A: Mix and Flow of Matter (Science and Technology Emphasis)

A.1: Science, Technology and Society (STS) and Knowledge

A.1.3: Investigate and compare the properties of gases and liquids; and relate variations in their viscosity, density, buoyancy and compressibility to the particle model of matter

A.1.3.2: observe the mass and volume of a liquid, and calculate its density using the formula d = m/v [Note: This outcome does not require students to perform formula manipulations or solve for unknown terms other than the density.]

Density Laboratory

A.1.3.3: compare densities of materials; and explain differences in the density of solids, liquids and gases, using the particle model of matter

Density Experiment: Slice and Dice
Density Laboratory

Density Laboratory

A.2: Skill Outcomes (focus on problem solving)

A.2.1: Initiating and Planning

A.2.1.1: Ask questions about the relationships between and among observable variables, and plan investigations to address those questions

A.2.1.1.b: identify questions to investigate, arising from practical problems and issues (e.g., identify questions, such as: â??What factors affect the speed with which a material dissolves?â??)

Hearing: Frequency and Volume
Sight vs. Sound Reactions

A.2.1.1.d: design an experiment, and identify the major variables (e.g., design or apply a procedure for measuring the solubility of different materials)

Effect of Environment on New Life Form
Growing Plants
Pendulum Clock
Real-Time Histogram
Time Estimation

A.2.2: Performing and Recording

A.2.2.1: Conduct investigations into the relationships between and among observations, and gather and record qualitative and quantitative data

A.2.2.1.a: carry out procedures, controlling the major variables (e.g., carry out a test of the viscosity of different fluids)

Effect of Environment on New Life Form
Growing Plants
Pendulum Clock
Real-Time Histogram
Seed Germination

A.2.2.1.b: use instruments effectively and accurately for collecting data (e.g., measure the mass and volume of a given sample of liquid)

Triple Beam Balance

A.2.2.1.e: organize data, using a format that is appropriate to the task or experiment (e.g., demonstrate the use of a database or spreadsheet for organizing information)

Seed Germination

A.2.3: Analyzing and Interpreting

A.2.3.1: Analyze qualitative and quantitative data, and develop and assess possible explanations

A.2.3.1.b: predict the value of a variable, by interpolating or extrapolating from graphical data (e.g., extrapolate results to predict how much solute will dissolve in a given solvent at a given temperature)

Effect of Environment on New Life Form
Pendulum Clock

A.2.4: Communication and Teamwork

A.2.4.1: Work collaboratively on problems; and use appropriate language and formats to communicate ideas, procedures and results

A.2.4.1.c: communicate questions, ideas, intentions, plans and results, using lists, notes in point form, sentences, data tables, graphs, drawings, oral language and other means (e.g., show the differences in flow rate, using a data table and diagrams)

Hearing: Frequency and Volume
Identifying Nutrients

A.3: Attitude Outcomes

A.3.1: Interest in Science

A.3.1.1: Show interest in science-related questions and issues, and pursue personal interests and career possibilities within science-related fields (e.g., attempt at home to repeat or extend a science investigation done at school; investigate applications of fluid properties in technologies used in the local community)

Growing Plants
Seed Germination
Temperature and Sex Determination - Metric

B: Cells and Systems (Nature of Science Emphasis)

B.1: Science, Technology and Society (STS) and Knowledge

B.1.1: Investigate living things; and identify and apply scientific ideas used to interpret their general structure, function and organization

B.1.1.2: apply the concept of system in describing familiar organisms and analyzing their general structure and function

Pollination: Flower to Fruit

B.1.1.3: illustrate and explain how different organisms have similar functions that are met in a variety of ways (e.g., recognize food gathering as a common function of animals, and note a variety of food-gathering structures)

Pollination: Flower to Fruit

B.1.2: Investigate and describe the role of cells within living things

B.1.2.1: describe the role of cells as a basic unit of life

Cell Structure

B.1.2.2: analyze similarities and differences between single-celled and multicelled organisms (e.g., compare, in general terms, an amoeba and a grizzly bear, a single-celled alga and a poplar tree)

Paramecium Homeostasis

B.1.2.3: distinguish between plant and animal cells (e.g., distinguish between cell walls and cell membranes)

Cell Structure

B.1.2.4: describe the movement of gases and liquids into and out of cells during diffusion and osmosis, based on concentration differences [Note: This outcome requires a general understanding of processes, not a detailed analysis of mechanisms.]


