12B: Students who meet the standard know and apply concepts that describe how living things interact with each other and with their environment.

12B.2: Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to examine the interdependence of organisms in ecosystems, identifying adaptations that help animals survive in specific or multiple environments, describing the interaction between living and non-living factors in an ecosystem, or predicting what can happen to organisms if they lose different environmental resources or ecologically related groups of organisms.

Evolution: Mutation and Selection
Evolution: Natural and Artificial Selection
Pond Ecosystem

12C: Students who meet the standard know and apply concepts that describe properties of matter and energy and the interactions between them.

12C.1: Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to examine the flow of energy, measuring variations of heat absorption or reflection in objects, comparing qualitative data about friction, contrasting the transmission of sound through different materials, describing how energy in different forms affects common objects in common events, experimenting with the reflection of light, or analyzing simple wave studies.

2D Collisions
Energy Conversions
Heat Absorption

12C.2: Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to analyze simple properties and changes matching examples of physical and chemical properties to common substances (e.g., mixtures, solutions, solids, liquids, gases), categorizing common changes according to physical and chemical groupings, or explaining common examples of changes in terms of their physical or chemical nature.

Mineral Identification

12D: Students who meet the standard know and apply concepts that describe force and motion and the principles that explain them.

12D.1: Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to explain the concepts of motion, dramatizing rate, time and distance factors for objects in constant motion, or accelerating in a straight line (on flat or inclined surfaces) and/or in circular paths.

Free Fall Tower
Golf Range
Shoot the Monkey
Uniform Circular Motion

12D.2: Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to explain the characteristics of forces comparing examples of gravitational pull on earth, introducing the concepts associated with weightlessness (or more exactly, in continuous free fall) in space flight, diagramming the directions of forces affecting motion in common examples, or exploring how simple machines work.

Ants on a Slant (Inclined Plane)
Gravitational Force
Pith Ball Lab
Pulley Lab
Wheel and Axle

12E: Students who meet the standard know and apply concepts that describe the features and processes of Earth and its resources.

12E.1: Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to analyze Earth's land, water and atmosphere as systems classifying samples of the major rock families, sorting soil types based on their formation and composition, illustrating nature's oxygen and water cycles, or identifying the major components of air.

Pond Ecosystem
Rock Cycle
Water Cycle

12E.2: Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to examine weather patterns observing local, state, regional or national weather patterns, identifying topographic features which affect weather patterns, comparing simple models of Earth tilt and revolution to major seasonal changes, or predicting future weather conditions.

Summer and Winter

12F: Students who meet the standard know and apply concepts that explain the composition and structure of the universe and Earth's place in it.

12F.1: Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to compare the main bodies of the solar system, describing the surface conditions and composition of the planets, modeling the impact of meteorites on solar system bodies, introducing gravitational force of bodies, or researching how 21st century scientists study the solar system.

Gravity Pitch
Solar System

12F.2: Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to examine the Earth's motions in space, modeling the three-dimensional rotation and revolution of Earth in its orbit, including its axial tilt to introduce the explanation of seasons and solar/lunar eclipses, or addressing historical misconceptions of the Earth's place in the universe.

3D Eclipse
Seasons Around the World
Seasons: Earth, Moon, and Sun
Summer and Winter

Correlation last revised: 5/10/2018

This correlation lists the recommended Gizmos for this state's curriculum standards. Click any Gizmo title below for more information.