2: The student will demonstrate the ability to use scientific skills and processes (Core Learning Goal 1) to explain the physical behavior of the environment, Earth, and the universe.

2.1: The student will identify and describe techniques used to investigate the universe and Earth.

2.1.1: The student will describe the purpose and advantage of current tools, delivery systems and techniques used to study the universe.

2.1.1.a: Tools (optical and radio telescopes, spectrometers)

Star Spectra

2.2: The student will describe natural forces and apply them to the study of Earth/Space Science.

2.2.1: The student will explain the role of forces in the formation and operation of the universe.

2.2.1.a: Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation

Gravitational Force
Pith Ball Lab

2.2.1.c: Stellar structure and evolution (life cycle of stars, stellar systems, H-R diagram)

H-R Diagram

2.2.1.e: Kepler's 3 Laws of Planetary Motion

Orbital Motion - Kepler's Laws

2.2.2: The student will explain the role and interaction of revolution, rotation and gravity on the Sun-Earth-Moon system.

2.2.2.a: Seasons (change in solar angle, yearly variation in length of day/night, absorption/reflection/scattering of insolation, solstices and equinoxes, rotation/revolution/precession, yearly variation of the sun's altitude and azimuth)

Seasons Around the World
Seasons in 3D
Seasons: Why do we have them?

2.2.2.b: Eclipses (lunar, solar, total, annular, partial, umbra, penumbra, 2 eclipse "seasons" per Earth year, yearly/monthly variations in lunar position and length of visibility of the moon)

3D Eclipse
Moonrise, Moonset, and Phases

2.2.2.c: Earth-moon interactions (relationship between lunar phase and tide, tidal bulge and rate of lunar revolution, tides and Earth-moon distance, sidereal and synodic lunar months)


2.3: The student will explain how the transfer of energy and matter affect Earth systems.

2.3.2: The student will explain how global conditions are affected when natural and human-induced change alter the transfer of energy and matter.

2.3.2.a: Atmospheric composition and structure (greenhouse gases, stratospheric ozone concentration and distribution, aerosols, temperature)

Greenhouse Effect

2.4: The student will analyze the dynamic nature of the geosphere.

2.4.3: The student will explain changes in Earth's surface using plate tectonics.

2.4.3.b: Sea floor spreading (age evidence, mantle circulation, outer core circulation/magnetic reversals, seismic activity, volcanism, mountain building, ocean ridges)

Plate Tectonics

2.4.3.c: Theory of Plate Tectonics (crustal plate composition, mantle circulation, divergent/convergent/transform fault boundaries, subduction zones, trenches, island arcs, seismic activity, volcanism, mountain building)

Plate Tectonics

2.5: The student will investigate methods that geologists use to determine the history of Earth.

2.5.1: The student will apply geologic principles used to date Earth's geologic and biologic events.

2.5.1.b: Absolute dating (radioactive dating)


3: The student will demonstrate the ability to use the scientific skills and processes (Core Learning Goal 1) and major biological concepts to explain the uniqueness and interdependence of living organisms, their interactions with the environment, and the continuation of life on earth.

3.1: The student will be able to explain the correlation between the structure and function of biologically important molecules and their relationship to cell processes.

3.1.1: The student will be able to describe the unique characteristics of chemical substances and macromolecules utilized by living systems.

3.1.1.d: proteins (organic molecule; amino acids are building blocks; structural and functional role, including enzymes)

RNA and Protein Synthesis

3.1.1.e: nucleic acids (organic molecule; nucleotides are building blocks - sugar, phosphate, & nitrogen bases; DNA is a double helix, RNA is a single strand; DNA replication;DNA role in storage of genetic information)

RNA and Protein Synthesis

3.1.2: The student will be able to discuss factors involved in the regulation of chemical activity as part of a homeostatic mechanism.

3.1.2.a: osmosis (predicting water flow across a membrane based on the cell's environment; explain role in living systems)


3.1.3: The student will be able to compare the transfer and use of matter and energy in photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic organisms.

