Gwinnett, GA: Chemistry

This correlation lists the recommended Gizmos for this textbook. Click any Gizmo title below for more information.

1: plan and carry out appropriate safety practices for equipment used for all classroom laboratory and field experiences

1.b: demonstrate appropriate and safe techniques in all laboratory situations

Measuring Volume

2: obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the chemical and physical properties of matter resulting from the ability of atoms to form bonds

2.a: plan and carry out an investigation about the physical and chemical properties at the macroscopic scale

Calorimetry Lab
Freezing Point of Salt Water
Mystery Powder Analysis
Solubility and Temperature
pH Analysis
pH Analysis: Quad Color Indicator

2.b: use mathematical and conceptual thinking to solve density problems and understand the relationship between density, mass, and volume

Archimedes' Principle
Density Experiment: Slice and Dice
Density Laboratory
Density via Comparison
Determining Density via Water Displacement

2.d: develop and use models to evaluate bonding configurations from nonpolar covalent to ionic bonding

Covalent Bonds
Electrons and Chemical Reactions
Ionic Bonds
Polarity and Intermolecular Forces

2.f: plan and carry out an investigation to gather evidence to compare the physical and chemical properties at the macroscopic scale to infer the strength of intermolecular and intramolecular forces

Polarity and Intermolecular Forces
Sticky Molecules

2.g: construct an argument by applying principles of inter- and intra- molecular forces to identify substances based on chemical and physical properties

Polarity and Intermolecular Forces
Sticky Molecules

2.i: use mathematics and computational thinking to express appropriate number of significant figures for calculated data using scientific notation where appropriate (Honors Extension)

Unit Conversions 2 - Scientific Notation and Significant Digits

2.j: analyze and interpret data to solve scientific problems by substituting quantitative values, using dimensional analysis and/or simple algebraic functions as appropriate (Honors Extension)

Unit Conversions
Unit Conversions 2 - Scientific Notation and Significant Digits

3: obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the use of the modern atomic theory and periodic law to explain the characteristics of atoms and elements

3.a: evaluate merits and limitations of different models (Clarification statement: Thompson, Rutherford, Bohr and the current model) of the atom in relation to relative size, charge, and position of protons, neutrons, and electrons in the atom

Bohr Model of Hydrogen
Bohr Model: Introduction

3.c: construct an explanation that relates the relative abundance of isotopes of a particular element to the atomic mass of the element

Average Atomic Mass

3.d: use mathematics, computational and conceptual thinking to calculate average atomic mass and understand the  relationship between relative abundance and average atomic mass

Average Atomic Mass

3.g: develop and use models, including electron configuration of atoms and ions, to predict an element's chemical properties

Electron Configuration

3.h: use the periodic table as a model to predict the relative properties of elements based on the patterns of electrons in the outermost energy level of atoms (i.e. including atomic radii, ionization energy, and electronegativity of various elements)

Electron Configuration
Periodic Trends

3.i: construct an explanation about the relationship between the reactivity of an element and its position on the periodic table

Periodic Trends

3.j: use the periodic table as a model to predict the relative ionic radii of elements based on the patterns of electrons in the outermost energy level of atoms (Honors Extension)

Electron Configuration

3.k: use the concepts of Aufbau, Pauli, and Hund?s Rule to develop models of Orbital diagrams (Honors Extension)

Electron Configuration

4: obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about how the Law of Conservation of Matter is used to determine chemical composition in compounds and chemical reactions

4.a: predict the products of single and double displacement reactions based on the valence electron states of atoms

Chemical Changes

4.c: use mathematics and computational thinking to balance chemical reactions (i.e., synthesis, decomposition, single replacement, double replacement, and combustion)

Balancing Chemical Equations

4.d: plan and carry out an investigation to determine and use data to justify that a new chemical has formed by identifying indicators of a chemical reaction (specifically precipitate formation, gas evolution, color change, water production, and changes in energy to system)

Chemical Changes

4.e: use mathematics and computational thinking to apply concepts of the mole and Avogadro's number to conceptualize and calculate percent composition, emperical/molecular formulas, and mass, mole and particle relationships


4.f: use mathematics and computational thinking to identify and solve different types of reaction stoichiometry problems (i.e., mass to moles, mass to mass, moles to moles, and percent yield) using significant figures


4.g: plan and carry out an investigation to demonstrate the conceptual principle of limiting reactants

Limiting Reactants

4.j: use mathematics and computational thinking to calculate limiting and excess reactant amounts (Honors Extension)

Limiting Reactants

5: obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the properties that describe solutions and the nature of acids and bases

5.e: develop and use a model to explain the effects of a solute on boiling point and freezing point

Colligative Properties
Freezing Point of Salt Water

5.f: construct a solubility curve and interpret it based on saturated and unsaturated solutions to explain the relationship between solubility and temperature

Solubility and Temperature

5.i: plan and carry out an investigation to explore acid-base neutralization


5.m: plan and carry out a titration investigation (Honors Extension)


6: obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the Kinetic Molecular Theory to model atomic and molecular motion in chemical and physical processes

6.a: plan and carry out an investigation to calculate the amount of heat absorbed or released by chemical or physical processes

Calorimetry Lab
Reaction Energy

6.b: construct an explanation using a heating curve as evidence of the effects of energy and intermolecular forces on phase changes

Phase Changes

6.c: develop and use models to quantitatively, conceptually, and graphically represent the relationships between pressure, volume, temperature, and number of moles of a gas (i.e. Boyle?s, Charles?, Gay-Lussac?s, and Ideal Gas Law)

Ideal Gas Law

6.f: use mathematics and computational thinking to determine Dalton?s Law of partial pressures (Honors Entension)

Equilibrium and Pressure

7: obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about how to refine the design of a chemical system by applying engineering principles to manipulate the factors that affect a chemical reaction

7.a: construct an argument using collision theory (activation energy, orientation, nature of reactants) and transition state theory to explain the role of activation energy in chemical reactions

Collision Theory

7.b: construct an explanation of the effects of a catalyst on chemical reactions and apply it to everyday examples

Collision Theory

7.c: plan and carry out an investigation to provide evidence of the effects of changing concentration, temperature, and pressure on chemical reactions

Equilibrium and Concentration
Equilibrium and Pressure
Ocean Carbon Equilibrium

7.d: refine the design of a chemical system by altering the conditions that would change forward and reverse reaction rates and the amount of products at equilibrium

Equilibrium and Concentration
Equilibrium and Pressure
Ocean Carbon Equilibrium

Content correlation last revised: 8/15/2018