MW: Material World

MW.A: Matter

MW.A.1: Properties and characteristics of matter

MW.A.1.b: Classifies materials (e.g. fabrics, sponges, papers) according to their degree of absorption

Heat Absorption

MW.A.1.c: Distinguishes between materials that are permeable to water and those that are not


MW.A.1.d: Distinguishes between translucent substances (transparent or coloured) and opaque substances

Mineral Identification

MW.A.1.f: Distinguishes between the mass (quantity of matter) of an object and its weight (gravitational force acting on the mass)

Weight and Mass

MW.A.1.h: Associates the buoyancy of a volume of liquid in an identical volume of a different liquid with the densities of these liquids (relative density)

Density Laboratory

MW.A.1.i: Explains the buoyancy of a substance in another substance, using their respective densities (relative density)

Density Experiment: Slice and Dice
Density Laboratory
Density via Comparison

MW.A.1.j: Describes various other physical properties of an object, a substance or a material (e.g. elasticity, hardness, solubility)

Mineral Identification

MW.A.3: Solid, liquid, gaseous state, phase changes

MW.A.3.c: Describes the operations involved in changing water from one state to another (heating or cooling)

Phases of Water

MW.A.3.d: Determines the state of various objects and substances in his/her environment (e.g. glass, air, milk, plastic)

Phases of Water

MW.A.4: Conservation of matter

MW.A.4.a: Recognizes that the quantity of the matter remains the same once a change has occurred (e.g. 50 ml of water in a saucer or a glass, whole piece of chalk or ground chalk, flattened piece of modelling clay or a ball of modelling clay)

Chemical Changes
Chemical Equations

MW.A.5: Changes in matter

MW.A.5.a: Demonstrates that physical changes (e.g. deforming, breaking, grinding, phase changes) do not change the properties of matter

Density Experiment: Slice and Dice

MW.A.5.b: Demonstrates that chemical changes (e.g. cooking, combustion, oxidation, acid-base reactions) change the properties of matter

Chemical Changes

MW.B: Energy

MW.B.1: Forms of energy

MW.B.1.a: Describes different forms of energy (mechanical, electrical, light, chemical, heat, sound, nuclear)

Energy Conversions
Heat Absorption
Herschel Experiment - Metric
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects

MW.B.1.b: Identifies sources of energy in his/her environment (e.g. moving water, chemical reaction in a battery, sunlight)

Energy Conversions

MW.B.2: Transmission of energy

MW.B.2.a: Distinguishes between substances that are thermal conductors and those that are thermal insulators

Heat Transfer by Conduction

MW.B.2.b: Distinguishes between substances that are electrical conductors and those that are electrical insulators

Circuit Builder

MW.B.2.d: Describes the functions of the components of a simple electric circuit (conductor, insulator, energy source, light bulb, switch)

Circuit Builder

MW.B.2.e: Identifies the characteristics of a sound wave (e.g. volume, timbre, echo)

Longitudinal Waves

MW.B.2.f: Describes the behaviour of light rays (reflection, refraction)

Basic Prism
Ripple Tank

MW.B.2.g: Explains the motion of convection in liquids and gases (e.g. boiling water)

Conduction and Convection

MW.B.3: Transformation of energy

MW.B.3.a: Describes situations in which human beings consume energy (e.g. heating, transportation, food consumption, recreation)

Household Energy Usage

MW.B.3.b: Names means used by human beings to limit their energy consumption (e.g. fluorescent light bulbs, timers) and to conserve energy (e.g. insulation)

Household Energy Usage

MW.B.3.c: Explains the insulating properties of various substances (e.g. polystyrene, mineral wool, straw)

Heat Transfer by Conduction

MW.B.3.d: Describes the transformations of energy from one form to another

Energy Conversion in a System
Energy Conversions
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects
Sled Wars

MW.B.3.e: Recognizes the transformations of energy from one form to another in various devices (e.g. flashlight: chemical to light; electric kettle: electrical to heat)

Energy Conversion in a System
Energy Conversions
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects

MW.C: Forces and motion

MW.C.1: Electrostatic

MW.C.1.a: Describes the effect of electrostatic attraction (e.g. paper attracted by a charged object)

Charge Launcher

MW.C.2: Magnetism and electromagnetism

MW.C.2.a: Recognizes the effects of magnetism on magnets (attraction and repulsion)


MW.C.3: Gravitational attraction on an object

MW.C.3.a: Describes the effect of gravitational attraction on an object (e.g. free fall)

Free Fall Tower
Free-Fall Laboratory

MW.C.5: Characteristics of motion

MW.C.5.a: Describes the characteristics of motion (e.g. direction, speed)

Distance-Time Graphs - Metric
Free Fall Tower
Free-Fall Laboratory

MW.C.6: Effects of a force on the direction of an object

MW.C.6.a: Identifies situations involving the force of friction (pushing on an object, sliding an object, rolling an object)

