universe

(Framing Text): Astronomy is the study of celestial objects in our solar system and beyond. A solar system includes one or more suns (stars) and all other objects orbiting in that system. Planets in our night sky change positions and are not always visible from Earth as they orbit our sun. Stars that can be seen in the night sky lie beyond our solar system and appear in patterns called constellations. Constellations can be used for navigation and appear to move together across the sky because of Earth’s rotation and revolution around the sun.

E.5.8A: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the locations of objects in the universe.

E.5.8A.1: Develop and use scaled models of Earth’s solar system to demonstrate the size, composition (i.e., rock or gas), location, and order of the planets as they orbit the Sun.

Solar System

(Framing Text): Earth orbits around the sun as the moon orbits around Earth. The revolution and rotation of Earth on a tilted axis provide evidence of patterns that can be observed, studied, and predicted.

E.5.8B: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the principles that govern moon phases, day and night, appearance of objects in the sky, and seasonal changes.

E.5.8B.2: Develop and use a model of the Earth-Sun-Moon system to analyze the cyclic patterns of lunar phases, solar and lunar eclipses, and seasons.

Phases of the Moon

E.5.8B.3: Develop and use models to explain the factors (e.g., tilt, revolution, and angle of sunlight) that result in Earth’s seasonal changes.

Summer and Winter

Correlation last revised: 9/16/2020

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