DMSV: Developing and Consolidating Money Sense

DMSV.01: interpret, write, and round decimal numbers with understanding in everyday money situations;

1.1.1: Understanding and Using Decimals

DMS1.05: interpret numerical information drawn from the media or through conversation and explain its significance, using familiar references (e.g., I read in the newspaper that an athlete earned $250 000 last year. How many hours would you need to work to earn that much money?);

Box-and-Whisker Plots
Estimating Population Size
Polling: City
Real-Time Histogram

DCMV: Developing and Consolidating Concepts in Measurement

DCMV.01: estimate and measure length, capacity, and mass, in order to consolidate understanding of the metric system;

2.1.1: Understanding and Using the Metric System

DCM1.08: estimate and use measurements of length, capacity, and mass in everyday applications (e.g., the distance from the school to the skating rink is about 1 km; the cups in the cafeteria hold about 350 mL; one protein bar has a mass of about 85 g).

Beam to Moon (Ratios and Proportions) - Metric

DCMV.03: solve problems, carry out investigations, estimate, and measure, using metric units, to consolidate understanding of perimeter, area, and volume

2.3.1: Understanding and Applying Perimeter, Area, and Volume

DCM3.01: explore and describe situations from everyday life and the workplace that require calculation or measurement of perimeter (e.g., fencing, wall paper borders, the baseboard around a room, the distance around a track or a baseball diamond);

Perimeter and Area of Rectangles

DCM3.02: estimate, measure, and calculate perimeters drawn from applications in everyday life and the workplace;

Perimeter and Area of Rectangles

DCM3.04: explore and describe situations from everyday life and the workplace that require calculating and measuring area (e.g., buying wallpaper, floor tiles, sod, patio slabs);

Area of Parallelograms
Perimeter and Area of Rectangles

DCM3.05: investigate the areas of a variety of rectangles and triangles, using concrete materials (e.g., square tiles, interlocking cubes, rectangular and triangular pattern blocks, triangle models, grid paper);

Area of Parallelograms
Perimeter and Area of Rectangles
Square Roots

DCM3.07: predict and explain, from experiences involving concrete materials, that the area of any rectangle can be found by multiplying its length by its width;

Area of Triangles
Perimeter and Area of Rectangles

DCM3.08: estimate and calculate the areas of rectangles and triangles, drawn from applications in everyday life and the workplace;

Area of Parallelograms
Perimeter and Area of Rectangles

DCM3.09: estimate and calculate the areas of regions that can be broken into rectangles (e.g., L-shaped floor plan, a garden, a roof);

Area of Triangles

DCM3.10: explore and describe situations from everyday life and the workplace that require calculation or measurement of volume (e.g., the size of a package, the amount of soil to purchase, the volume of air in a room, amount of liquid medication);

Prisms and Cylinders

DCM3.12: predict and explain, from investigations involving the building of prisms, that the volume of a prism is given by multiplying the area of its base by its height;

Prisms and Cylinders

DCM3.13: estimate and calculate the volumes of rectangular prisms drawn from applications in everyday life and the workplace;

Prisms and Cylinders

DCM3.14: select the most appropriate standard unit to measure the perimeter, area, or volume of a figure (e.g., use centimetres squared or cm² to measure the area of a book cover, but use metres squared or m² to measure the area of a wall);

Area of Triangles

DCM3.16: solve problems involving perimeter, area, and volume in applications drawn from everyday situations.

Area of Parallelograms
Perimeter and Area of Rectangles
Prisms and Cylinders

DPRV: Developing Concepts in Proportional Reasoning

DPRV.01: determine relationships among fractions, percentages, ratios, and rates by constructing diagrams, building models, and estimating measurements;

3.1.1: Constructing Understanding of Fractions, Percentages, Ratios, and Rates

DPR1.11: identify and use ratios, including equivalent ratios, to express the relationships among quantities represented by models and diagrams;

Part-to-part and Part-to-whole Ratios

DPR1.12: explore and describe the use of ratios from their personal experiences (e.g., ratio of ingredients in a recipe, bicycle gear ratios, the ratio of red cars to blue cars in the school parking lot is 12:10 or 6:5);

Beam to Moon (Ratios and Proportions) - Metric
Estimating Population Size
Part-to-part and Part-to-whole Ratios

DPR1.13: explore and identify rates drawn from their experiences and the units used in them (e.g., the speed limit for an automobile in the city is 50 km/h);

Household Energy Usage

DPRV.02: solve problems drawn from everyday situations involving percent, ratio, rate, and fractions;

3.2.1: Solving Problems

DPR2.02: solve simple problems using equivalent ratios (e.g., recipes, scale diagrams);

Part-to-part and Part-to-whole Ratios

DPR2.04: calculate and compare the unit costs of items found in everyday situations (e.g., compare the cost of one bottle of water bought from a vending machine versus the cost of one bottle from a case of 24);

Household Energy Usage

DPRV.03: communicate information about proportional reasoning;

3.3.1: Communicating Information about Proportional Reasoning

DPR3.01: verbalize their observations and reflections regarding proportional reasoning and ask questions to clarify their understanding (e.g., talk about their own and other students’ solutions to problems);

Geometric Probability

DPR3.02: explain their reasoning used in problem solving and in judging reasonableness;

Estimating Population Size

DPR3.03: communicate, orally and in writing, the solutions to proportional reasoning problems and the results of investigations, using appropriate terminology, symbols, and form.

Geometric Probability

Correlation last revised: 9/16/2020

This correlation lists the recommended Gizmos for this province's curriculum standards. Click any Gizmo title below for more information.