Force and Fan Carts
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects

MW.C.6.c: Describes the effects of a force on an object (e.g. Sets it in motion, changes its motion, stops it)

Force and Fan Carts

MW.C.6.d: Describes the effects of a force on a material or structure

Force and Fan Carts

MW.C.7: Combined effects of several forces on an object

MW.C.7.a: Predicts the combined effect of several forces on an object at rest or an object moving in a straight line (e.g. reinforcement, opposition)

Force and Fan Carts

MW.D: Systems and interaction

MW.D.2: Simple machines

MW.D.2.a: Recognizes simple machines (lever, inclined plane, screw, pulley, winch, wheel) used in an object (e.g. lever in seesaw, inclined plane for an access ramp)

Ants on a Slant (Inclined Plane)
Wheel and Axle

MW.D.2.b: Describes the uses of certain simple machines (to adjust the force required)

Ants on a Slant (Inclined Plane)
Wheel and Axle

MW.D.4: How manufactured objects work

MW.D.4.a: Identifies the mechanical parts (e.g. gears, cams, springs, simple machines, connecting rods)

Wheel and Axle

MW.E: Techniques and instrumentation

MW.E.1: Use of simple measuring instruments

MW.E.1.a: Appropriately uses simple measuring instruments (rulers, dropper, graduated cylinder, balance, thermometer, chronometer)

Measuring Volume
Triple Beam Balance
Weight and Mass

MW.E.2: Use of simple machines

MW.E.2.a: Appropriately uses simple machines (lever, inclined plane, screw, pulley, winch, wheel)

Ants on a Slant (Inclined Plane)
Wheel and Axle

MW.F: Appropriate language

MW.F.2: Conventions and types of representations specific to the concepts studied

MW.F.2.a: Communicates using appropriate types of representations that reflect the rules and conventions of science and technology (e.g. symbols, graphs, tables, drawings, sketches, norms and standardization)

Graphing Skills
Hearing: Frequency and Volume
Identifying Nutrients

ES: Earth and Space

ES.A: Matter

ES.A.1: Properties and characteristics of matter on Earth

ES.A.1.a: Compares the properties of different types of soil (e.g. composition, capacity to retain water, capacity to retain heat)


ES.A.1.e: Classifies rocks (presence of strata, size of the crystals) and minerals (colour, texture, lustre, hardness) according to their properties

Mineral Identification

ES.A.2: Organization of matter

ES.A.2.a: Describes the observable properties of crystals (colour, geometric patterns)

Mineral Identification

ES.A.2.b: Describes the main structures on the Earth's surface (e.g. continents, oceans, ice caps, mountains, volcanoes)

Plate Tectonics

ES.A.3: Transformation of matter

ES.A.3.c: Explains the water cycle (evaporation, condensation, precipitation, runoff and infiltration)

Water Cycle

ES.A.3.d: Describes certain natural phenomena (e.g. erosion, lightning, tornado, hurricane)

Erosion Rates
River Erosion

ES.B: Energy

ES.B.1: Sources of energy

ES.B.1.a: Explains that the sun is the main source of energy on Earth

Energy Conversions

ES.B.1.b: Identifies natural sources of energy (sun, moving water, wind)

Energy Conversions

ES.B.1.c: Identifies fossil fuel-based energy (e.g. oil, coal, natural gas)

Carbon Cycle

ES.B.2: Transmission of energy

ES.B.2.a: Describes methods for transmitting thermal energy (e.g. radiation, convection, conduction)

Conduction and Convection
Heat Absorption
Heat Transfer by Conduction
Herschel Experiment - Metric

ES.B.3: Transformation of energy

ES.B.3.a: Describes what renewable energy is

Energy Conversions

ES.B.3.b: Explains that sunlight, moving water and wind are renewable sources of energy

Energy Conversions

ES.B.3.c: Describes the methods invented by humans to transform renewable sources of energy into electricity (hydroelectric dam, wind turbine, solar panels)

Energy Conversions

ES.B.3.d: Describes what nonrenewable energy is

Energy Conversions

ES.B.3.e: Explains that fossil fuels are nonrenewable sources of energy

Energy Conversions

ES.C: Forces and motion

ES.C.1: Rotation of the Earth

ES.C.1.a: Associates the cycle of day and night with the rotation of the Earth

Seasons: Earth, Moon, and Sun

ES.C.2: The tides

ES.C.2.a: Describes the ebb and flow of the tides (rise and fall of sea levels)

Tides - Metric

ES.D: Systems and interaction

ES.D.1: Light and shadow

ES.D.1.a: Describes the influence of the apparent position of the sun on the length of shadows

Seasons: Earth, Moon, and Sun

ES.D.2: System involving the sun, the Earth and the moon

ES.D.2.a: Associates the sun with the idea of a star, the Earth with the idea of a planet and the moon with the idea a natural satellite

3D Eclipse

ES.D.2.b: Describes the rotational and revolutionary motion of the Earth and the moon

