3.1: Biological Sciences

3.1.3.A5: Form and Function

3.1.3.A5.1: Identify the structures in plants that are responsible for food production, support, water transport, reproduction, growth, and protection.

Flower Pollination

3.1.3.B1: Heredity

3.1.3.B1.1: Understand that plants and animals closely resemble their parents.


3.1.3.B5: Unifying Themes

3.1.3.B5.1: Identify characteristics that appear in both parents and offspring.


3.2: Physical Sciences: Chemistry and Physics

3.2.3.A1: Properties of Matter

3.2.3.A1.1: Differentiate between properties of objects such as size, shape, and weight and properties of materials that make up the objects such as color, texture, and hardness.

Color Absorption
Heat Absorption
Mineral Identification
Subtractive Colors
Weight and Mass

3.2.3.A1.2: Differentiate between the three states of matter, classifying a substance as a solid, liquid, or gas.

Phases of Water

3.2.3.A3: Matter & Energy

3.2.3.A3.1: Demonstrate how heating and cooling may cause changes in the properties of materials including phase changes.

Phases of Water

3.2.3.A4: Reactions

3.2.3.A4.1: Use basic reactions to demonstrate observable changes in properties of matter (e.g., burning, cooking).

Phases of Water

3.2.3.B1: Force & Motion of Particles and Rigid Bodies

3.2.3.B1.1: Explain how movement can be described in many ways.

Free Fall Tower
Measuring Motion

3.2.3.B2: Energy Storage and Transformations: Conservation Laws

3.2.3.B2.1: Explore energy’s ability to cause motion or create change.


3.2.3.B2.2: Explore how energy can be found in moving objects, light, sound, and heat.


3.2.3.B4: Electrical and Magnetic Energy

3.2.3.B4.1: Identify and classify objects and materials that are conductors or insulators of electricity.

Circuit Builder

3.2.3.B4.2: Identify and classify objects and materials as magnetic or non-magnetic.


3.3: Earth and Space Sciences

3.3.3.A2: Earth’s Resources/Materials

3.3.3.A2.1: Identify the physical properties of minerals and demonstrate how minerals can be tested for these different physical properties.

Mineral Identification

3.3.3.B1: Composition and Structure

3.3.3.B1.1: Relate the rotation of the earth and day/night, to the apparent movement of the sun, moon, and stars across the sky.

Phases of the Moon
Seasons: Earth, Moon, and Sun

3.4: Technology and Engineering Education

3.4.3.C1: Design Attributes

3.4.3.C1.1: Recognize design is a creative process and everyone can design solutions to problems.


3.4.3.C3: Research & Development, Invention & Innovation, Experimentation / Problem Solving and Troubleshooting

3.4.3.C3.1: Recognize that all products and systems are subject to failure; many products and systems can be fixed.


Correlation last revised: 9/16/2020

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