1: Number

1.A: Number Operations

1.A.1: Use exact values, arithmetic operations and algebraic operations on real numbers to solve problems.

1.A.1.2: Perform operations on irrational numbers of monomial and binomial form, using exact values.

Operations with Radical Expressions

2: Patterns and Relations

2.A: Patterns

2.A.1: Generate and analyze number patterns.

2.A.1.1: Generate number patterns exhibiting arithmetic growth.

Arithmetic Sequences
Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences

2.A.1.2: Use expressions to represent general terms and sums for arithmetic growth, and apply these expressions to solve problems.

Arithmetic Sequences

2.A.1.3: Relate arithmetic sequences to linear functions defined over the natural numbers.

Arithmetic Sequences
Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences
Linear Functions
Slope-Intercept Form of a Line - Activity A
Slope-Intercept Form of a Line - Activity B

2.A.1.4: Generate number patterns exhibiting geometric growth.

Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences
Geometric Sequences

2.A.2: Variables and Equations

2.A.2.2: Factor polynomial expressions of the form ax² + bx + c, and a²x² - b²y².

Factoring Special Products
Modeling the Factorization of ax2+bx+c
Modeling the Factorization of x2+bx+c

2.A.2.4: Divide a polynomial by a binomial, and express the result in the forms:

2.A.2.4.a: P/D = Q + R/D

Dividing Polynomials Using Synthetic Division

2.A.2.4.b: P = DQ + R

Dividing Polynomials Using Synthetic Division

2.A.2.4.c: P(x) = D(x)Q(x) + R.

Dividing Polynomials Using Synthetic Division Determine equivalent forms of simple rational expressions with polynomial numerators, and denominators that are monomials, binomials or trinomials that can be factored.

Dividing Exponential Expressions
Modeling the Factorization of x2+bx+c

Correlation last revised: 4/28/2011

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