II: Physical Science

II.A: Structure of Matter

II.A.1: The student will know that heating and cooling may cause changes to the properties of a substance.

II.A.1.1: The student will observe that heating and cooling can causes changes in state.

Phases of Water

II.A.1.2: The student will describe the changes in the properties of a substance when it is heated or cooled.

Phases of Water

II.A.1.3: The student will compare and contrast the mass, shape and volume of solids, liquids and gases.

Phases of Water

II.C: Energy Transformations

II.C.1: The student will understand basic electricity and its application in everyday life.

II.C.1.1: The student will explore simple electrical circuits using components such as wires, batteries and bulbs.

Circuit Builder

II.C.1.3: The student will identify objects and materials that conduct electricity and those that are insulators.

Circuit Builder

II.E: Forces of Nature

II.E.1: The student will understand that a relationship exists between electricity and magnetism.

II.E.1.2: The student will demonstrate how an electric current can make an iron object magnetic.


III: Earth and Space Science

III.C: The Universe

III.C.1: The student will identify the patterns and movements of celestial objects.

III.C.1.2: The student will identify the sun as an average -sized star and that the other stars are so far away that they look like points of light.

Solar System

IV: Life Science

IV.A: Cells

IV.A.1: The student will know that all organisms are composed of cells, which are the fundamental units of life.

IV.A.1.2: The student will recognize that cells need: food, water and air, a way to dispose of waste, and an environment in which they can live.

Prairie Ecosystem

Correlation last revised: 1/20/2017

This correlation lists the recommended Gizmos for this state's curriculum standards. Click any Gizmo title below for more information.