1: Properties and Principles of Matter and Energy

1.1: Changes in properties and states of matter provide evidence of the atomic theory of matter

1.1.A: Objects, and the materials they are made of, have properties that can be used to describe and classify them

1.1.A.b: Describe the physical and chemical properties (e.g., magnetic attraction, conductivity, melting point and boiling point, reactivity) of pure substances (elements or compounds) (e.g., copper wire, aluminum wire, iron, charcoal, sulfur, water, salt, sugar, sodium bicarbonate, galena, quartz, magnetite, pyrite) using appropriate senses and tools

Circuit Builder

1.1.D: Physical changes in the state of matter that result from thermal changes can be explained by the Kinetic Theory of Matter

1.1.D.a: Using the Kinetic Theory model, illustrate and account for the physical properties (i.e., shape, volume, malleability, viscosity) of a solid, liquid, or gas in terms of the arrangement and motion of molecules in a substance

Temperature and Particle Motion

1.1.I: Mass is conserved during any physical or chemical change

1.1.I.a: Provide evidence that mass is conserved during a chemical change in a closed system (e.g., vinegar + baking soda, mold growing in a closed container, steel wool rusting)

Chemical Changes

1.1.I.b: Explain that the amount of matter remains constant while being recycled through the rock cycle

Rock Cycle

3: Characteristics and Interactions of Living Organisms

3.2: Living organisms carry out life processes in order to survive

3.2.A: The cell contains a set of structures called organelles that interact to carry out life processes through physical and chemical means

3.2.A.a: Describe how the cell membrane helps regulate the transfer of materials in and out of the cell

Cell Structure

3.2.A.b: Identify the function of the chloroplast during photosynthesis

Cell Energy Cycle
Cell Structure

3.2.B: Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are complementary processes necessary to the survival of most organisms on Earth

3.2.B.a: Describe photosynthesis is a chemical change with reactants (water and carbon dioxide) and products (energy-rich sugar molecules and oxygen) that takes place in the presence of light and chlorophyll

Cell Energy Cycle
Photosynthesis Lab

3.2.C: Complex multicellular organisms have systems that interact to carry out life processes through physical and chemical means

3.2.C.a: Identify and give examples of each level of organization (cell, tissue, organ, organ system) in multicellular organisms (plants, animals)

Circulatory System

3.2.C.c: Explain the interactions between the circulatory and digestive systems as nutrients are processed by the digestive system, passed into the blood stream, and transported in and out of the cell

Circulatory System
Digestive System

3.2.C.f: Explain the interactions between the circulatory and respiratory systems in exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide between cells and the atmosphere (when oxygen enters the body, passes into the blood stream, and is transported into the cell; carbon dioxide is transported out of the cell, passes into the blood stream, and exits the body)

Circulatory System

3.2.G: Life processes can be disrupted by disease (intrinsic failures of the organ systems or by infection due to other organisms)

3.2.G.b: Relate some common diseases (i.e., cold, influenza, strep throat, dysentery, fungal infections) to the organisms that cause them (bacteria, viruses, protests, fungi)

Virus Lytic Cycle

3.3: There is a genetic basis for the transfer of biological characteristics from one generation to the next through reproductive processes

3.3.A: Reproduction can occur asexually or sexually

3.3.A.b: Identify examples of asexual reproduction (i.e., plants budding, binary fission of single cell organisms)

Cell Division

3.3.A.d: Describe how flowering plants reproduce sexually

Pollination: Flower to Fruit

3.3.C: Chromosomes are components of cells that occur in pairs and carry hereditary information from one cell to daughter cells and from parent to offspring during reproduction

3.3.C.a: Identify chromosomes as cellular structures that occur in pairs that carry hereditary information in units called genes

Human Karyotyping

3.3.C.b: Recognize and describe how when asexual reproduction occurs, the same genetic information found in the parent cell is copied and passed on to each new daughter cell

Cell Division

3.3.C.c: Recognize and describe how when sexual reproduction occurs, genetic material from both parents is passed on and combined to form the genetic code for the new organism

Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

3.3.D: There is heritable variation within every species of organism

3.3.D.a: Recognize and describe when asexual reproduction occurs, the daughter cell is identical to the parent cell (assuming no change in the parent genes)

Cell Division

5: Processes and Interactions of the Earth's Systems (Geosphere, Atmosphere, and Hydrosphere)

5.1: Earth's systems (geosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere) have common components and unique structures

5.1.A: The Earth's crust is composed of various materials, including soil, minerals, and rocks, with characteristic properties

5.1.A.b: Describe the distinguishing properties that can be used to classify minerals (i.e., texture, smell, luster, hardness, crystal shape, streak, reaction to magnets and acids)

Mineral Identification

5.1.A.c: Describe the methods used to identify the distinguishing properties of minerals Classify rocks as sedimentary, igneous, or metamorphic

Mineral Identification
Rock Classification

5.2: Earth's Systems (geosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere) interact with one another as they undergo change by common processes

5.2.B: There are internal processes and sources of energy within the geosphere that cause changes in Earth's crustal plates

5.2.B.c: Describe how the movement of crustal plates can cause earthquakes and volcanic eruptions that can result in mountain building and trench formation

Plate Tectonics

5.2.C: Continual changes in Earth's materials and surface that result from internal and external processes are described by the rock cycle

5.2.C.b: Make inferences about the formation of igneous and metamorphic rocks from their physical properties (e.g., crystal size indicates rate of cooling, air pockets or glassy texture indicate volcanic activity)

Rock Cycle

5.2.C.c: Explain and diagram the external and internal processes of the rock cycle (e.g., weathering and erosion, sedimentation, compaction, heating, recrystallization, resurfacing due to forces that drive plate motion)

Rock Cycle

Correlation last revised: 5/17/2018

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