B.1.3: Interpret the healthy function of human body systems, and illustrate ways the body reacts to internal and external stimuli

B.1.3.1: describe, in general terms, body systems for respiration, circulation, digestion, excretion and sensory awareness (e.g., describe how blood is circulated throughout the body to carry oxygen and nutrients to the bodyâ??s various tissues and organs)

Circulatory System
Digestive System

B.1.3.2: describe, in general terms, the role of individual organs and tissues in supporting the healthy functioning of the human body (e.g., the role of lungs in exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide, the role of bronchia in providing a passageway for air)

Digestive System

B.1.3.3: describe ways in which various types of cells contribute to the healthy functioning of the human body (e.g., describe the roles of individual cells in nerves, muscle, blood, skin and bone)

Digestive System

B.1.3.4: describe changes in body functions in response to changing conditions (e.g., changes in heart rate in response to exercise, change in metabolism in response to lower temperature, reflex responses to stimuli)

Human Homeostasis

B.1.4: Describe areas of scientific investigation leading to new knowledge about body systems and to new medical applications

B.1.4.1: identify examples of research into functions and dysfunctions of human cells, organs or body systems

Circulatory System
Digestive System

B.1.4.2: describe ways in which research about cells, organs and systems has brought about improvements in human health and nutrition (e.g., development of medicines; immunization procedures; diets based on the needs of organs, such as the heart)

Circulatory System
Digestive System

B.1.4.3: investigate and describe factors that affect the healthy function of the human respiratory, circulatory and digestive systems (e.g., investigate the effect of illness, aging or air quality on the function of the respiratory system)

Circulatory System
Digestive System

B.2: Skill Outcomes (focus on scientific inquiry)

B.2.1: Initiating and Planning

B.2.1.1: Ask questions about the relationships between and among observable variables, and plan investigations to address those questions

B.2.1.1.a: identify questions to investigate (e.g., identify questions that arise from their own observations of plant and animal diversity)

Effect of Environment on New Life Form
Growing Plants
Hearing: Frequency and Volume
Pendulum Clock
Sight vs. Sound Reactions

B.2.2: Performing and Recording

B.2.2.1: Conduct investigations into the relationships between and among observations, and gather and record qualitative and quantitative data

B.2.2.1.a: use instrumentsâ??including microscopesâ??effectively and accurately for collecting data (e.g., use a microscope to produce a clear image of cells)

Triple Beam Balance

B.2.2.1.c: observe and record data, and produce simple line drawings (e.g., draw cells and organisms)

Cell Structure

B.2.2.1.d: organize data, using a format that is appropriate to the task or experiment (e.g., compare the structure and function of two or more organisms, using charts and drawings)

Seed Germination

B.2.3: Analyzing and Interpreting

B.2.3.1: Analyze qualitative and quantitative data, and develop and assess possible explanations

B.2.3.1.c: compile and display data, by hand or computer, in a variety of formats, including diagrams, flow charts, tables, bar graphs and line graphs (e.g., prepare charts that compare structures of different organisms)

Earthquakes 1 - Recording Station
Identifying Nutrients

B.2.4: Communication and Teamwork

B.2.4.1: Work collaboratively on problems; and use appropriate language and formats to communicate ideas, procedures and results

B.2.4.1.b: communicate questions, ideas, intentions, plans and results, using lists, notes in point form, sentences, data tables, graphs, drawings, oral language and other means

Hearing: Frequency and Volume
Identifying Nutrients

B.2.4.1.d: evaluate individual and group processes used in planning, problem solving, decision making and completing a task (e.g., evaluate processes used in completing a cooperative group project)

Estimating Population Size
Pendulum Clock

B.3: Attitude Outcomes

B.3.1: Interest in Science

B.3.1.1: Show interest in science-related questions and issues, and pursue personal interests and career possibilities within science-related fields (e.g., select and explore media on topics related to the diversity of living things and the maintenance of health; express interest in science-related/ technology-related careers that contribute to the welfare of living things)

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors
Coral Reefs 2 - Biotic Factors

C: Light and Optical Systems (Nature of Science Emphasis)

