SC.7.STM: Structure and Transformation of Matter (Physical Science)

SC.7.STM.U: Enduring Knowledge ? Understandings

SC.7.STM.U.5: investigations are conducted for different reasons, including to explore new phenomena, to check on previous results, to test how well a theory predicts, and to compare different theories.

Effect of Environment on New Life Form
Hearing: Frequency and Volume
Pendulum Clock
Real-Time Histogram
Sight vs. Sound Reactions
Time Estimation

SC.7.STM.S: Skills and Concepts

SC.7.STM.S.3: generate investigable questions and conduct experiments or non-experimental research to address them

Growing Plants
Hearing: Frequency and Volume
Pendulum Clock
Real-Time Histogram
Sight vs. Sound Reactions
Time Estimation

SC.7.MF: Motion and Forces (Physical Science)

SC.7.MF.U: Enduring Knowledge ? Understandings

SC.7.MF.U.1: an object remains at rest or maintains a constant speed and direction of motion unless an unbalanced force acts on it (inertia).

Force and Fan Carts

SC.7.MF.S: Skills and Concepts

SC.7.MF.S.5: calculate work as the product of force and distance moved in the direction of the force

Ants on a Slant (Inclined Plane)

SC.7.EU: The Earth and the Universe (Earth/Space Science)

SC.7.EU.U: Enduring Knowledge ? Understandings

SC.7.EU.U.1: regular and predictable movement is not limited to our solar system. New technologies, coupled with an understanding of the laws of motion, allow for the discovery of celestial bodies that cannot be directly observed.

Comparing Earth and Venus
Phases of the Moon

SC.7.EU.U.2: our solar system is part of a larger collection of millions of stars (Milky Way Galaxy), any of which may be the center of its own system of orbiting planets.

Gravity Pitch

SC.7.EU.U.3: gravitational interactions within the Earth, sun and moon system impact phenomena and organisms on the surface of the Earth.


SC.7.EU.S: 7 Skills and Concepts

SC.7.EU.S.2: describe the effects of gravity on the movements and interactions of the Earth, sun and moon


SC.7.EU.S.5: model the layers of the Earth, explain interactions between them and describe potential results of those interactions

Plate Tectonics

SC.7.EU.S.6: investigate the forces and processes that change Earth?s surface or atmosphere and analyze data to generate predictions of their effects

Carbon Cycle

SC.7.UD: Unity and Diversity (Biological Science)

SC.7.UD.U: Enduring Knowledge ? Understandings

SC.7.UD.U.1: specialized structures called genes are located in the chromosomes of each living cell. These structures have the task of passing on characteristics that make offspring resemble their parents (heredity).

Human Karyotyping

SC.7.UD.U.3: asexual reproduction involves only the passing on of one parent?s genes, resulting in offspring with genes identical to those of the parent. Sexual reproduction requires the combination of genes from male and female sex cells, creating offspring with a blend of traits.

Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

SC.7.UD.U.4: sexual reproduction creates variations among offspring, gradually contributing to a wide variety of life.

Evolution: Mutation and Selection

SC.7.UD.S: Skills and Concepts

SC.7.UD.S.2: research and describe the role of genes/chromosomes in the passing of information from one generation to another (heredity)

Human Karyotyping

SC.7.UD.S.4: research variations within species that result from sexual reproduction

Evolution: Mutation and Selection

SC.7.BC: Biological Change (Biological Science)

SC.7.BC.U: Enduring Knowledge ? Understandings

SC.7.BC.U.3: fossils provide evidence of how biological change over time accounts for the diversity of species developed through gradual processes over many generations.

Human Evolution - Skull Analysis

SC.7.BC.U.4: results of scientific investigations are seldom exactly the same, but if the differences are large it is important to try to figure out why. Keeping careful records is important to help investigate what might have caused the differences.

Seed Germination

SC.7.BC.S: Skills and Concepts

SC.7.BC.S.3: use information from the fossil record to investigate changes in organisms and their environments to make inferences about past life forms and environmental conditions

Human Evolution - Skull Analysis

SC.7.BC.S.4: compare the results from a variety of investigations (based on similar hypotheses) to identify differences between their outcomes/conclusions and propose reasonable explanations for those discrepancies

Effect of Temperature on Gender
Pendulum Clock

SC.7.ET: Energy Transformations (Unifying Concepts)

SC.7.ET.U: Enduring Knowledge ? Understandings

SC.7.ET.U.3: all energy must have a source and may change forms or be transferred in a wide variety of ways, including via waves.

Energy Conversion in a System
Heat Absorption

SC.7.ET.U.4: thermal energy and motion are inseparable when viewed at the molecular level.

Temperature and Particle Motion

SC.7.ET.U.5: the role various organisms play within an ecosystem can be determined by observing the flow of energy between them.

Food Chain
Forest Ecosystem

SC.7.ET.S: Skills and Concepts

SC.7.ET.S.1: investigate a variety of Earth systems that are powered by solar (e.g. water cycle, climate, carbon cycle) and/or geothermal (e.g. plate tectonics, volcanism) energy

Carbon Cycle
Cell Energy Cycle
Plate Tectonics
Water Cycle

SC.7.ET.S.2: model, explain and analyze the flow of energy in ecosystems and draw conclusions about the role of organisms in an ecosystem

Food Chain

SC.7.ET.S.3: explain where energy comes from (and goes next) in a variety of real-world examples (e.g. burning, respiration, residential lighting, dry cell batteries) involving different forms of energy (e.g. heat, light, kinetic, chemical)

Cell Energy Cycle
Energy Conversion in a System
Heat Absorption

SC.7.ET.S.4: identify forms of energy that are transferred via waves

Heat Absorption

SC.7.ET.S.6: scribe the kinetic molecular theory of matter

Temperature and Particle Motion

SC.7.I: Interdependence (Unifying Concepts)

SC.7.I.U: Enduring Knowledge ? Understandings

SC.7.I.U.2: changes within an ecosystem may be caused by the interactions of many factors, both biotic and abiotic. Seemingly small changes can have significant consequences as their effects ripple through a community.

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors
Pond Ecosystem

SC.7.I.S: Skills and Concepts

SC.7.I.S.1: research and investigate environmental situations where small changes may have large impacts in both living and non-living components of systems (e.g., introduction of zebra mussels into the Kentucky river, planting kudzu to stabilize hillsides)

Pond Ecosystem

SC.7.I.S.4: research and discuss environmental impacts of actions (human or non-human) which necessitate choosing between undesirable alternatives (e.g., losing crops to insects vs. applying toxic pesticides)

Coral Reefs 2 - Biotic Factors

Correlation last revised: 5/11/2018

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