2: Use the properties of objects and materials, position and motion of objects, and transfer of energy to develop an understanding of physical science concepts.

2.c: Determine the causes and effects of forces on motion.

2.c.1: Force exerted over a distance causes work to be done and that the result (work) is the product of force and distance

Ants on a Slant (Inclined Plane)

2.c.2: Friction on moving objects and actions that increase or decrease friction

Force and Fan Carts

2.d: Explain how energy flowing through an electrical circuit can be converted from electrical energy to light, sound, or heat energy.

2.d.1: Parts of an electric circuit and resulting actions when circuits are opened or closed

Circuit Builder

2.e: Describe how light behaves (travels in a straight line, is absorbed, reflected, refracted, or appears transparent or translucent).

Color Absorption
Heat Absorption

2.g: Describe how heat flows from a warm object to a cold one and categorize examples of materials that may or may not be used as insulators.

Conduction and Convection

3: Analyze the characteristics, structures, life cycles, and environments of organisms.

3.a: Describe the cause and effect relationships that explain the diversity and evolution of organisms over time.

3.a.1: Observable traits due to inherited or environmental adaptations


3.b: Classify the organs and functions of the nervous, circulatory, and respiratory systems of the body.

Circulatory System

3.d: Distinguish the parts of plants as they relate to sexual reproduction and explain the effects of various actions on the pollination process (e.g., wind, water, insects, adaptations of flowering plants, negative impacts of pesticides).

Flower Pollination

3.e: Analyze food webs to interpret how energy flows from the sun.

Forest Ecosystem

4: Develop an understanding of the properties of Earth materials, objects in the sky, and changes in Earth and sky.

4.d: Describe how human activities have decreased the capacity of the environment to support some life forms.

4.d.1: Reducing the amount of forest cover

Forest Ecosystem

4.f: Describe objects in the universe including their movement.

4.f.1: Physical features of the moon (craters, plains, mountains)

Solar System

4.f.2: Appearance and movement of Earth and its moon (e.g., waxing/waning of the moon and lunar/solar eclipses)

Solar System

Correlation last revised: 9/16/2020

This correlation lists the recommended Gizmos for this state's curriculum standards. Click any Gizmo title below for more information.