12A: Students who meet the standard know and apply concepts that explain how living things function, adapt, and change.

12A.1: Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to explain the chemical nature of biological processes, describing photosynthesis in terms of basic requirements and products, correlating respiration, or diagramming the nitrogen, water, oxygen, and carbon cycles with reference to ecosystem-to-molecular levels.

Carbon Cycle
Cell Energy Cycle
Plants and Snails
Water Cycle

12A.2: Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to correlate the basis of cellular and organism reproductive processes, correlating possible genetic combinations to the type of reproductive process, diagramming and comparing mitotic and meiotic cell division, or distinguishing asexual and sexual (egg, sperm and zygote formation) reproduction with examples.

Cell Division

12A.3: Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to compare evolutionary trends between kingdoms and phyla, exploring natural and applied hybridization, explaining the increasing sophistication of body systems correlating embryological, structural, and functional development, or exploring the impact of environmental factors on these trends.

Rainfall and Bird Beaks

12A.4: Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to explore social and environmental responses of organisms, describing learned and inherited behaviors and responses across kingdoms and between/among phyla, explaining cyclic behaviors and responses in various species, or examining social behaviors of insects and vertebrates.

Human Homeostasis

12B: Students who meet the standard know and apply concepts that describe how living things interact with each other and with their environment.

12B.2: Apply scientific inquiries or technological design to examine species' demise or success within ecosystems identifying problems for species conservation and extinction, projecting population changes when habitats are altered or destroyed (deforestation, desertification, wetlands destruction, introduction of exotic species),or researching economic and scientific value implications for changes to genetic diversity.

Rabbit Population by Season

12B.4: Apply scientific inquiries or technological design to analyze Illinois-specific ecosystems and biomes, modeling topographic features, population data, plant diversity and distribution from historic records, collecting scientific seasonal/annual local ecosystem data for direct connection to change and stability factors, or projecting scenarios of changes to local ecosystem for near- and long-term future contingencies.

Building Topographic Maps
Reading Topographic Maps
Seasons Around the World
Seasons in 3D
Summer and Winter

12C: Students who meet the standard know and apply concepts that describe properties of matter and energy and the interactions between them.

12C.1: Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to examine patterns of interactions of energy with matter, describing and measuring how the interactions effect changes of state or properties, using quantitative data from investigations and simple chemical formulas and equations to support the concept of conservation of mass, comparing positions, movements, and relationships of atoms in different states, or predicting chemical reactivity from information in the Periodic Table.

Chemical Changes
Electron Configuration
Phases of Water

12C.2: Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to explore electric and magnetic energy fields, describing natural forces of static electricity and kinds of conductors and insulators, sketching the magnetic lines of force and basic polar attraction and repulsion, or creating electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields with simple explanations.


12C.3: Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to examine the chemical and physical characteristics of matter, constructing and discussing models and charts that explain these properties, investigating the relationships among atoms, molecules, elements, and compounds, classifying objects and mixtures based on these properties, explaining the organization of elements in the Periodic Table, or investigating the properties of gases at varying temperatures and pressures.

Density Experiment: Slice and Dice
Electron Configuration
Mineral Identification

12C.4: Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to examine the conservation of matter and energy, quantifying conservation of mass, diagramming conservation of energy in common examples, or relating the concepts of force, momentum, power, motion, and work to the concepts of mass, distance, and velocity and their applicable constants, laws, and equations.

Energy Conversion in a System

12D: Students who meet the standard know and apply concepts that describe force and motion and the principles that explain them.

12D.2: Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to investigate gravitational forces: explaining the comparisons of weight and mass with variations of 'g' forces and different locations, or calculating descent and free fall trajectories of objects in various settings.

Free Fall Tower
Free-Fall Laboratory

12D.3: Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to explore the applications of scientific work, constructing variations of simple and compound machines to measure work, power, and force with varying frictional factors, calculating work efficiency of common and complex machines, or converting forces of nature (such as weather: tornadoes, wind) into Newtonian factors.

Ants on a Slant (Inclined Plane)

12E: Students who meet the standard know and apply concepts that describe the features and processes of Earth and its resources.

12E.2: Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to examine meteorological phenomena, describing large-scale and local weather systems, interpreting weather maps, describing the composition, properties, range of temperatures, and/or pressures in various layers of the atmosphere, describing relationships between the sun and the earth's climate, seasons and weather.

Seasons Around the World
Seasons in 3D
Seasons: Why do we have them?
Summer and Winter

12F: Students who meet the standard know and apply concepts that explain the composition and structure of the universe and Earth's place in it.

12F.1: Apply scientific inquiries or technological design to compare the view of Earth as a planet, studying prehistoric and historic views of the universe, or explaining the absorption, reflection and transfer of the Sun's energy over land, water surfaces and features.

Comparing Earth and Venus

12F.2: Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to compare the view from Earth to the solar system, relating gravitational force between planetary bodies in the solar system, introducing theories of origin of the solar system components, or explaining photographic or historic records and mathematical calculations of comets and their orbits.

Gravity Pitch

Correlation last revised: 5/10/2018

This correlation lists the recommended Gizmos for this state's curriculum standards. Click any Gizmo title below for more information.