4: Life Science

4.3: Analyze the relationships among various organisms and their environment.

4.3.PO 1: Compare food chains in a specified ecosystem and their corresponding food web.

Forest Ecosystem
Prairie Ecosystem

4.3.PO 3: Analyze the interactions of living organisms with their ecosystems:

4.3.PO 3.a: limiting factors

Food Chain

4.3.PO 3.b: carrying capacity

Food Chain
Prairie Ecosystem

4.3.PO 5: Predict how environmental factors (e.g., floods, droughts, temperature changes) affect survival rates in living organisms.

Natural Selection
Pond Ecosystem
Rabbit Population by Season
Rainfall and Bird Beaks - Metric

4.3.PO 6: Create a model of the interactions of living organisms within an ecosystem.

Food Chain

6: Earth and Space Science

6.1: Describe the composition and interactions between the structure of the Earth and its atmosphere.

6.1.PO 1: Classify rocks and minerals by the following observable properties:

6.1.PO 1.b: color

Mineral Identification

6.1.PO 1.d: hardness

Mineral Identification

6.1.PO 3: Explain the following processes involved in the formation of the Earth's structure:

6.1.PO 3.c: plate tectonics

Plate Tectonics

6.1.PO 3.d: volcanism

Plate Tectonics

6.2: Understand the processes acting on the Earth and their interaction with the earth systems.

6.2.PO 1: Explain the rock cycle.

Rock Cycle

6.2.PO 2: Distinguish the components and characteristics of the rock cycle for the following types of rocks:

6.2.PO 2.a: igneous

Rock Cycle

6.2.PO 2.b: metamorphic

Rock Cycle

6.2.PO 2.c: sedimentary

Rock Cycle

6.2.PO 5: Relate plate boundary movements to their resulting landforms, including:

6.2.PO 5.a: mountains

Plate Tectonics

6.2.PO 5.b: faults

Plate Tectonics

6.2.PO 5.d: trenches

Plate Tectonics

6.2.PO 5.e: volcanoes

Plate Tectonics

6.2.PO 6: Describe how earthquakes are measured.

Earthquakes 1 - Recording Station

6.3: Understand the relationships of the Earth and other objects in the solar system.

6.3.PO 1: Explain the phases of the Moon in terms of the relative positions of the Earth, Sun, and Moon.

Moonrise, Moonset, and Phases
Phases of the Moon

6.3.PO 2: Construct a model for the relative positions of the Earth, Sun, and Moon as they relate to corresponding eclipses.

2D Eclipse
3D Eclipse

6.3.PO 3: Explain the interrelationship between the Earth’s tides and the Moon.

Tides - Metric

6.3.PO 4: Explain the seasons in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres in terms of the tilt of the Earth’s axis relative to the Earth’s revolution around the Sun.

Seasons in 3D
Seasons: Why do we have them?
Summer and Winter

6.3.PO 6: Explain the relationship among common objects in the solar system, galaxy, and the universe.

Comparing Earth and Venus
Phases of the Moon

Correlation last revised: 9/16/2020

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