MW: The Material World

MW.A: Properties

MW.A.2: Characteristic physical properties

MW.A.2.d: Solubility

MW.A.2.d.i: Defines the concept of solubility

Solubility and Temperature

MW.A.2.d.ii: Describes the effect of variations in temperature on the solubility of a substance

Solubility and Temperature

MW.A.3: Properties of solutions

MW.A.3.b: Electrolytes

MW.A.3.b.ii: Qualitatively speaking, associates the strength of an electrolyte with its degree of dissociation


MW.A.3.c: pH scale

MW.A.3.c.i: Describes the pH scale (acidity, alkalinity, neutrality, increasing and decreasing values)

pH Analysis
pH Analysis: Quad Color Indicator

MW.A.3.c.ii: Determines the pH of a few common substances (e.g. distilled water, rainwater, saliva, lemon juice, cleaners)

pH Analysis
pH Analysis: Quad Color Indicator

MW.A.3.d: Ions

MW.A.3.d.i: Defines the concept of ion

Element Builder
Ionic Bonds

MW.B: Changes

MW.B.3: Chemical changes

MW.B.3.b: Decomposition and synthesis

MW.B.3.b.i: Associates known chemical reactions with decomposition or synthesis reactions (e.g. respiration, photosynthesis, combustion, digestion)

Balancing Chemical Equations
Cell Energy Cycle
Chemical Changes
Chemical Equations
Dehydration Synthesis
Equilibrium and Concentration

MW.B.3.g: Acid-base neutralization reaction

MW.B.3.g.i: Gives examples of acid-base neutralization reactions (e.g. adding lime to neutralize the acidity of a lake)


MW.B.3.g.ii: Names the products formed during acid-base neutralization (salt and water)


MW.B.3.g.iii: Recognizes an acid-base neutralization from its equation


MW.B.3.i: Types of bonds

MW.B.3.i.i: Covalent

MW.B.3.i.i.: Defines a covalent bond as a bond resulting from a sharing of electrons

Covalent Bonds

MW.B.3.i.i.: Makes a schematic representation of a covalent bond

Covalent Bonds

MW.B.3.i.i.: Identifies molecules that feature a covalent bond (e.g. N2, CO2)

Covalent Bonds

MW.B.3.i.ii: Ionic

MW.B.3.i.ii.: Defines an ionic bond as a bond resulting from the gain or loss of electrons

Ionic Bonds

MW.B.3.i.ii.: Makes a schematic representation of an ionic bond

Ionic Bonds

MW.B.3.j: Law of conservation of mass

MW.B.3.j.i: Explains the law of conservation of mass during a chemical reaction

Chemical Changes
Chemical Equations

MW.B.3.j.ii: Represents the conservation of mass using the particle model

Chemical Equations

MW.B.3.k: Balancing chemical equations

MW.B.3.k.i: Balances chemical equations

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equations

MW.B.3.l: Stoichiometry

MW.B.3.l.i: Determines the quantities of reactants or products using stoichiometric calculations (gram or mole

Chemical Equations
Limiting Reactants

MW.B.3.m: Endothermic and exothermic reactions

MW.B.3.m.i: Distinguishes an endothermic reaction from an exothermic reaction according to perceptible signs (e.g. temperature variations, emission of light)

Chemical Changes

MW.B.4: Transformation of energy

MW.B.4.g: Relationship between kinetic energy, mass and speed

MW.B.4.g.i: Describes qualitatively the relationship between the kinetic energy of a body, its mass and its speed

Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects
Moment of Inertia

MW.B.4.g.ii: Applies the mathematical relationship between kinetic energy, mass and speed (Ek = ½mv²)

Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects
Moment of Inertia

MW.B.4.h: Relationship between work and energy

MW.B.4.h.i: Describes qualitatively the relationship between the work done on a body and the energy change within that body

Pulley Lab

MW.B.4.h.ii: Applies the mathematical relationship between work and energy (W = ΔE)