3.1.3.b: carbon cycle (movement of carbon between living systems and the environment, cyclic relationship between photosynthesis and respiration)

Cell Energy Cycle

3.1.3.d: photosynthesis (energy conversion: light, chemical; basic molecules involved)

Cell Energy Cycle
Food Chain
Photosynthesis Lab

3.1.3.e: cellular respiration (distinctions between aerobic and anaerobic, energy released, use of oxygen; basic molecules involved in aerobic)

Cell Energy Cycle

3.2: The student will demonstrate an understanding that all organisms are composed of cells which can function independently or as part of multicellular organisms.

3.2.1: The student will explain processes and the function of related structures found in unicellular and multicellular organisms.

3.2.1.b: waste disposal (role of cellular membrane; role of excretory and circulatory systems)

Cell Structure

3.2.1.d: feedback (maintaining cellular and organismal homeostasis - water balance, pH, temperature, role of endocrine system)

Paramecium Homeostasis

3.2.1.e: asexual (binary fission, budding, vegetative, mitosis: role in growth and repair, chromosome number remains the same) and sexual reproduction (angiosperms, mammals)

Cell Division
Pollination: Flower to Fruit

3.2.1.f: control of structures (cellular organelles and human systems) and related functions (role of nucleus, role of sensory organs and nervous system)

Cell Structure
Digestive System
RNA and Protein Synthesis

3.2.1.g: capture and release of energy (chloroplasts, mitochondria)

Cell Energy Cycle
Cell Structure

3.2.1.h: protein synthesis (ribosomes)

Cell Structure
RNA and Protein Synthesis

3.2.2: The student will conclude that cells exist within a narrow range of environmental conditions and changes to that environment, either naturally occurring or induced, may cause changes in the metabolic activity of the cell or organism.

3.2.2.d: water

Paramecium Homeostasis

3.2.2.g: radiation (role in cancer or mutations)

Evolution: Natural and Artificial Selection

3.3: The student will analyze how traits are inherited and passed on from one generation to another.

3.3.2: The student will illustrate and explain how expressed traits are passed from parent to offspring.

3.3.2.a: phenotypes (expression of inherited characteristics)

Chicken Genetics
Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

3.3.2.b: dominant and recessive traits

Chicken Genetics
Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

3.3.2.d: genotypes (represented by heterozygous and homozygous pairs of alleles)

Chicken Genetics
Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

3.3.2.e: punnett square (use to predict and/or interpret the results of a genetic cross; translate genotypes into phenotypes - monohybrid only)

Chicken Genetics
Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

3.3.3: The student will explain how a genetic trait is determined by the code in a DNA molecule.

3.3.3.a: definition of gene (a segment of DNA that codes for a protein or RNA)

DNA Fingerprint Analysis

3.3.3.b: sequence of nitrogen bases directing protein formation (role of DNA, mRNA, tRNA, rRNA)

RNA and Protein Synthesis

3.3.4: The student will interpret how the effects of DNA alteration can be beneficial or harmful to the individual, society, and/or the environment.

3.3.4.a: mutations

Evolution: Mutation and Selection
Evolution: Natural and Artificial Selection

3.3.4.b: chromosome number (abnormalities)

Human Karyotyping

3.4: The student will explain the mechanism of evolutionary change.

3.4.1: The student will explain how new traits may result from new combinations of existing genes or from mutations of genes in reproductive cells within a population.

3.4.1.a: natural selection (definition; effects of environmental pressure)

Evolution: Mutation and Selection
Evolution: Natural and Artificial Selection
Natural Selection
Rainfall and Bird Beaks

3.4.1.b: adaptations (effects on survival)

Evolution: Mutation and Selection
Evolution: Natural and Artificial Selection

3.4.1.c: variation (effects on survival and reproductive success)

Evolution: Mutation and Selection
Evolution: Natural and Artificial Selection

3.4.2: The student will estimate degrees of relatedness among organisms or species.

