Precalculus Enhanced with Graphing Utilities, 5e

This correlation lists the recommended Gizmos for this textbook. Click any Gizmo title below for more information.

1: Graphs

1.1: Rectangular Coordinates; Graphing Utilities; Introduction to Graphing Equations

Points in the Coordinate Plane - Activity A

1.4: Lines

Slope-Intercept Form of a Line - Activity A

1.5: Circles


2: Functions and Their Graphs

2.1: Functions

Introduction to Functions

2.2: The Graph of a Function

Introduction to Functions

2.3: Properties of Functions

Introduction to Functions

2.4: Library of Functions; Piecewise-defined Functions

Points in the Coordinate Plane - Activity A

2.5: Graphing Techniques; Transformations

Points in the Coordinate Plane - Activity A

3: Linear and Quadratic Functions

3.1: Linear Functions, Their Properties, and Linear Models

Linear Functions
Slope-Intercept Form of a Line - Activity A

3.2: Building Linear Models from Data

Determining a Spring Constant

3.3: Quadratic Functions and Their Properties

Quadratic Functions

4: Polynomial and Rational Functions

4.1: Polynomial Functions and Models

Fourth-Degree Polynomials - Activity A

4.3: The Graph of a Rational Functions

General Form of a Rational Function
Rational Functions

4.5: The Real Zeros of a Polynomial Function

Polynomials and Linear Factors

5: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

5.3: Exponential Functions

Exponential Functions - Activity A

5.4: Logarithmic Functions

Logarithmic Functions - Activity A

5.8: Exponential Growth and Decay Models; Newton's Law; Logistic Growth and Decay Models

Disease Spread
Dye Elimination
Exponential Growth and Decay - Activity A
Simple and Compound Interest

5.9: Building Exponential, Logarithmic, and Logistic Models from Data

Disease Spread
Dye Elimination
Exponential Growth and Decay - Activity A
Simple and Compound Interest

6: Trigonometric Functions

6.2: Trigonometric Functions: Unit Circle Approach

Unit Circle

6.4: Graphs of the Sine and Cosine Functions

Cosine Function
Sine Function

6.5: Graphs of the Tangent, Cotangent, Cosecant, and Secant Functions

Tangent Function

6.6: Phase Shift; Sinusoidal Curve Fitting

Translating and Scaling Sine and Cosine Functions - Activity A

7: Analytic Trigonometry

7.3: Trigonometric Identities

Sum and Difference Identities for Sine and Cosine

7.4: Sum and Difference Formulas

Simplifying Trigonometric Expressions

8: Applications of Trigonometric Functions

8.5: Simple Harmonic Motion; Damped Motion; Combining Waves

Simple Harmonic Motion
Sound Beats and Sine Waves

9: Polar Coordinates; Vectors

9.1: Polar Coordinates

Points in Polar Coordinates

9.3: The Complex Plane; De Moivre's Theorem

Complex Numbers in Polar Form

9.4: Vectors


9.5: The Dot Product


10: Analytic Geometry

10.2: The Parabola

Parabolas - Activity A

10.3: The Ellipse

Ellipse - Activity A

10.4: The Hyperbola

Hyperbola - Activity A

11: Systems of Equations and Inequalities

11.1: Systems of Linear Equations: Substitution and Elimination

Systems of Linear Equations - Activity A

11.7: Systems of Inequalities

System of Two Quadratic Inequalities

11.8: Linear Programming

Linear Programming - Activity A

12: Sequences; Induction; the Binomial Theorem

12.2: Arithmetic Sequences

Arithmetic Sequences

12.3: Geometric Sequences; Geometric Series

Geometric Sequences

13: Counting and Probability

13.2: Permutations and Combinations


13.3: Probability

Probability Simulations
Theoretical and Experimental Probability

Content correlation last revised: 11/15/2011