12.3: Focuses on science facts, concepts, principles, theories, and models that are important for all students to know, understand and use

12.3.1: By the end of twelfth grade, students will develop an understanding of the structure of the atom.

12.3.1.b: Investigate and explain the types of nuclear reactions.

Nuclear Decay

12.3.2: By the end of twelfth grade, students will develop an understanding of the structure and properties of matter.

12.3.2.a: Investigate and understand that atoms interact with one another by transferring or sharing electrons.

Covalent Bonds
Ionic Bonds

12.3.2.b: Investigate and explain the periodic table of elements in terms of repeating patterns of physical and chemical properties.

Electron Configuration

12.3.3: By the end of twelfth grade, students will develop an understanding of chemical reactions.

12.3.3.a: Investigate and describe common chemical reactions.

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equations
Equilibrium and Concentration

12.3.3.c: Investigate and describe how electrons are involved in bond formation during chemical reactions.

Covalent Bonds
Ionic Bonds

12.3.3.d: Investigate and describe the factors influencing the rates of chemical reactions, including catalysts.

Collision Theory

12.3.4: By the end of twelfth grade, students will develop an understanding of motions and forces.

12.3.4.a: Investigate and understand the effect of forces on the motion of objects.

Atwood Machine
Fan Cart Physics

12.3.4.b: Investigate and understand gravity as an attractive force that each mass exerts on any other mass.

Coulomb Force (Static)
Pith Ball Lab

12.3.4.c: Investigate and understand electrical force as a force that exists between any two charged objects.

Coulomb Force (Static)
Pith Ball Lab

12.3.4.d: Investigate and describe an electric field a magnetic field, and the interaction between them.

Electromagnetic Induction
Magnetic Induction

12.3.5: By the end of twelfth grade, students will develop an understanding of the conservation of energy and increase in disorder.

12.3.5.a: Understand that the total energy in the universe is constant and can never be destroyed.

Air Track
Energy Conversion in a System
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects

12.3.5.b: Investigate and distinguish between kinetic energy and potential energy.

Energy of a Pendulum
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects

12.3.5.c: Investigate and describe heat transfer in terms of conduction, convection, and radiation.

Herschel Experiment

12.3.6: By the end of twelfth grade, students will develop an understanding of the interactions of energy and matter.

12.3.6.e: Investigate and understand that atoms or molecules can be identified by spectral analysis.

Bohr Model of Hydrogen
Bohr Model: Introduction
Star Spectra

12.4: Focuses on science facts, concepts, principles, theories, and models that are important for all students to know, understand, and use.

12.4.1: By the end of twelfth grade, students will develop an understanding of the cell.

12.4.1.a: Investigate and describe the form and function of subcellular structures that regulate cell activities.

RNA and Protein Synthesis

12.4.2: By the end of twelfth grade, students will develop an understanding of the molecular basis of heredity.

12.4.2.a: Investigate and describe how DNA carries the genetic code.

DNA Fingerprint Analysis

12.4.2.b: Investigate and understand that genetic variation occurs when genetic information is transmitted during sexual reproduction.

Evolution: Mutation and Selection

12.4.2.c: Investigate and explain how some mutations could help, harm or have no effect on individual organisms.

Evolution: Mutation and Selection
Evolution: Natural and Artificial Selection

12.4.3: By the end of twelfth grade, students will develop an understanding of the theory of biological evolution.

12.4.3.a: Understand that the concept of biological evolution is a theory which explains the consequence of the interactions of:

12.4.3.a.2: the genetic variability of offspring due to mutation and recombination of genes;

Evolution: Mutation and Selection
Evolution: Natural and Artificial Selection

12.4.3.a.4: the ensuing selection by the environment of those offspring better able to survive and leave offspring.

Evolution: Mutation and Selection
Evolution: Natural and Artificial Selection
Natural Selection
Rainfall and Bird Beaks

12.4.3.b: Investigate and use the theory of biological evolution to explain diversity of life.

Evolution: Mutation and Selection

12.4.3.d: Investigate and use biological classifications based on similarities.

Human Evolution - Skull Analysis

12.4.4: By the end of twelfth grade, students will develop an understanding of the interdependence of organisms.

12.4.4.d: Investigate and understand that interactions among organisms are affected by the conflict between an organism’s capacity to produce infinite populations and the finite amount of resources.

Food Chain

Correlation last revised: 3/2/2015

This correlation lists the recommended Gizmos for this state's curriculum standards. Click any Gizmo title below for more information.