C.1: Science, Technology and Society (STS) and Knowledge

C.1.1: Investigate the nature of light and vision; and describe the role of invention, explanation and inquiry in developing our current knowledge

C.1.1.1: identify challenges in explaining the nature of light and vision (e.g., recognize that past explanations for vision involved conflicting ideas about the interaction of eyes and objects viewed; identify challenges in explaining upside-down images, rainbows and mirages)

Basic Prism

C.1.2: Investigate the transmission of light, and describe its behaviour using a geometric ray model

C.1.2.1: investigate how light is reflected, transmitted and absorbed by different materials; and describe differences in the optical properties of various materials (e.g., compare light absorption of different materials; identify materials that transmit light; distinguish between clear and translucent materials; identify materials that will reflect a beam of light as a coherent beam)

Color Absorption
Heat Absorption

C.1.2.3: investigate, measure and describe the refraction of light through different materials (e.g., measure differences in light refraction through pure water, salt water and different oils)

Basic Prism

C.1.3: Investigate and explain the science of image formation and vision, and interpret related technologies

C.1.3.1: demonstrate the formation of real images, using a double convex lens, and predict the effects of changes in the lens position on the size and location of images (e.g., demonstrate a method to produce a magnified or reduced image by altering the placement of one or more lenses)

Ray Tracing (Lenses)

C.2: Skill Outcomes (focus on scientific inquiry)

C.2.1: Initiating and Planning

C.2.1.1: Ask questions about the relationships between and among observable variables, and plan investigations to address those questions

C.2.1.1.a: identify questions to investigate (e.g., ask about the role of eyeglasses in improving vision)

Hearing: Frequency and Volume
Sight vs. Sound Reactions

C.2.1.1.b: define and delimit questions to facilitate investigation (e.g., rephrase a question, such as: â??Is plastic the best material to use in eyeglasses?â?? to become â??Which material refracts light the most?â??)

Hearing: Frequency and Volume
Sight vs. Sound Reactions

C.2.1.1.c: design an experiment, and identify the major variables

Effect of Environment on New Life Form
Growing Plants
Pendulum Clock
Real-Time Histogram
Time Estimation

C.2.1.1.d: state a prediction and a hypothesis based on background information or an observed pattern of events (e.g., predict the effect of dissolved materials on the refraction of light in a liquid)

Seed Germination
Temperature and Sex Determination - Metric

C.2.1.1.e: formulate operational definitions of major variables and other aspects of their investigations (e.g., operationally define â??refractionâ?? and â??beam of lightâ??)

Basic Prism

C.2.2: Performing and Recording

C.2.2.1: Conduct investigations into the relationships between and among observations, and gather and record qualitative and quantitative data

C.2.2.1.a: carry out procedures, controlling the major variables

Effect of Environment on New Life Form
Growing Plants
Pendulum Clock
Real-Time Histogram
Seed Germination
Time Estimation

C.2.2.1.b: observe and record data, and prepare simple line drawings (e.g., prepare a drawing of the path of a light beam toward and away from a mirror)

Laser Reflection
Ray Tracing (Mirrors)

C.2.2.1.c: use instruments effectively and accurately for collecting data (e.g., measure angles of reflection; use a light sensor to measure light intensity)

Triple Beam Balance

C.2.2.1.d: organize data, using a format that is appropriate to the task or experiment (e.g., demonstrate use of a database or spreadsheet for organizing information)

Seed Germination

C.2.3: Analyzing and Interpreting

C.2.3.1: Analyze qualitative and quantitative data, and develop and assess possible explanations

C.2.3.1.a: predict the value of a variable by interpolating or extrapolating from graphical data (e.g., predict the angle of a refracted beam of light)

Effect of Environment on New Life Form
Pendulum Clock

C.2.3.1.c: state a conclusion, based on experimental data, and explain how evidence gathered supports or refutes an initial idea (e.g., write a conclusion on the effect of dissolved materials on the refraction of light through water)

Effect of Environment on New Life Form
Pendulum Clock
Seed Germination
Temperature and Sex Determination - Metric

C.2.4: Communication and Teamwork

C.2.4.1: Work collaboratively on problems; and use appropriate language and formats to communicate ideas, procedures and results

