20-A: Energy and Matter Exchange in the Biosphere

1.1: Energy, Equilibrium, Matter and Systems

20-A.1: explain the constant flow of energy through the biosphere and ecosystems Skills

20-A.1.1: Initiating and Planning

20-A1.1s: formulate questions about observed relationships and plan investigations of questions, ideas, problems and issues

20-A1.1s.1: propose a relationship between producers and available energy of a system

Food Chain
Forest Ecosystem

20-A1.1s.2: predict a relationship between solar energy storage by plants and varying light conditions

Cell Energy Cycle

20-A.1.2: Performing and Recording

20-A1.2s: conduct investigations into relationships among observable variables and use a broad range of tools and techniques to gather and record data and information

20-A1.2s.2: draw, by hand or using technology, annotated diagrams of food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids

Food Chain
Forest Ecosystem

20-A.1.3: Analyzing and Interpreting

20-A1.3s: analyze data and apply mathematical and conceptual models to develop and assess possible solutions

20-A1.3s.2: compare alternative ways of presenting energy flow data for ecosystems; i.e., pyramids of energy, biomass and numbers

Food Chain

20-A.1.4: Communication and Teamwork

20-A1.4s: work collaboratively in addressing problems and apply the skills and conventions of science in communicating information and ideas and in assessing results

20-A1.4s.1: use appropriate Système international (SI) units, fundamental and derived units and significant digits

Unit Conversions 2 - Scientific Notation and Significant Digits

20-A.2: explain the cycling of matter through the biosphere Science, Technology and Society (STS)

20-A2.1sts: explain that science and technology have both intended and unintended consequences for humans and the environment

20-A2.1sts.1: discuss the influence of human activities on the biogeochemical cycling of phosphorus, sulfur, iron and nitrogen:

20-A2.1sts.1.c: fertilizer applications

Nitrogen Cycle

20-A2.1sts.1.d: waste and sewage disposal

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors
Nitrogen Cycle Skills

20-A.2.1: Initiating and Planning

20-A2.1s: formulate questions about observed relationships and plan investigations of questions, ideas, problems and issues

20-A2.1s.2: hypothesize how alterations in the carbon cycle, resulting from the burning of fossil fuels, might affect other cycling phenomena; e.g., sulfur, iron, water

Carbon Cycle

20-A2.1s.3: predict disruptions in the nitrogen and phosphorus cycles that are caused by human activities

Nitrogen Cycle

20-A.3: explain the balance of energy and matter exchange in the biosphere, as an open system, and explain how this maintains equilibrium. Science, Technology and Society (STS)

20-A3.2sts: explain that science and technology have both intended and unintended consequences for humans and the environment

20-A3.2sts.1: describe how human activities can have a disrupting influence on the balance in the biosphere of photosynthetic and cellular respiratory activities:

20-A3.2sts.1.a: fossil fuel combustion

Carbon Cycle Skills

20-A.3.2: Performing and Recording

20-A3.2s: conduct investigations into relationships between and among observable variables and use a broad range of tools and techniques to gather and record data and information

20-A3.2s.1: collect evidence from various print and electronic sources on how human activities can have a disrupting influence on photosynthetic and cellular respiratory activities


20-A.3.3: Analyzing and Interpreting

20-A3.3s: analyze data and apply mathematical and conceptual models to develop and assess possible solutions

20-A3.3s.2: compare and contrast the flow of energy and the cycling of matter in Biosphere 2 with that in Earth’s biosphere

Carbon Cycle
Cell Energy Cycle
Food Chain

20-B: Ecosystems and Population Change

2.1: Energy, Matter and Systems

20-B.1: explain that the biosphere is composed of ecosystems, each with distinctive biotic and abiotic characteristics Science, Technology and Society (STS)

20-B1.1sts: explain how science and technology have both intended and unintended consequences for humans and the environment

20-B1.1sts.1: evaluate the impact that human activity has had, or could have, on the biodiversity in an ecosystem:

20-B1.1sts.1.b: land use

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors

20-B1.1sts.1.d: habitat fragmentation

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors
Coral Reefs 2 - Biotic Factors

20-B1.1sts.1.g: monoculturing of forests, lawns, field crops

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors Skills

20-B.1.1: Initiating and Planning

20-B1.1s: formulate questions about observed relationships; plan investigations of questions, ideas, problems and issues; and define and delimit problems to facilitate investigation

20-B1.1s.1: hypothesize the role of biotic and abiotic factors in ecosystems; e.g., competition and chinooks

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors

20-B.1.2: Performing and Recording

20-B1.2s: conduct investigations into relationships between and among observable variables and use a broad range of tools and techniques to gather and record data and information

20-B1.2s.1: perform a field study to measure, quantitatively, appropriate abiotic characteristics of an ecosystem and to gather, both quantitatively and qualitatively, evidence for analysis of the diversity of life in the ecosystem studied