Pulley Lab

MW.C: Organization

MW.C.g: Elementary particles

MW.C.g.i: Describes the position and electrical charge of the elementary particles in an atom (proton, electron, neutron)

Element Builder

MW.C.h: Simplified atomic model

MW.C.h.i: Represents an atom of a given element using the simplified atomic model

Element Builder

MW.C.i: Lewis notation

MW.C.i.i: Determines the number of valence electrons in an element

Electron Configuration
Element Builder

MW.C.i.ii: Represents atoms using Lewis notation

Covalent Bonds
Element Builder
Ionic Bonds

MW.C.l: Concept of the mole

MW.C.l.i: Defines the mole as the unit of measure of the amount of a substance


MW.C.l.ii: Expresses an amount of a substance in moles

Chemical Equations

MW.C.m: Relative atomic mass and isotopes

MW.C.m.i: Defines isotopes as atoms of the same element whose nuclei have different numbers of neutrons and therefore different atomic masses

Element Builder

MW.G: Force and motion

MW.G.e: Effective force

MW.G.e.ii: Determines graphically the magnitude of the effective force in a given situation

Determining a Spring Constant

MW.G.f: Relationship between work, force and distance travelled

MW.G.f.i: Describes qualitatively the relationship between the work done, the force applied on a body and the distance travelled by the body

Pulley Lab

MW.G.f.ii: Applies the mathematical relationship between work, effective force and distance travelled (W = FΔd)

Pulley Lab

LW: The Living World

LW.A: Diversity of life forms

LW.A.1: Ecology

LW.A.1.f: Ecotoxicology

LW.A.1.f.i: Contaminant

LW.A.1.f.i.: Defines a contaminant as an agent that causes changes in the physical, chemical or biological properties of an environment or an organism

Nitrogen Cycle

LW.A.1.f.ii: Bioaccumulation

LW.A.1.f.ii.: Explains bioaccumulation in food chains (biomagnification)

Food Chain

LW.A.1.f.iv: Toxicity threshold

LW.A.1.f.iv.: Describes factors that influence the toxicity of a contaminant (e.g. concentration, characteristics of the environment into which it is released, nature of the organisms with which it is in contact, duration of exposure)

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors

LW.B: Life-sustaining processes

LW.B.f: Photosynthesis and respiration

LW.B.f.ii: Represents the photosynthesis reaction in a balanced equation

Cell Energy Cycle

LW.B.f.iv: Represents the photosynthesis reaction in a balanced equation

Cell Energy Cycle

ES: The Earth and Space

ES.A: Characteristics of the Earth

ES.A.3: Hydrosphere

ES.A.3.d: Eutrophication

ES.A.3.d.ii: Explains how human activities accelerate the eutrophication of a body of natural water

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors

ES.A.4: Atmosphere

ES.A.4.b: Greenhouse effect

ES.A.4.b.i: Describes the greenhouse effect

Carbon Cycle
Greenhouse Effect - Metric

T: Techniques

T.B: Science

T.B.d: Using measuring instruments

T.B.d.vii: Uses measuring instruments appropriately (e.g. ammeter, volumetric flask)

Triple Beam Balance

T.C: Techniques common to Science and Technology

T.C.a: Verifying the repeatability, accuracy and sensitivity of measuring instruments

T.C.a.i: Takes the same measurement several times to check the repeatability of the instrument used

Triple Beam Balance

T.C.a.ii: Carries out the required operations to ensure the accuracy of a measuring instrument (e.g. cleans and calibrates a balance, dries out a graduated cylinder, rinses and calibrates a pH-meter)

Triple Beam Balance

T.C.a.iii: Chooses a measuring instrument by taking into account the sensitivity of the instrument (e.g. uses a 25-mL graduated cylinder rather than a 100-mL one to measure out 18 mL of water

Triple Beam Balance

Correlation last revised: 9/16/2020

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