3.4.2.b: anatomical similarities (evolutionary relationships; homologous structures)

Human Evolution - Skull Analysis

3.4.2.c: similarities of DNA base and/or amino acid sequence (including results from gel electrophoresis)

DNA Fingerprint Analysis

3.5: The student will investigate the interdependence of diverse living organisms and their interactions with the components of the biosphere.

3.5.1: The student will analyze the relationships between biotic diversity and abiotic factors in environments and the resulting influence on ecosystems.

3.5.1.a: Abiotic/ Biotic Factors

3.5.1.a.6: food

Food Chain

3.5.1.a.8: organisms

Food Chain

3.5.1.b: Relationships

3.5.1.b.1: predator - prey

Food Chain

3.5.2: The student will analyze the interrelationships and interdependencies among different organisms and explain how these relationships contribute to the stability of the ecosystem.

3.5.2.c: trophic level (producer; consumer: herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, scavenger; decomposer)

Food Chain

3.5.2.d: niche(role of organism within an ecosystem)

Food Chain

3.5.2.e: pyramid (energy, biomass)

Food Chain

3.5.3: The student will investigate how natural and man-made changes in environmental conditions will affect individual organisms and the dynamics of populations.

3.5.3.a: depletion of food

Rabbit Population by Season

3.5.3.b: destruction of habitats

Rabbit Population by Season

4: The student will demonstrate the ability to use scientific skills and processes (Core Learning Goal 1) to explain composition and interactions of matter in the world in which we live.

4.1: The student will explain that atoms have structure and this structure serves as the basis for the properties of elements and the bonds that they form.

4.1.1: The student will analyze the structure of the atom and describe the characteristics of the particles found there.

4.1.1.a: subatomic particles (protons, neutrons, & electrons -not to include quantum mechanical details of electron configurations)

Element Builder

4.1.1.c: atomic number, mass number, and isotopes (definitions; calculate numbers of protons, neutrons, and electrons; notations)

Element Builder

4.1.1.e: neutral atom

Element Builder

4.1.1.f: historical development and/or experimental evidence for the existence and structure of the atom (Democritus, Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford, Bohr, electron cloud model)

Bohr Model of Hydrogen
Bohr Model: Introduction

4.1.2: The student will demonstrate that the arrangement and number of electrons and the properties of elements repeat in a periodic manner illustrated by their arrangement in the periodic table.

4.1.2.a: groups/families and periods/series (groups 1-18; Alkali Metals, Alkaline Earth Metals, Transition Metals, Halogens, Noble Gases; Periods 1-7; Lanthanide Series, Actinide Series)

Electron Configuration
Ionic Bonds

4.1.2.b: how trends behave (valence electrons; atomic radius; ionization energy; relative chemical reactivity; metallic/nonmetallic properties)

Electron Configuration

4.1.3: The student will explain how atoms interact with other atoms through the transfer and sharing of electrons in the formation of chemical bonds.

4.1.3.b: bond (definition)

Covalent Bonds
Ionic Bonds

4.1.3.c: formation of ionic bond (definition; metal-nonmetal; based on valence electrons / location of elements on the Periodic Table)

Ionic Bonds

4.1.3.d: formation of covalent bond (definition; nonmetal-nonmetal; based on valence electrons / location of elements on the Periodic Table; formation of single, double, and triple bonds)

Covalent Bonds

4.1.3.h: metallic, ionic, and molecular substances (melting point, boiling point, electrical conductivity)

Circuit Builder
Colligative Properties

4.2: The student will explain how the properties of compounds are related to the arrangement and type of atoms they contain.

4.2.1: The student will explain how the properties of a molecule are determined by the atoms it contains and their arrangement.

4.2.1.c: water (definition and explanation of shape and polarity of molecule, observed changes in density as phases change, use as a "universal" solvent; conceptual understanding of hydrogen bonding, high surface tension, high specific heat)

Calorimetry Lab

4.2.2: The student will explain why organic compounds are so numerous and diverse.

4.2.2.b: ability of carbon to form chains and make rings (recognize, but not produce structural formulas)

Dehydration Synthesis

4.2.3: The student will describe the properties of solutions and explain how they form.

