ESS: Earth and Space Science

ESS.1: This topic focuses on the variety of processes that shape and reshape Earth?s surface.

ESS.1.2: The surface of Earth changes due to weathering.

ESS.1.2.a: Rocks change shape, size and/or form due to water or ice movement, freeze and thaw, wind, plant growth, gases in the air, pollution and catastrophic events such as earthquakes, mass wasting, flooding and volcanic activity.

Rock Cycle

ESS.1.3: The surface of Earth changes due to erosion and deposition.

ESS.1.3.a: Water, wind and ice physically remove and carry (erosion) rock, soil and sediment and deposit the material in a new location.

Rock Cycle

LS: Life Science

LS.1: This topic focuses on using fossil evidence and living organisms to observe that suitable habitats depend upon a combination of biotic and abiotic factors.

LS.1.1: Changes in an organism?s environment are sometimes beneficial to its survival and sometimes harmful.

LS.1.1.a: Ecosystems can change gradually or dramatically. When the environment changes, some plants and animals survive and reproduce and others die or move to new locations. An animal?s patterns of behavior are related to the environment. This includes the kinds and numbers of other organisms present, the availability of food and resources, and the physical attributes of the environment.

Forest Ecosystem
Pond Ecosystem

PS: Physical Science

PS.1: This topic focuses on the conservation of matter and the processes of energy transfer and transformation, especially as they apply to heat and electrical energy.

PS.1.2: Energy can be transformed from one form to another or can be transferred from one location to another.

PS.1.2.a: Energy transfers from hot objects to cold objects as heat, resulting in a temperature change.

Conduction and Convection

PS.1.2.b: Electric circuits require a complete loop of conducting materials through which an electrical energy can be transferred.

Circuit Builder

PS.1.2.c: Electrical energy in circuits can be transformed to other forms of energy, including light, heat, sound and motion.

Circuit Builder
Energy Conversions

Correlation last revised: 8/29/2016

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