1: Life Systems - Habitats and Communities

1.S: Specific Learning Outcomes

1.S.b: Classify organisms according to their role in a food chain (e.g., producer, consumer); Demonstrate an understanding of a food chain as a system in which energy from the sun is transferred eventually to animals. Be able to construct food chains of different plant and animal species (egg, grass - arctic hare - fox), and classify animals as omnivore, carnivore, or herbivore;

Prairie Ecosystem

1.S.c: Demonstrate an understanding of a food chain as a system in which energy from the sun is transferred eventually to animals. Be able to construct food chains of different plant and animal species (egg, grass - arctic hare - fox), and classify animals as omnivore, carnivore, or herbivore;

Prairie Ecosystem

2: Matter and Materials - Materials That Transmit, Reflect, or Absorb Light or Sound

2.G: General Learning Outcomes

Color Absorption
Heat Absorption

2.G.1: Demonstrate understanding that certain materials can transmit, reflect, refract or absorb light or sound;

Color Absorption
Heat Absorption

2.G.2: Investigate materials that transmit, reflect, refract or absorb light or sound and use their findings in designing objects and choosing materials from which to construct them; and

Color Absorption
Heat Absorption

2.S: Specific Learning Outcomes

2.S.c: Demonstrate how opaque materials absorb light and thereby cast shadows;

Heat Absorption
Penumbra Effect

3: Energy and Control - Light and Sound Energy

3.S: Specific Learning Outcomes

3.S.d: Identify through observation, colour as a property of light (e.g., use prisms, water in a jar, crystals in the window, water droplets on an overhead projector and show that white light can be separated into colours, ROY G BIV);

Color Absorption
Heat Absorption

3.S.e: Predict the location, shape and size of a shadow when a light source is placed in a given location relative to an object;

Penumbra Effect

4: Structures and Mechanisms - Pulleys and Gears

4.G: General Learning Outcomes


4.G.1: Demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of pulleys and gears;


4.G.2: Design and make pulley systems and gear systems, to investigate how motion is transferred from one system to another; and


4.S: Specific Learning Outcomes

4.S.a: Describe, using their observations, the functions of pulley systems and gear systems (e.g., they make changes in direction, speed, and force possible);


4.S.c: Describe, using their observations, how gears operate in one plane (e.g., spur gears, idle gears) and in two planes (e.g., crown bevel, or worm gears); and

Wheel and Axle

4.S.d: Demonstrate an awareness of the concept of mechanical advantage by using a variety of pulleys and gears.


5: Earth and Space Systems - Rocks, Minerals, and Erosion

5.G: General Learning Outcomes

5.G.2: Investigate, test, and compare the physical properties of rocks and minerals and investigate the factors that cause erosion of the landscape; and

Mineral Identification

5.G.3: Describe the effects of human activity (e.g., land development, building of dams, mine development, erosion preventing measures) on physical features of the landscape, and examine the use of rocks and minerals in making consumer products.

Forest Ecosystem

5.S: Specific Learning Outcomes

5.S.b: Classify rocks and minerals according to chosen criteria, relying on their observations (e.g., colour, texture, shape);

Mineral Identification

Correlation last revised: 9/16/2020

This correlation lists the recommended Gizmos for this province's curriculum standards. Click any Gizmo title below for more information.