Phases of the Moon
Seasons: Earth, Moon, and Sun
Tides - Metric

ES.D.2.c: Illustrates the phases of the lunar cycle (full moon, new moon, first and last quarters)

Moonrise, Moonset, and Phases
Phases of the Moon

ES.D.2.d: Illustrates the formation of eclipses (lunar, solar)

2D Eclipse
3D Eclipse

ES.D.3: Solar system

ES.D.3.a: Recognizes the main components of the solar system (sun, planets, natural satellites)

Comparing Earth and Venus
Solar System

ES.D.3.b: Describes the characteristics of the main components of the solar system (e.g. composition, size, orbit, temperature)

Solar System

ES.D.4: Seasons

ES.D.4.a: Describes the changes to the environment throughout the seasons (temperature, amount of daylight, type of precipitation)

Seasons in 3D
Seasons: Earth, Moon, and Sun
Seasons: Why do we have them?

ES.D.4.c: Associates the changing of the seasons with the revolution and tilt of the Earth

Seasons in 3D
Seasons: Why do we have them?
Summer and Winter

ES.E: Techniques and instrumentation

ES.E.2: Use of simple measuring instruments

ES.E.2.a: Appropriately uses simple measuring instruments (e.g. rulers, dropper, graduated cylinder, balance, thermometer, wind vane, barometer, anemometer, hygrometer)

Measuring Volume
Triple Beam Balance
Weight and Mass

ES.F: Appropriate language

ES.F.2: Conventions and types of representations specific to the concepts studied

ES.F.2.a: Communicates using appropriate types of representations that reflect the rules and conventions of science and technology (e.g. symbols, graphs, tables, drawings, sketches)

Graphing Skills
Hearing: Frequency and Volume
Identifying Nutrients

LT: Living Things

LT.A: Matter

LT.A.1: Characteristics of living things

LT.A.1.a: Explains the basic needs of the metabolism of living things (e.g. nutrition, respiration)

Cell Energy Cycle
Plants and Snails

LT.A.1.b: Describes activities connected to the metabolism of living things (transformation of energy, growth, maintenance of systems and body temperature)

Human Homeostasis
Paramecium Homeostasis

LT.A.2: Organization of living things

LT.A.2.a: Describes the functions of certain parts of the anatomy (e.g. limbs, head, heart, stomach)

Circulatory System

LT.A.2.b: Describes the characteristics of different kingdoms (microorganisms, fungi, plants, animals)

Paramecium Homeostasis

LT.A.2.e: Describes the anatomy of plants (roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds)

Flower Pollination

LT.A.2.f: Associates the parts of a plant with their general functions (roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds)

Flower Pollination

LT.A.2.h: Explains the sensorial functions of certain parts of the anatomy (skin, eyes, mouth, ears, nose)


LT.A.3: Transformations of living things

LT.A.3.a: Names the basic needs for plant growth (water, air, light, mineral salts)

Growing Plants

LT.B: Energy

LT.B.1: Sources of energy for living things

LT.B.1.c: Associates familiar animals with their diet (carnivorous, herbivorous, omnivorous)

Prairie Ecosystem

LT.B.1.d: Describes how photosynthesis works

Cell Energy Cycle
Photosynthesis Lab

LT.B.1.e: Distinguishes between photosynthesis and respiration

Cell Energy Cycle
Plants and Snails

LT.B.1.f: Explains how water, light, mineral salts and carbon dioxide are essential to plants

Growing Plants

LT.B.2: Transformation of energy in living things

LT.B.2.a: Illustrates a simple food chain (3 or 4 links)

Food Chain
Prairie Ecosystem

LT.B.2.b: Describes an ecological pyramid of a given environment

Food Chain
Forest Ecosystem
Prairie Ecosystem

LT.D: Systems and interaction

LT.D.1: Interaction between living organisms and their environment

LT.D.1.e: Describes relationships between living things (parasitism, predation)

Food Chain
Prairie Ecosystem

LT.D.3: Interaction between humans and their environment

LT.D.3.a: Describes the impact of human activity on the environment (e.g. use of resources, pollution, waste management, land use, urbanization, agriculture)

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors
Pond Ecosystem
Water Pollution

LT.E: Techniques and instrumentation

LT.E.2: Use of simple measuring instruments

LT.E.2.a: Appropriately uses simple measuring instruments (e.g. rulers, dropper, graduated cylinder, balance, thermometer)

Measuring Volume
Triple Beam Balance
Weight and Mass

LT.F: Appropriate language

LT.F.2: Conventions and types of representations specific to the concepts studied

LT.F.2.a: Communicates using appropriate types of representations that reflect the rules and conventions of science and technology (e.g. symbols, graphs, tables, drawings, sketches)

Graphing Skills
Hearing: Frequency and Volume
Identifying Nutrients

Correlation last revised: 9/16/2020

This correlation lists the recommended Gizmos for this province's curriculum standards. Click any Gizmo title below for more information.