4.2.3.d: concentration (relative: dilute, concentrated, unsaturated, saturated, supersaturated; molarity - conceptual only; interpretation of solubility curves)

Colligative Properties

4.2.3.e: dissociation/ionization (basic description; factors that influence rate: surface area of solute, temperature, agitation)


4.2.4: The student will differentiate among acids, bases, and salts based on their properties.

4.2.4.a: Arrhenius definition (H+ and OH-)

pH Analysis
pH Analysis: Quad Color Indicator

4.2.4.b: ability of water to act as either an acid or a base

pH Analysis
pH Analysis: Quad Color Indicator

4.2.4.c: neutralization (definition)


4.2.4.e: indicators (phenolphthalein)

Mystery Powder Analysis
pH Analysis
pH Analysis: Quad Color Indicator

4.3: The student will apply the basic concepts of thermodynamics (thermochemistry) to phases of matter and phase and chemical changes.

4.3.1: The student will explain that thermal energy in a material consists of the ordered and disordered motions of its colliding particles.

4.3.1.a: thermal energy (differentiate between thermal energy and temperature)

Temperature and Particle Motion

4.3.1.b: phase changes

Phase Changes

4.3.1.c: heating / cooling (temperature vs. time) curve (interpret the different parts of the curve in terms of motion / kinetic energy and organization of the particles; changes in particle motion and organization between phase changes; identify melting/freezing and boiling point; not to include potential energy or calculations of Q)

Colligative Properties
Phase Changes

4.4: The student will explain how and why substances are represented by formulas.

4.4.1: The student will illustrate that substances can be represented by formulas.

4.4.1.a: subscripts (determine the numbers of atoms represented by a given formula; describe the function of subscripts in a chemical formula)

Chemical Equations

4.4.2: The student will show that chemical reactions can be represented by symbolic or word equations that specify all reactants and products involved.

4.4.2.a: convert word equations to symbolic equations

Chemical Equations

4.4.2.b: convert symbolic equations to word equations

Chemical Equations

4.5: The student will explain that matter undergoes transformations, resulting in products that are different from the reactants.

4.5.1: The student will describe the general types of chemical reactions.

4.5.1.a: synthesis and decomposition (definition; identify type given balanced formula equation or written description)

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equations
Dehydration Synthesis
Equilibrium and Concentration

4.5.1.b: combustion (definition; identify type given balanced formula equation or written description)

Chemical Equations
Equilibrium and Concentration

4.5.1.c: single displacement (definition; identify type given balanced formula equation or written description; apply activity series to determine if reaction will occur)

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equations
Equilibrium and Concentration

4.5.1.d: double displacement (definition; identify type given balanced formula equation or written description; apply solubility rules to predict if a precipitate will form)

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equations
Equilibrium and Concentration

4.5.2: The student will balance simple equations (not to include redox reactions).

4.5.2.a: Law of Conservation of Mass (apply to reactions to account for the same number of atoms of each type appearing in both the reactants and products)

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equations

4.5.2.b: coefficients (define; use to balance symbolic equations; explain meaning in symbolic equations; differentiate between the use and meaning of coefficients and subscripts)

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equations
Limiting Reactants

4.5.4: The student will recognize that chemical reactions occur at different speeds.

4.5.4.a: reaction rate (in order for atoms to react they must collide with sufficient energy; reaction rate increases as frequency of molecular collisions increases)

Collision Theory

4.5.4.b: effects of surface area, temperature, and concentration on the frequency and energy of molecular collisions (no calculations or specific concentration units)

Collision Theory

0: catalysts (definition; conceptual understanding of behavior)

Collision Theory

5: The student will demonstrate the ability to use scientific skills and processes (Core Learning Goal 1) to explain and predict the outcome of certain interactions which occur between matter and energy.

5.1: The student will know and apply the laws of mechanics to explain the behavior of the physical world.

5.1.1: The student will use analytical techniques appropriate to the study of physics.

