C11.1: Physical Properties of Matter

C11.1.02: Use the Kinetic Molecular Theory to explain properties of gases.

Temperature and Particle Motion

C11.1.04: Explain the process of melting, solidification, sublimation, and deposition in terms of the Kinetic Molecular Theory.

Phase Changes

C11.1.05: Use the Kinetic Molecular Theory to explain the processes of evaporation and condensation.

Phase Changes

C11.2: Gases and the Atmosphere

C11.2.08: Solve quantitative problems involving the relationships among the pressure, temperature, and volume of a gas using dimensional analysis.


C11.3: Chemical Reactions

C11.3.05: Write and classify balanced chemical equations from written descriptions of reactions.

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equations

C11.3.06: Predict the products of chemical reactions, given the reactants and type of reaction.

Chemical Equations
Equilibrium and Concentration

C11.3.08: Calculate the molar mass of various substances.


C11.3.10: Solve problems requiring interconversions between moles, mass, volume, and number of particles.

Chemical Equations

C11.3.12: Interpret a balanced equation in terms of moles, mass, and volumes of gases.

Chemical Equations

C11.3.13: Solve stoichiometric problems involving moles, mass, and volume, given the reactants and products in a balanced chemical reaction.

Chemical Equations
Limiting Reactants

C11.3.14: Identify the limiting reactant and calculate the mass of a product, given the reaction equation and reactant data.

Chemical Equations
Limiting Reactants

C11.3.15: Perform a lab involving mass-mass or mass-volume relations, identifying the limiting reactant and calculating the mole ratio.

Limiting Reactants

C11.3.16: Discuss the importance of stoichiometry in industry and describe specific applications.


C11.4: Solutions

C11.4.06: Construct, from experimental data, a solubility curve of a pure substance in water.

Solubility and Temperature

C11.4.08: Use a graph of solubility data to solve problems.

Solubility and Temperature

C11.4.11: Perform a lab to demonstrate freezing-point depression and boiling-point elevation.

Freezing Point of Salt Water

C11.4.12: Explain freezing-point depression and boiling-point elevation at the molecular level.

Freezing Point of Salt Water

C11.4.14: Solve problems involving calculation for concentration, moles, mass, and volume.

Chemical Equations

C11.5: Organic Chemistry

C11.5.22: Describe the process of polymerization and identify important natural and synthetic polymers.

Dehydration Synthesis

Correlation last revised: 1/8/2024

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