MA 5.1: Students will communicate number sense concepts using multiple representations to reason, solve problems, and make connections within mathematics and across disciplines.

MA.5.1.1: Students will demonstrate, represent, and show relationships among whole numbers, fractions, and decimals within the base-ten number system.

MA 5.1.1.a: Determine multiple equivalent representations for whole numbers and decimals through the thousandths place using standard form, word form, and expanded notation.

Cannonball Clowns (Number Line Estimation)
Comparing and Ordering Decimals
Equivalent Fractions (Fraction Tiles)
Fraction Garden (Comparing Fractions)
Fraction, Decimal, Percent (Area and Grid Models)
Modeling Decimals (Area and Grid Models)
Modeling Fractions (Area Models)
Modeling Whole Numbers and Decimals (Base-10 Blocks)

MA 5.1.1.b: Compare whole numbers, fractions, mixed numbers, and decimals through the thousandths place and represent comparisons using symbols <,>, or =.

Comparing and Ordering Decimals
Modeling Decimals (Area and Grid Models)
Modeling Whole Numbers and Decimals (Base-10 Blocks)
Treasure Hunter (Decimals on the Number Line)

MA 5.1.1.c: Round whole numbers and decimals to any given place.

Rounding Whole Numbers (Number Line)

MA 5.1.1.d: Recognize and generate equivalent forms of commonly used fractions, decimals, and percents (e.g., halves, thirds, fourths, fifths, and tenths).

Equivalent Fractions (Fraction Tiles)
Fraction Artist 1 (Area Models of Fractions)
Fraction Garden (Comparing Fractions)
Fraction, Decimal, Percent (Area and Grid Models)
Modeling Decimals (Area and Grid Models)
Modeling Fractions (Area Models)
Modeling Whole Numbers and Decimals (Base-10 Blocks)
Toy Factory (Set Models of Fractions)

MA 5.1.2: Students will demonstrate the meaning of operations and compute accurately with whole numbers, fractions, and decimals.

MA 5.1.2.a: Multiply multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm.

Critter Count (Modeling Multiplication)

MA 5.1.2.b: Divide four-digit whole numbers by a two-digit divisor, with and without remainders using the standard algorithm.

No Alien Left Behind (Division with Remainders)

MA 5.1.2.f: Interpret a fraction as division of the numerator by the denominator.

Equivalent Fractions (Fraction Tiles)
Fraction Artist 1 (Area Models of Fractions)
Fraction Artist 2 (Area Models of Fractions)
Fraction Garden (Comparing Fractions)
Modeling Fractions (Area Models)
Toy Factory (Set Models of Fractions)

MA 5.1.2.g: Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to the hundredths using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations (i.e. Commutative, Associative, Distributive, Identity, Zero), and/or relationships between operations.

Adding Whole Numbers and Decimals (Base-10 Blocks)
Multiplying Decimals (Area Model)
Subtracting Whole Numbers and Decimals (Base-10 Blocks)

MA 5.1.2.h: Add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers with unlike denominators.

Adding Fractions (Fraction Tiles)
Fraction Artist 2 (Area Models of Fractions)
Fractions Greater than One (Fraction Tiles)
Modeling Fractions (Area Models)

MA 5.1.2.i: Determine the reasonableness of computations involving whole numbers, fractions, and decimals.

Adding Whole Numbers and Decimals (Base-10 Blocks)
Subtracting Whole Numbers and Decimals (Base-10 Blocks)

MA 5.2: Students will communicate algebraic concepts using multiple representations to reason, solve problems, and make connections within mathematics and across disciplines.

MA 5.2.1: Students will demonstrate, represent, and show relationships with expressions and equations.

MA 5.2.1.a: Form ordered pairs from a rule such as y=2x, and graph the ordered pairs on a coordinate plane.

Points, Lines, and Equations

MA 5.2.2: Students will apply the operational properties when evaluating expressions and solving equations.

MA 5.2.2.a: Interpret and evaluate numerical or algebraic expressions using order of operations (excluding exponents).

Order of Operations

MA 5.2.3: Students will solve real-world problems involving equations with fractions and mixed numbers.

MA 5.2.3.a: Solve real-world problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions and mixed numbers with like and unlike denominators.

Fraction Artist 2 (Area Models of Fractions)

MA 5.3: Students will communicate geometric concepts and measurement concepts using multiple representations to reason, solve problems, and make connections within mathematics and across disciplines.

MA 5.3.1: Students will identify and describe geometric characteristics and create two- and three-dimensional shapes.

MA 5.3.1.c: Justify the classification of two-dimensional figures based on their properties.

Classifying Quadrilaterals

MA 5.3.2: Students will determine location, orientation, and relationships on the coordinate plane.

MA 5.3.2.a: Identify the origin, x axis, and y axis of the coordinate plane.

City Tour (Coordinates)
Elevator Operator (Line Graphs)
Points in the Coordinate Plane

MA 5.3.2.b: Graph and name points in the first quadrant of the coordinate plane using ordered pairs of whole numbers.

City Tour (Coordinates)
Elevator Operator (Line Graphs)
Points, Lines, and Equations

MA 5.3.3: Students will perform and compare measurements and apply formulas.

MA 5.3.3.a: Recognize that solid figures have volume that is measured in cubic units.

Balancing Blocks (Volume)

MA 5.3.3.b: Use concrete models to measure the volume of rectangular prisms in cubic units by counting cubic units.

Balancing Blocks (Volume)

MA 5.3.3.c: Generate conversions within the customary and metric systems of measurement.

Cannonball Clowns (Number Line Estimation)

MA 5.4: Students will communicate data analysis/probability concepts using multiple representations to reason, solve problems, and make connections within mathematics and across disciplines.

MA 5.4.2: Students will analyze data to address the situation.

MA 5.4.2.a: Use observations, surveys, and experiments to collect, represent, and interpret the data using tables (e.g., frequency charts) and bar graphs.

Mascot Election (Pictographs and Bar Graphs)
Reaction Time 1 (Graphs and Statistics)
Reaction Time 2 (Graphs and Statistics)

MA 5.4.2.b: Formulate questions that can be addressed with data and make predictions about the data.

Movie Reviewer (Mean and Median)
Reaction Time 2 (Graphs and Statistics)

Correlation last revised: 9/16/2020

This correlation lists the recommended Gizmos for this state's curriculum standards. Click any Gizmo title below for more information.