5.1.1.a: distinguish between scalar and vector quantities (e.g. speed v. velocity; distance v. displacement)

Adding Vectors
Golf Range
Shoot the Monkey

5.1.1.c: add vectors (same and opposite directions and at right angles)

Adding Vectors

5.1.1.d: resolve vectors graphically

Adding Vectors

5.1.2: The student will use algebraic and geometric concepts to qualitatively and quantitatively describe an object's motion.

5.1.2.b: motion with a constant acceleration

Atwood Machine
Free-Fall Laboratory
Golf Range
Shoot the Monkey

5.1.2.d: projectile motion (mathematical solutions limited to initial horizontal velocity only; conceptual questions not restricted)

Golf Range
Shoot the Monkey

5.1.2.e: free fall

Free-Fall Laboratory

5.1.3: The student will analyze and explain how Newton's Laws describe changes in an object's motion.

5.1.3.a: the effect of balanced forces (fnet = 0) (quantitative and qualitative)

Atwood Machine
Fan Cart Physics

5.1.3.b: the effect of unbalanced forces (fnet is not equal to 0) (quantitative and qualitative)

Atwood Machine
Fan Cart Physics
Inclined Plane - Simple Machine

5.1.3.c: inertia (application) (qualitative only)

Fan Cart Physics

5.1.3.d: relationship among force, mass and acceleration (describe qualitative relationships and calculate)

Atwood Machine
Fan Cart Physics
Free-Fall Laboratory

5.1.3.e: action/reaction (application)

Fan Cart Physics

5.1.4: The student will analyze the behavior of forces.

5.1.4.a: friction (qualitative description of its nature and behavior)

Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects

5.1.4.b: inverse square relationship of gravity (describe how the force changes as the distance changes)

Gravitational Force
Pith Ball Lab

5.1.4.c: relation to work and power (qualitative and quantitative)

Pulley Lab

5.1.4.d: relation to impulse and momentum (qualitative and quantitative)

2D Collisions
Air Track

5.1.5: The student will analyze systems with regard to the conservation laws.

5.1.5.a: conservation of momentum (applications and calculation in one dimension)

Air Track

5.1.5.b: conservation of energy (relationship between potential and kinetic including calculations and conversions)

Energy Conversion in a System
Energy of a Pendulum
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects
Roller Coaster Physics

5.2: The student will know and apply the laws of electricity and magnetism and explain their significant role in nature and technology.

5.2.1: The student will describe the types of electric charges and the forces that exist between them.

5.2.1.a: inverse square relationship of electrical forces (describe how the force changes as the distance changes)

Coulomb Force (Static)
Pith Ball Lab

5.2.1.b: the attractive/repulsive nature of the forces between charges

Coulomb Force (Static)
Pith Ball Lab

5.2.1.c: Coulomb's Law (describe qualitative relationships)

Coulomb Force (Static)
Pith Ball Lab

5.2.2: The student will describe the sources and effects of electric and magnetic fields.

5.2.2.b: Qualitative description of magnetic field created by moving charges

Magnetic Induction

5.2.2.c: Qualitative description of the force on a moving charge or on a current carrying wire in a magnetic field

Electromagnetic Induction

5.2.2.d: Simple D.C. series and parallel circuits (diagram of series and parallel circuits; use of meters to measure quantities in each circuit; calculations of voltage, current, and resistance using Ohm's Law; and calculations of equivalent resistance and power)

Advanced Circuits
Circuit Builder

5.2.2.e: Practical applications (safety, grounding, circuit breakers, fuses)

Advanced Circuits
Circuit Builder

5.2.3: The student will qualitatively describe the applications of electromagnetic induction.

5.2.3.a: Electromagnetic induction (definition)

Electromagnetic Induction

5.3: The student will recognize and relate the laws of thermodynamics to practical applications.

5.3.1: The student will relate thermodynamics to the balance of energy in a system.

5.3.1.b: Heat energy transfer (conduction, convection, radiation)

Calorimetry Lab
Herschel Experiment

5.3.1.c: Application of heat energy to the Law of Conservation of Energy

Energy Conversion in a System

5.3.1.e: Specific heat and calorimetry (both describe and calculate)

Calorimetry Lab
Energy Conversion in a System

5.4: The student will explain and demonstrate how vibrations and waves provide a model for our understanding of various physical phenomena.

