1: The Chemical Basis of Life

1.1: Appreciate the basic principles of chemistry which are involved in life processes.

1.1.2: Realize the relationship between the electron structure of atoms and the type of bond which forms.

Covalent Bonds
Electron Configuration
Ionic Bonds

1.1.5: Discuss a chemical reaction Ä the reactants, products and energy either required or produced.

Chemical Changes
Chemical Equations
Equilibrium and Concentration

1.2: Investigate the properties of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins.

1.2.7: Recognize the value of proteins by using examples from the human body.

Digestive System

1.3: Describe the structure of nucleic acids.

1.3.1: Describe the similarities and differences in the structure of DNA and RNA.

RNA and Protein Synthesis

1.3.2: Describe the processes of replication and transcription.

RNA and Protein Synthesis

2: Cell Structure and Function

2.1: Describe the structures and functions of cell components.

2.1.4: Describe the functions of the organelles found in eukaryotic cells.

RNA and Protein Synthesis

2.2: Explain how the processes of diffusion, active transport, photosynthesis, and respiration are accomplished in a cell.

2.2.2: Examine the mechanisms of active transport by identifying and explaining the two processes. (Process one involves the expenditure of energy where a carrier molecule takes a substance from one side of a membrane to the other side of the membrane. Process two involves the inpocketing of material by a membrance -- pinocytosis and exocytosis.)


2.2.4: Compare aerobic and anaerobic metabolism.

Cell Energy Cycle

2.2.5: Describe the processes involved in photosynthesis and then compare the process of photosynthesis with respiration.

Cell Energy Cycle

2.2.6: Examine how the structure of the leaf is adapted for the processes involved in photosynthesis.

Cell Energy Cycle

2.2.7: Identify how osmosis is related to diffusion and the value of osmosis to living organisms.


2.2.8: Compare the similarities and differences between active and passive transport.


2.2.9: Indicate the importance of the light and dark reactions in the process of photosynthesis.

Cell Energy Cycle

3: Genetics

3.1: Explain the significance of Mendel's experiments and observations, and the laws derived from them.

3.1.3: Describe Mendel's experiments and observations.

Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

3.1.4: Describe the relationship between genotype and phenotype.

Chicken Genetics
Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

3.1.5: Use the concept of the gene to explain Mendel's laws.

Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

3.2: Discuss the relationships among chromosomes, genes, and DNA.

3.2.1: Describe how the genetic code is carried on the DNA.

DNA Analysis

3.2.2: Outline the process of replication.

Building DNA

3.2.4: Describe the process of transcription.

RNA and Protein Synthesis

3.2.5: Describe the functions of mRNA, tRNA, amino acids, and ribosomes in protein synthesis.

RNA and Protein Synthesis

3.2.6: Describe the causes and effects of both chromosome and gene mutations.

Evolution: Mutation and Selection
Evolution: Natural and Artificial Selection

3.4: Discuss the application of population genetics to the study of evolution.

3.4.1: Describe the concepts of the deme and the gene pool.

Evolution: Mutation and Selection

3.4.2: Consider the Hardy-Weinberg principle.

Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

4: Animal Systems

4.1: Describe how nutrients and oxygen are moved to the body cells.

4.1.1: Review the principles of diffusion and active transport.


4.1.2: Contrast passive transport systems, as in the cnidaria, with active transport systems, such as the human blood circulation system.


4.2: Explain the functioning of the human circulation system.

4.2.1: Describe the functions of the heart, lungs, kidneys, and liver in the circulation system.

Circulatory System

4.2.5: Discuss respiration by relating the activity to the physical structure like the lungs and blood and the cells fed by the blood.

Cell Energy Cycle

5: Evolution

5.1: Explain how the evolutionary theory unifies biology.

5.1.1: Describe how individual variations are produced.

Evolution: Mutation and Selection

5.1.2: Discuss the action of natural selection on individuals, populations, and species.

Evolution: Mutation and Selection
Evolution: Natural and Artificial Selection
Natural Selection
Rainfall and Bird Beaks - Metric

5.2: Recognize evidence of evolution.

5.2.2: Examine data from comparative anatomy and comparative embryology.

Human Evolution - Skull Analysis

5.2.6: Examine the effects of migration and mutations on evolutionary change.

Evolution: Mutation and Selection
Evolution: Natural and Artificial Selection

5.3: Discuss how evolution proceeds.

5.3.4: Identify both pre-mating and post-mating barriers to recombination and reproduction.

Evolution: Mutation and Selection

Correlation last revised: 9/16/2020

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