1: Earth and Space Science

1.1: Give a simple explanation of what a mineral is and some examples, e.g., quartz, mica.

Mineral Identification

1.2: Identify the physical properties of minerals (hardness, color, luster, cleavage, and streak), and explain how minerals can be tested for these different physical properties.

Heat Absorption
Mineral Identification

1.3: Identify the three categories of rocks (metamorphic, igneous, and sedimentary) based on how they are formed, and explain the natural and physical processes that create these rocks.

Rock Cycle

1.8: Describe how global patterns such as the jet stream and water currents influence local weather in measurable terms such as temperature, wind direction and speed, and precipitation.

Weather Maps

1.9: Differentiate between weather and climate.

Weather Maps

1.10: Describe how water on earth cycles in different forms and in different locations, including underground and in the atmosphere.

Water Cycle

1.11: Give examples of how the cycling of water, both in and out of the atmosphere, has an effect on climate.

Water Cycle

1.12: Give examples of how the surface of the earth changes due to slow processes such as erosion and weathering, and rapid processes such as landslides, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes.

Rock Cycle

1.13: Recognize that the earth is part of a system called the "solar system" that includes the sun (a star), planets, and many moons. The earth is the third planet from the sun in our solar system.

Solar System

1.14: Recognize that the earth revolves around (orbits) the sun in a year's time and that the earth rotates on its axis once approximately every 24 hours. Make connections between the rotation of the earth and day/night, and the apparent movement of the sun, moon, and stars across the sky.

Comparing Earth and Venus
Phases of the Moon
Seasons: Earth, Moon, and Sun

1.15: Describe the changes that occur in the observable shape of the moon over the course of a month.

Phases of the Moon

2: Life Science (Biology)

2.2: Identify the structures in plants (leaves, roots, flowers, stem, bark, wood) that are responsible for food production, support, water transport, reproduction, growth, and protection.

Cell Energy Cycle
Flower Pollination

2.5: Differentiate between observed characteristics of plants and animals that are fully inherited (e.g., color of flower, shape of leaves, color of eyes, number of appendages) and characteristics that are affected by the climate or environment (e.g., browning of leaves due to too much sun, language spoken).


2.8: Describe how organisms meet some of their needs in an environment by using behaviors (patterns of activities) in response to information (stimuli) received from the environment. Recognize that some animal behaviors are instinctive (e.g., turtles burying their eggs), and others are learned (e.g., humans building fires for warmth, chimpanzees learning how to use tools).

Reverse the Field

2.11: Describe how energy derived from the sun is used by plants to produce sugars (photosynthesis) and is transfer-red within a foodchain from producers (plants) to consumers to decomposers.

Cell Energy Cycle
Energy Conversions
Forest Ecosystem

3: Physical Sciences (Chemistry and Physics)

3.1: Differentiate between properties of objects (e.g., size, shape, weight) and properties of materials (e.g., color, texture, hardness).

Density Experiment: Slice and Dice

3.3: Describe how water can be changed from one state to another by adding or taking away heat.

Phases of Water

3.4: Identify the basic forms of energy (light, sound, heat, electrical, and magnetic). Recognize that energy is the ability to cause motion or create change.

Energy Conversions
Heat Absorption
Pulley Lab

3.5: Give examples of how energy can be transferred from one form to another.

Energy Conversions
Heat Absorption

3.6: Recognize that electricity in circuits requires a complete loop through which an electrical current can pass, and that electricity can produce light, heat, and sound.

Circuit Builder
Energy Conversions

3.7: Identify and classify objects and materials that conduct electricity and objects and materials that are insulators of electricity.

Circuit Builder

3.9: Recognize that magnets have poles that repel and attract each other.


3.11: Recognize that sound is produced by vibrating objects and requires a medium through which to travel. Relate the rate of vibration to the pitch of the sound.

Longitudinal Waves

3.12: Recognize that light travels in a straight line until it strikes an object or travels from one medium to another, and that light can be reflected, refracted, and absorbed.

Basic Prism
Color Absorption
Heat Absorption

Correlation last revised: 5/14/2018

This correlation lists the recommended Gizmos for this state's curriculum standards. Click any Gizmo title below for more information.