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors

20-B.1.3: Analyzing and Interpreting

20-B1.3s: analyze data and apply mathematical and conceptual models to develop and assess possible solutions

20-B1.3s.3: evaluate the accuracy and reliability of instruments used for measurement and identify the degree of error in the field-study data

Triple Beam Balance

20-B1.3s.4: compile and organize evidence from a variety of sources, for or against human activity being responsible for ecosystem change, and analyze the relationship between human activity and changing ecosystems

Coral Reefs 2 - Biotic Factors

20-B.2: explain the mechanisms involved in the change of populations over time. Skills

20-B.2.1: Initiating and Planning

20-B2.1s: formulate questions about observed relationships and plan investigations of questions, ideas, problems and issues

20-B2.1s.1: design an investigation to measure or describe an inherited variation in a plant or an animal population

Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

20-B.2.3: Analyzing and Interpreting

20-B2.3s: analyze data and apply mathematical and conceptual models to develop and assess possible solutions

20-B2.3s.3: state a conclusion or generalization based on research data, suggesting how it supports or refutes an explanation for biological change, and identify new questions or problems that arise from what was learned

Carbon Cycle
Nitrogen Cycle

20-C: Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

3.1: Energy, Matter and Systems

20-C.1: relate photosynthesis to storage of energy in organic compounds Skills

20-C.1.1: Initiating and Planning

20-C1.1s: formulate questions about observed relationships and plan investigations of questions, ideas, problems and issues

20-C1.1s.2: predict and hypothesize the effect of changes in carbon dioxide and oxygen concentration on photosynthesis

Cell Energy Cycle

20-C.1.3: Analyzing and Interpreting

20-C1.3s: analyze data and apply mathematical and conceptual models to develop and assess possible solutions

20-C1.3s.2: draw an analogy between the storage of energy by photosynthesis and the storage of energy by solar generating systems

Cell Energy Cycle

20-C1.3s.3: explain how data supports or refutes the hypothesis on how changes in carbon dioxide and oxygen concentration affect photosynthesis

Cell Energy Cycle

20-C.2: explain the role of cellular respiration in releasing potential energy from organic compounds. Skills

20-C.2.1: Initiating and Planning

20-C2.1s: formulate questions about observed relationships and plan investigations of questions, ideas, problems and issues

20-C2.1s.1: identify factors affecting the rate of cellular respiration

Cell Energy Cycle

20-C2.1s.2: design an experiment to demonstrate that heat is a by-product of cellular respiration

Cell Energy Cycle

20-C2.1s.3: predict and hypothesize the effect of oxic and anoxic conditions on the rate of cellular respiration in unicellular organisms such as yeast and bacteria

Cell Energy Cycle

20-C.2.2: Performing and Recording

20-C2.2s: conduct investigations into relationships between and among observable variables and use a broad range of tools and techniques to gather and record data and information

20-C2.2s.2: measure temperature change over time of germinating and non-germinating seeds

Seed Germination

20-C.2.3: Analyzing and Interpreting

20-C2.3s: analyze data and apply mathematical and conceptual models to develop and assess possible solutions

20-C2.3s.3: interpret data that illustrate the effect of oxic and anoxic conditions on cellular respiration

Cell Energy Cycle

20-C.2.4: Communication and Teamwork

20-C2.4s: work collaboratively in addressing problems and apply the skills and conventions of science in communicating information and ideas and in assessing results

20-C2.4s.1: create a concept map or flow chart to illustrate how the carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms in glucose are ultimately released as carbon dioxide and water

Cell Energy Cycle

20-C2.4s.2: work cooperatively to research and investigate cellular respiration in oxic and anoxic conditions and metabolic toxins

Cell Energy Cycle

20-D: Human Systems

4.1: Energy, Equilibrium, Matter and Systems

20-D.1: explain how the human digestive and respiratory systems exchange energy and matter with the environment Skills

20-D.1.2: Performing and Recording

20-D1.2s: conduct investigations into relationships between and among observable variables and use a broad range of tools and techniques to gather and record data and information

20-D1.2s.1: observe, through dissection or computer simulations, the digestive and respiratory systems of a representative mammal and identify the major structural components

Digestive System

20-D.1.3: Analyzing and Interpreting

20-D1.3s: analyze data and apply mathematical and conceptual models to develop and assess possible solutions

20-D1.3s.1: analyze and draw conclusions and assess validity of data from an investigation on calorimetry or enzyme action

Energy Conversion in a System

20-D.2: explain the role of the circulatory and defence systems in maintaining an internal equilibrium Skills

20-D.2.2: Performing and Recording

20-D2.2s: conduct investigations into relationships between and among observable variables and use a broad range of tools and techniques to gather and record data and information

20-D2.2s.3: select and integrate information from various sources to observe the principal features of a mammalian circulatory system and the direction of blood flow, and identify structures from drawings; e.g., valves, chambers

Circulatory System

Correlation last revised: 11/17/2022

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