C.2.4.1.a: receive, understand and act on the ideas of others (e.g., act on the suggestions of others in testing and manipulating various lens combinations)

Ray Tracing (Lenses)
Ray Tracing (Mirrors)

D: Mechanical Systems (Science and Technology Emphasis)

D.1: Science, Technology and Society (STS) and Knowledge

D.1.2: Analyze machines by describing the structures and functions of the overall system, the subsystems and the component parts

D.1.2.1: analyze a mechanical device, by:

D.1.2.1.a: describing the overall function of the device

Pulley Lab

D.1.2.2: identifying components that operate as simple machines

Ants on a Slant (Inclined Plane)
Pulley Lab
Wheel and Axle

D.1.3: Investigate and describe the transmission of force and energy between parts of a mechanical system

D.1.3.4: identify work input and work output in joules for a simple machine or mechanical system (e.g., use a device to lift a measured mass an identified distance, then calculate the work output)

Ants on a Slant (Inclined Plane)
Pulley Lab

D.1.4: Analyze the social and environmental contexts of science and technology, as they apply to the development of mechanical devices

D.1.4.1: evaluate the design and function of a mechanical device in relation to its efficiency and effectiveness, and identify its impacts on humans and the environment

Ants on a Slant (Inclined Plane)
Pulley Lab

D.1.4.3: illustrate how technological development is influenced by advances in science, and by changes in society and the environment

DNA Analysis

D.2: Skill Outcomes (focus on problem solving)

D.2.1: Initiating and Planning

D.2.1.1: Ask questions about the relationships between and among observable variables, and plan investigations to address those questions

D.2.1.1.a: identify practical problems (e.g., identify problems related to the effectiveness or efficiency of a mechanical device)

Ants on a Slant (Inclined Plane)

D.2.1.1.e: formulate operational definitions of major variables and other aspects of their investigations (e.g., define â??frictional forceâ?? by identifying a method to be used for measuring it)

Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects

D.2.2: Performing and Recording

D.2.2.1: Conduct investigations into the relationships between and among observations, and gather and record qualitative and quantitative data

D.2.2.1.d: carry out procedures, controlling the major variables (e.g., ensure that materials to be tested are of the same size and are tested under identical conditions)

Effect of Environment on New Life Form
Pendulum Clock
Real-Time Histogram
Sight vs. Sound Reactions
Time Estimation

D.2.2.1.e: organize data, using a format that is appropriate to the task or experiment

Seed Germination

D.2.3: Analyzing and Interpreting

D.2.3.1: Analyze qualitative and quantitative data, and develop and assess possible explanations

D.2.3.1.c: identify and evaluate potential applications of findings (e.g., identify possible applications of a simple machine or mechanical system they have studied)

Pulley Lab

D.2.4: Communication and Teamwork

D.2.4.1: Work collaboratively on problems; and use appropriate language and formats to communicate ideas, procedures and results

D.2.4.1.b: communicate practical problems, plans and results in a variety of ways, using written and oral language, data tables, graphs, drawings and other means (e.g., describe, using pictures and words, the transmission of a force through a mechanical system)

Hearing: Frequency and Volume
Identifying Nutrients

D.3: Attitude Outcomes

D.3.1: Interest in Science

D.3.1.1: Show interest in science-related questions and issues, and pursue personal interests and career possibilities within science-related fields (e.g., investigate examples of mechanical devices in their home and community; ask questions about techniques and materials used; show an interest in related careers and hobbies)

Pendulum Clock

D.3.5: Stewardship

D.3.5.1: Demonstrate sensitivity and responsibility in pursuing a balance between the needs of humans and a sustainable environment (e.g., consider the impacts of their designs on society and the environment; participate in discussions on the appropriateness of a given technology)

Coral Reefs 2 - Biotic Factors
Electromagnetic Induction

E: Freshwater and Saltwater Systems (Social and Environmental Emphasis)

E.1: Science, Technology and Society (STS) and Knowledge

E.1.2: Investigate and interpret linkages among landforms, water and climate

E.1.2.1: describe the processes of erosion and deposition resulting from wave action and water flow, by:

E.1.2.1.b: describing how waves and tides are generated and how they interact with shorelines

Tides - Metric

E.1.3: Analyze factors affecting productivity and species distribution in marine and freshwater environments