5.4.1: The student will compare qualitatively how waves are propagated and transmit energy.

5.4.1.a: Physical v. electromagnetic (transmission media, relative speeds, examples such as sound and light)

Ripple Tank

5.4.1.b: Longitudinal v. transverse (direction of vibration relative to direction of transmission, examples such as sound and light)

Longitudinal Waves

5.4.2: The student will describe wave characteristics using both diagrams and calculations.

5.4.2.a: Wavelength

Ripple Tank

5.4.2.b: Frequency (including relationship to period and energy transmitted)

Ripple Tank

5.4.2.c: Velocity

Ripple Tank

5.4.2.d: Amplitude (including relationship to energy transmitted)

Ripple Tank

5.4.3: The student will qualitatively describe the physical behaviors of waves.

5.4.3.b: Refraction (causes and resultant behavior, which may include ray diagrams for behavior at a plane boundary and for double convex lenses)

Basic Prism
Ray Tracing (Lenses)
Ripple Tank

5.4.3.c: Diffraction (causes and relationship between wavelength and size of opening)

Ripple Tank

5.4.3.d: Interference (constructive and destructive)

Longitudinal Waves
Ripple Tank
Sound Beats and Sine Waves

5.4.3.f: Doppler effect (examples and explanation including frequency shift)

Doppler Shift
Doppler Shift Advanced

5.5: The student will investigate certain topics in modern physics.

5.5.1: The student will cite evidence of the wave/particle duality in the nature of matter.

5.5.1.b: Photoelectric effect (relationship of current produced to frequency and intensity of wave)

Photoelectric Effect

5.5.2: The student will qualitatively explain the processes associated with nuclear energy and its applications.

5.5.2.a: Radioactive decay (half-life; alpha, beta, and gamma emission processes)

Nuclear Decay

6: The student will demonstrate the ability to use the scientific skills and processes (Core Learning Goal 1) and major environmental science concepts to understand interrelationships of the natural world and to analyze environmental issues and their solutions.

6.1: The student will explain how matter and energy move through the biosphere (lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and organisms).

6.1.1: The student will demonstrate that matter cycles through and between living systems and the physical environment constantly being recombined in different ways.

6.1.1.b: carbon cycle

Cell Energy Cycle

6.2: The student will investigate the interdependence of organisms within their biotic environment.

6.2.1: The student will explain how organisms are linked by the transfer and transformation of matter and energy at the ecosystem level.

6.2.1.a: Photosynthesis/respiration

Cell Energy Cycle
Photosynthesis Lab

6.2.1.b: Producers, consumers, decomposers

Food Chain

6.2.1.c: Trophic levels

Food Chain

6.2.1.d: Pyramid of energy/pyramid of biomass

Food Chain

6.2.2: The student will explain why interrelationships & interdependencies of organisms contribute to the dynamics of ecosystems.

6.2.2.b: Niche

Food Chain

6.2.2.c: Cycling of materials among organisms

Food Chain

6.2.2.d: Equilibrium/cyclic fluctuations

Food Chain

6.2.3: The student will conclude that populations grow or decline due to a variety of factors.

6.2.3.b: Carrying capacity/limiting factors

Rabbit Population by Season

6.2.4: The student will provide examples and evidence showing that natural selection leads to organisms that are well suited for survival in particular environments.

6.2.4.b: variation within a species increases survival potential

Evolution: Mutation and Selection
Natural Selection
Rainfall and Bird Beaks

6.2.4.c: natural selection provides a mechanism for evolution

Evolution: Mutation and Selection
Evolution: Natural and Artificial Selection
Rainfall and Bird Beaks

6.2.4.d: adaptations of organisms within biomes

Rainfall and Bird Beaks

Correlation last revised: 3/5/2015

This correlation lists the recommended Gizmos for this state's curriculum standards. Click any Gizmo title below for more information.