1: Properties and Principles of Matter and Energy

1.1: Changes in properties and states of matter provide evidence of the atomic theory of matter

1.1.D: Physical changes in the state of matter that result from thermal changes can be explained by the Kinetic Theory of Matter

1.1.D.b: Predict the effect of heat (thermal energy) on the physical properties of water as it changes to and from a solid, liquid, or gas (i.e., freezes/melts, evaporates/condenses/boils)

Phases of Water

2: Properties and Principles of Force and Motion

2.2: Forces affect motion

2.2.A: Forces are classified as either contact (pushes, pulls, friction, buoyancy) or noncontact forces (gravity, magnetism), that can be described in terms of direction and magnitude

2.2.A.a: Identify the forces acting on a load and use a spring scale to measure the weight (resistance force) of the load

Free Fall Tower
Weight and Mass

2.2.D: Newton's Laws of Motion explain the interaction of mass and forces, and are used to predict changes in motion

2.2.D.a: Describe how friction affects the amount of force needed to do work over different surfaces or through different media

Force and Fan Carts
Free Fall Tower

2.2.F: Work transfers energy into and out of a mechanical system

2.2.F.a: Explain how work can be done on an object (force applied and distance moved)

Ants on a Slant (Inclined Plane)

3: Characteristics and Interactions of Living Organisms

3.1: There is a fundamental unity underlying the diversity of all living organisms

3.1.E: Biological classifications are based on how organisms are related

3.1.E.b: Distinguish between plants (which use sunlight to make their own food) and animals (which must consume energy-rich food)

Forest Ecosystem

3.2: Living organisms carry out life processes in order to survive

3.2.C: Chromosomes are components of cells that occur in pairs and carry hereditary information from one cell to daughter cells and from parent to offspring during reproduction

3.2.C.a: Compare the major organs/organ systems (e.g. support, reproductive, digestive, transport/circulatory, excretory, response) that perform similar functions for animals belonging to different vertebrate classes.

Circulatory System

5: Processes and Interactions of the Earth's Systems (Geosphere, Atmosphere, and Hydrosphere)

5.2: Earth's systems (geosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere) interact with one another as they undergo change by common processes

5.2.E: Changes in the form of water as it moves through Earth's systems are described as the water cycle

5.2.E.a: Describe and trace the path of water as it cycles through the hydrosphere, geosphere, and atmosphere (i.e., the water cycle: evaporation, condensation, precipitation, surface run-off/ groundwater flow)

Water Cycle

5.2.E.b: Identify the different forms water can take (e.g., snow, rain, sleet, fog, clouds, dew) as it moves through the water cycle

Water Cycle

5.2.F: Climate is a description of average weather conditions in a given area due to the transfer of energy and matter through Earth's systems

5.2.F.a: Identify and use appropriate tools (i.e., thermometer, anemometer, wind vane, rain gauge, satellite images, weather maps) to collect weather data(i.e., temperature, wind speed and direction, precipitation, cloud type and cover.)

Weather Maps

5.2.F.b: Identify and summarize relationships between weather data (e.g., temperature and time of day, cloud cover and temperature, wind direction and temperature) collected over a period of time.

Weather Maps

5.3: Human activity is dependent upon and affects Earth's resources and systems

5.3.A: Earth's materials are limited natural resource's affected by human activity

5.3.A.b: Describe how human needs and activities (e.g., irrigation damming of rivers, waste management, sources of drinking water) have affected the quantity and quality of major bodies of fresh water

Pond Ecosystem
Water Pollution

5.3.A.c: Propose solutions to problems related to water quality and availability that result from human activity.

Pond Ecosystem

6: Composition and Structure of the Universe and the Motion of the Objects Within It

6.1: The universe has observable properties and structure

6.1.A: The Earth, Sun, and Moon are part of a larger system that includes other planets and smaller celestial bodies

6.1.A.a: Observe and identify the Earth is one of several planets within a solar system that orbits the Sun

Gravity Pitch
Solar System

6.1.B: The Earth has a composition and location suitable to sustain life

6.1.B.a: Describe physical features of the planet Earth that allows life to exist (e.g., air, water, temperature) and compare these to the physical features of the Sun, the Moon, and other planets

Solar System

6.2: Regular and predictable motions of objects in the universe can be described and explained as the result of gravitational forces

6.2.B: The apparent position of the moon, as seen from Earth, and its actual position relative to Earth change in observable patterns

6.2.B.a: Sequence images of the lit portion of the Moon seen from Earth as it cycles day-to-day in about a month in order of occurrence

Phases of the Moon

6.2.C: The regular and predictable motions of the Earth and Moon relative to the Sun explain natural phenomena on Earth, such as day, month, year, shadows, moon phases, eclipses, tides, and seasons

6.2.C.a: Identify that the Earth rotates once every 24 hours

Comparing Earth and Venus
Seasons: Earth, Moon, and Sun

6.2.C.c: Relate the apparent motion of the Sun, Moon, and stars in the sky to the rotation of the Earth

Seasons: Earth, Moon, and Sun

Correlation last revised: 5/17/2018

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