II: Content of Science

II.I: Understand the structure and properties of matter, the characteristics of energy, and the interactions between matter and energy.

II.I.II: Know that energy is needed to get things done and that energy has different forms.

II.I.II.1: Understand that light is a form of energy and can travel through a vacuum.

Energy Conversions

II.I.II.2: Know that light travels in a straight line until it strikes an object and then it is reflected, refracted, or absorbed.

Color Absorption
Heat Absorption

II.I.II.4: Construct charts or diagrams that relate variables associated with energy changes (e.g., melting of ice over time).

Phases of Water

II.I.III: Identify forces and describe the motion of objects.

II.I.III.1: Recognize that magnets can produce motion by attracting some materials (e.g., steel) and have no effect on others (e.g., plastics).


II.I.III.2: Describe how magnets have poles (N and S) and that like poles repel each other while unlike poles attract.


II.II: II Life Science: Understand the properties, structures, and processes of living things and the interdependence of living things and their environments.

II.II.I: Know that living things have diverse forms, structures, functions, and habitats.

II.II.I.2: Observe that plants and animals have structures that serve different functions (e.g., shape of animals' teeth).

Flower Pollination

II.III: Understand the structure of Earth, the solar system, and the universe, the interconnections among them, and the processes and interactions of Earth's systems.

II.III.I: Know the structure of the solar system and the objects in the universe.

II.III.I.1: Describe the objects in the solar system (e.g., sun, Earth and other planets, moon) and their features (e.g., size, temperature).

Phases of the Moon
Solar System

II.III.I.2: Describe the relationships among the objects in the solar system (e.g., relative distances, orbital motions).

Gravity Pitch
Phases of the Moon
Solar System

II.III.II: Know the structure and formation of Earth and its atmosphere and the processes that shape them.

II.III.II.4: Identify how water exists in the air in different forms (e.g., in clouds and fog as tiny droplets; in rain, snow, and hail) and changes from one form to another through various processes (e.g., freezing/condensation, precipitation, evaporation).

Phases of Water

Correlation last revised: 9/22/2020

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