1: Properties and Principles of Matter and Energy

1.1: Changes in properties and states of matter provide evidence of the atomic theory of matter

1.1.D: Physical changes in the state of matter that result from thermal changes can be explained by the Kinetic Theory of Matter

1.1.D.c: Observe and identify that water evaporates (liquid water changes into a gas as it moves into the air)

Phases of Water

1.1.D.e: Investigate and observe that water can change from a liquid to a solid (freeze), and back again to a liquid (melt), as the result of temperature changes

Phases of Water

1.1.D.f: Describe the changes in the physical properties of water (i.e., shape, volume) when frozen or melted Predict and investigate the effect of heat (thermal energy) (i.e., change in temperature, melting, evaporation) on objects and materials

Phases of Water

1.2: Energy has a source, can be stored, and can be transferred but is conserved within a system

1.2.A: Forms of energy have a source, a means of transfer (work and heat), and a receiver

1.2.A.b: Identify sources of light energy (e.g., Sun, bulbs, flames)

Heat Absorption

1.2.C: Electromagnetic energy from the Sun (solar radiation) is a major source of energy on Earth

1.2.C.a: Identify the Sun as the primary source of light and food energy on Earth

Energy Conversions

3: Characteristics and Interactions of Living Organisms

3.1: There is a fundamental unity underlying the diversity of all living organisms

3.1.A: Organisms have basic needs for survival

3.1.A.a: Describe the basic needs of most plants (i.e., air, water, light, nutrients, temperature

Growing Plants

4: Changes in Ecosystems and Interactions of Organisms with their Environments

4.2: Matter and energy flow through an ecosystem

4.2.A: As energy flows through the ecosystem, all organisms capture a portion of that energy and transform it to a form they can use

4.2.A.a: Identify sunlight as the primary source of energy plants use to produce their own food

Energy Conversions

4.2.A.b: Classify populations of organisms as producers or consumers by the role they serve in the ecosystem

Forest Ecosystem

4.2.A.d: Predict the possible effects of remov organism from a food chain

Prairie Ecosystem

5: Processes and Interactions of the Earth's Systems (Geosphere, Atmosphere, and Hydrosphere)

5.1: Earth's systems (geosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere) have common components and unique structures

5.1.C: The atmosphere (air) is composed of a mixture of gases, including water vapor, and minute particles

5.1.C.a: Identify that liquid water can be changed into a gas (vapor) in the air.

Phases of Water

5.2: Earth's systems (geosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere) interact with one another as they undergo change by common processes

5.2.E: Changes in the form of water as it moves through Earth's systems are described as the water cycle

5.2.E.a: Describe clouds and precipitation as forms of water

Measuring Trees

6: Composition and Structure of the Universe and the Motion of the Objects Within It

6.1: The universe has observable properties and structure

6.1.A: The Earth, Sun, and Moon are part of a larger system that includes other planets and smaller celestial bodies

6.1.A.a: Describe our Sun as a star because it provides light energy to the solar system


6.2: Regular and predictable motions of objects in the universe can be described and explained as the result of gravitational forces

6.2.A: The apparent position of the Sun and other stars, as seen from Earth, change in observable patterns

6.2.A.a: Illustrate and describe how the Sun appears to move slowly across the sky from east to west during the day

Seasons: Earth, Moon, and Sun

6.2.C: The regular and predictable motions of the Earth and Moon relative to the Sun explain natural phenomena on Earth, such as day, month, year, shadows, moon phases, eclipses, tides, and seasons

6.2.C.a: Observe and identify there is a day/night cycle every 24 hours

Seasons Around the World
Seasons: Earth, Moon, and Sun

6.2.C.c: Describe how the Sun's position in the sky changes the length and position of shadows

Seasons: Earth, Moon, and Sun

Correlation last revised: 5/17/2018

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