ESS: Earth and Space Science

ESS.1: This topic focuses on the physical features of Earth and how they formed. This includes the interior of Earth, the rock record, plate tectonics and landforms.

ESS.1.2: Earth's crust consists of major and minor tectonic plates that move relative to each other.

ESS.1.2.c: There are three main types of plate boundaries: divergent, convergent and transform. Each type of boundary results in specific motion and causes events (such as earthquakes or volcanic activity) or features (such as mountains or trenches) that are indicative of the type of boundary.

Plate Tectonics

ESS.1.3: A combination of constructive and destructive geologic processes formed Earth's surface.

ESS.1.3.a: Earth's surface is formed from a variety of different geologic processes, including but not limited to plate tectonics.

Plate Tectonics

LS: Life Science

LS.1: This topic focuses on continuation of the species.

LS.1.1: Reproduction is necessary for the continuation of every species.

LS.1.1.a: Every organism alive today comes from a long line of ancestors who reproduced successfully every generation. Reproduction is the transfer of genetic information from one generation to the next. It can occur with mixing of genes from two individuals (sexual reproduction). It can occur with the transfer of genes from one individual to the next generation (asexual reproduction). The ability to reproduce defines living things.

Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

LS.1.2: Diversity of species occurs through gradual processes over many generations. Fossil records provide evidence that changes have occurred in number and types of species.

LS.1.2.b: Changes in environmental conditions can affect how beneficial a trait will be for the survival and reproductive success of an organism or an entire species.

Natural Selection
Rabbit Population by Season
Rainfall and Bird Beaks - Metric

LS.1.3: The characteristics of an organism are a result of inherited traits received from parent(s).

LS.1.3.a: Expression of all traits is determined by genes and environmental factors to varying degrees. Many genes influence more than one trait, and many traits are influenced by more than one gene.

Chicken Genetics
Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

LS.1.3.b: During reproduction, genetic information (DNA) is transmitted between parent and offspring. In asexual reproduction, the lone parent contributes DNA to the offspring. In sexual reproduction, both parents contribute DNA to the offspring.

Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

PS: Physical Science

PS.1: This topic focuses on forces and motion within, on and around the Earth and within the universe.

PS.1.1: Forces between objects act when the objects are in direct contact or when they are not touching.

PS.1.1.a: Magnetic, electrical and gravitational forces can act at a distance.

Charge Launcher
Free Fall Tower
Free-Fall Laboratory

PS.1.2: Forces have magnitude and direction.

PS.1.2.b: Forces can be added. The net force on an object is the sum of all of the forces acting on the object. The net force acting on an object can change the object's direction and/or speed.

Fan Cart Physics

PS.1.2.c: When the net force is greater than zero, the object's speed and/or direction will change.

Fan Cart Physics

PS.1.2.d: When the net force is zero, the object remains at rest or continues to move at a constant speed in a straight line.

Fan Cart Physics

PS.1.3: There are different types of potential energy.

PS.1.3.a: Gravitational potential energy changes in a system as the masses or relative positions of objects are changed.

Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects
Potential Energy on Shelves
Roller Coaster Physics

Correlation last revised: 9/16/2020

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