5.S.1A: The practices of science and engineering support the development of science concepts, develop the habits of mind that are necessary for scientific thinking, and allow students to engage in science in ways that are similar to those used by scientists and engineers.

5.S.1A.1: Ask questions used to

5.S.1A.1.1: generate hypotheses for scientific investigations or

Pendulum Clock

5.S.1A.2: Develop, use, and refine models to

5.S.1A.2.3: communicate ideas to others.

Ocean Mapping

5.S.1A.3: Plan and conduct controlled scientific investigations to answer questions, test hypotheses and predictions, and develop explanations:

5.S.1A.3.1: formulate scientific questions and testable hypotheses,

Seed Germination

5.S.1A.5: Use mathematical and computational thinking to

5.S.1A.5.3: understand patterns, trends and relationships between variables.

Pendulum Clock

5.S.1B: Technology is any modification to the natural world created to fulfill the wants and needs of humans. The engineering design process involves a series of iterative steps used to solve a problem and often leads to the development of a new or improved technology.

5.S.1B.1: Construct devices or design solutions to solve specific problems or needs:

5.S.1B.1.4: build and test devices or solutions,

Pendulum Clock

5.E.3B: EarthÂ?s oceans and landforms can be affected by natural processes in various ways. Humans cannot eliminate natural hazards caused by these processes but can take steps to reduce their impacts. Human activities can affect the land and oceans in positive and negative ways.

5.E.3B.3: Construct scientific arguments to support claims that human activities (such as conservation efforts or pollution) affect the land and oceans of Earth.

Pond Ecosystem
Water Pollution

5.L.4B: All organisms need energy to live and grow. Energy is obtained from food. The role an organism serves in an ecosystem can be described by the way in which it gets its energy. Energy is transferred within an ecosystem as organisms produce, consume, or decompose food. A healthy ecosystem is one in which a diversity of life forms are able to meet their needs in a relatively stable web of life.

5.L.4B.1: Analyze and interpret data to explain how organisms obtain their energy and classify an organisms as producers, consumers (including herbivore, carnivore, and omnivore), or decomposers (such as fungi and bacteria).

Energy Conversions
Forest Ecosystem

5.L.4B.2: Develop and use models of food chains and food webs to describe the flow of energy in an ecosystem.

Forest Ecosystem
Prairie Ecosystem

5.P.5A: The motion of an object can be described in terms of its position, direction, and speed. The rate and motion of an object is determined by multiple factors.

5.P.5A.2: Develop and use models to explain how the amount or type of force (contact and non-contact) affects the motion of an object.

Free Fall Tower

5.P.5A.4: Analyze and interpret data to describe how a change of force, a change in mass, or friction affects the motion of an object.

Force and Fan Carts

5.P.5A.5: Design and test possible devices or solutions that reduce the effects of friction on the motion of an object.

Force and Fan Carts

Correlation last revised: 8/4/2014

This correlation lists the recommended Gizmos for this state's curriculum standards. Click any Gizmo title below for more information.