8.5: Understand genetics and biological evolution and their impact on the unity and diversity of organisms

8.5.1: Describe how changes in the physical environment affect the survival of organisms

Natural Selection
Rainfall and Bird Beaks - Metric

8.6: Understand the nature of matter and energy, forms of energy (including waves) and energy transformations, and their significance in understanding the structure of the universe

8.6.3: Identify the characteristics and properties of mechanical and electromagnetic waves

Longitudinal Waves
Ripple Tank
Sound Beats and Sine Waves

8.7: Understand the relationship between force, mass, and motion of objects; and know the major natural forces: gravitational, electric, and magnetic

8.7.1: Explain that every object has mass and therefore exerts a gravitational force on other objects

Gravitational Force

8.8: Understand the Earth and its processes, the solar system, and the universe and its contents

8.8.1: Compare the characteristics of the three main types of rocks

Rock Classification

8.8.2: Illustrate the rock cycle and explain how igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks are formed

Rock Cycle

8.8.3: Describe how the Earth's motions and tilt on its axis affect the seasons and weather patterns

Seasons Around the World
Seasons in 3D
Seasons: Why do we have them?

8.8.5: Explain the concepts of continental drift and plate tectonics

Building Pangaea
Plate Tectonics

8.8.9: Explain the predictable motions of the Earth and moon

Comparing Earth and Venus
Moonrise, Moonset, and Phases

8.8.10: Compare the characteristics and movement patterns of the planets in our solar system

Comparing Earth and Venus
Gravity Pitch
Solar System Explorer

8.8.12: Describe the role of gravitational force in the motions of planetary systems

Gravity Pitch

Correlation last revised: 9/16/2020

This correlation lists the recommended Gizmos for this state's curriculum standards. Click any Gizmo title below for more information.