1: Life Science: Habitats and Communities

1.1: Habitats and Populations

1.1.6: compile and display the data collected in the habitat study using tallies, tables, and/or bar graphs

Graphing Skills

1.5: Food Chains

1.5.1: classify organisms according to their role in a food chain and draw a diagram to illustrate the food chain

Prairie Ecosystem

1.5.2: predict how the removal of a plant or animal population affects the rest of the community

Plants and Snails

2: Physical Science: Light

2.4: Objects that Absorb, Transmit, and/or Reflect Light

2.4.1: investigate how light interacts with a variety of objects, in order to determine whether the objects cast shadows, allow light to pass, and/or reflect light

Penumbra Effect

2.4.3: provide changes in the location, shape, and relative size of a shadow when an object is placed in different positions and orientations relative to the light source and screen

Penumbra Effect

2.4.4: plan a procedure and make observations to determine changes in a shadowâ??s location, shape, and relative size when an object is placed in different positions and orientations relative to a light source and screen

Penumbra Effect

4: Earth and Space Science: Rocks, Minerals, and Erosion

4.2: Properties of Rocks and Minerals

4.2.1: use appropriate tools to make observations and collect information in order to describe rocks and minerals according to physical properties

Mineral Identification

4.2.2: record observations of their rocks and minerals in chart form, and/or using notes in point form

Mineral Identification

4.2.4: classify their rocks and minerals according to several properties and create a chart or fiagram that show the method of classifying

Mineral Identification

Correlation last revised: 9/16/2020

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