E.1.3.1: investigate life forms found in fresh water and salt water, and identify and interpret examples of adaptations to these environments (e.g., describe and interpret examples of fish and invertebrate species found in a local freshwater environment)

Pond Ecosystem

E.1.3.3: investigate and interpret examples of seasonal, short-term and long-term change in populations of living things found in aquatic environments (e.g., algal blooms, changes in local freshwater fish populations, cod and salmon stock depletion)

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors
Coral Reefs 2 - Biotic Factors
Pond Ecosystem

E.1.3.4: analyze relationships between water quality and living things, and infer the quality of water based on the diversity of life supported by it

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors

E.1.4: Analyze human impacts on aquatic systems; and identify the roles of science and technology in addressing related questions, problems and issues

E.1.4.2: identify current practices and technologies that affect water quality, evaluate environmental costs and benefits, and identify and evaluate alternatives (e.g., research and analyze alternatives for ensuring safe supplies of potable water; research, analyze and debate alternatives for a specific water quality issue, such as the location and design of a landfill, the protection of a natural waterway, the use of secondary and tertiary wastewater treatment, the salinization of soils due to irrigation, the eutrophication of ponds and streams due to excess use of phosphates in fertilizers and detergents, or a proposal to export water resources)

Water Pollution

E.1.4.4: provide examples of problems that cannot be solved using scientific and technological knowledge alone (e.g., the need to prevent pollutants from entering aquatic environments, the need to avoid damage from ice sheets and icebergs)

Pond Ecosystem
Roller Coaster Physics

E.2: Skill Outcomes (focus on the use of research and inquiry skills to inform the decision-making process)

E.2.1: Initiating and Planning

E.2.1.1: Ask questions about the relationships between and among observable variables, and plan investigations to address those questions

E.2.1.1.b: identify questions to investigate, arising from science-related issues

Effect of Environment on New Life Form
Hearing: Frequency and Volume
Pendulum Clock
Sight vs. Sound Reactions

E.2.1.1.c: select appropriate methods and tools for collecting relevant data and information (e.g., plan and conduct a search, using a wide variety of electronic sources)

Triple Beam Balance

E.2.1.1.d: design an experiment, and identify the major variables (e.g., design an experiment to compare the characteristics of two water samples)

Effect of Environment on New Life Form
Growing Plants
Pendulum Clock
Real-Time Histogram
Time Estimation

E.2.3: Analyzing and Interpreting

E.2.3.1: Analyze qualitative and quantitative data, and develop and assess possible explanations

E.2.3.1.b: predict the value of a variable, by interpolating or extrapolating from graphical data (e.g., predict future stocks of fish based on long-term data)

Effect of Environment on New Life Form
Pendulum Clock
Pond Ecosystem

E.2.3.1.c: interpret patterns and trends in data, and infer and explain relationships among the variables (e.g., relate climates to proximity to oceans and to the characteristics of ocean currents)

Coastal Winds and Clouds - Metric
Pendulum Clock

E.2.4: Communication and Teamwork

E.2.4.1: Work collaboratively on problems; and use appropriate language and formats to communicate ideas, procedures and results

E.2.4.1.b: communicate questions, ideas, intentions, plans and results, using lists, notes in point form, sentences, data tables, graphs, drawings, oral language and other means (e.g., create a concept map, linking the different stages of the water cycle; prepare a multimedia presentation on changing climatic conditions and the effects on glaciers, ice sheets and water levels, incorporating graphics, audio, visuals and text gathered from remote sources)

Hearing: Frequency and Volume
Identifying Nutrients
Water Cycle

E.2.4.1.c: evaluate individual and group processes used in planning, problem solving, decision making and completing a task (e.g., discuss advantages and disadvantages of different research methods and sources used to gather information on an ocean basin)

Estimating Population Size
Pendulum Clock

E.3: Attitude Outcomes

E.3.6: Safety

E.3.6.1: Show concern for safety in planning, carrying out and reviewing activities (e.g., select safe methods and tools for collecting evidence and solving problems; readily alter a procedure to ensure the safety of members of the group)

Triple Beam Balance

Correlation last revised: 9/16/2020

This correlation lists the recommended Gizmos for this province's curriculum standards. Click any Gizmo title below for more information.