3.1: Biological Sciences

3.1.7.A1: Common Characteristics of Life

3.1.7.A1.1: Describe the similarities and differences of physical characteristics in diverse organisms.

Dichotomous Keys

3.1.7.A4: Cell Cycles

3.1.7.A4.1: Explain how cells arise from pre-existing cells.

Cell Division

3.1.7.A5: Form and Function

3.1.7.A5.1: Explain how the cell is the basic structural and functional unit of living things.

Cell Structure

3.1.7.A6: Organization

3.1.7.A6.1: Identify the levels of organization from cell to organism.

Circulatory System

3.1.7.A8: Unifying Themes

3.1.7.A8.1: Apply the appropriate models to show interactions among organisms in an environment.

Food Chain

3.1.7.B1: Heredity

3.1.7.B1.1: Explain how genetic instructions influence inherited traits.

DNA Analysis
Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

3.1.7.B1.2: Identify Mendelian patterns of inheritance.

Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

3.1.7.B4: Biotechnology

3.1.7.B4.1: Describe how selective breeding and biotechnology can alter the genetic composition of organisms.

Evolution: Natural and Artificial Selection

3.1.7.C1: Natural Selection

3.1.7.C1.1: Describe how natural selection is an underlying factor in a population’s ability to adapt to changes.

Natural Selection
Rainfall and Bird Beaks - Metric

3.1.7.C3: Unifying Themes

3.1.7.C3.1: Identify evidence drawn from geology, fossils, and comparative anatomy that provides the basis for the theory of evolution.

Human Evolution - Skull Analysis

3.2: Physical Sciences: Chemistry and Physics

3.2.7.A1: Properties of Matter

3.2.7.A1.1: Differentiate between elements, compounds, and mixtures.

Element Builder

3.2.7.A1.2: Identify groups of elements that have similar properties.

Element Builder

3.2.7.A1.3: Explain how materials are characterized by having a specific amount of mass in each unit of volume (density).

Density Experiment: Slice and Dice
Density Laboratory

3.2.7.A2: Structure of Matter

3.2.7.A2.1: Identify atoms as the basic building blocks of matter and that elements are composed of one type of atom.

Element Builder

3.2.7.A3: Matter & Energy

3.2.7.A3.1: Explain how energy transfer can affect the chemical and physical properties of matter.

Heat Absorption

3.2.7.A4: Reactions

3.2.7.A4.1: Describe how reactants change into products in simple chemical reactions.

Chemical Equations

3.2.7.B2: Energy Storage and Transformations: Conservation Laws

3.2.7.B2.1: Describe how energy can be changed from one form to another (transformed) as it moves through a system or transferred from one system to another system.

Air Track
Energy Conversion in a System
Heat Absorption
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects
Sled Wars

3.2.7.B3: Heat/Heat Transfer

3.2.7.B3.1: Differentiate among convection, conduction, and radiation.

Conduction and Convection
Heat Absorption
Heat Transfer by Conduction
Herschel Experiment - Metric

3.2.7.B3.2: Explain why heat energy consists of the random motion and vibrations of the particles of matter.

Temperature and Particle Motion

3.2.7.B5: Nature of Waves (Sound and Light Energy)

3.2.7.B5.1: Demonstrate that visible light is a mixture of many different colors.

Additive Colors
Herschel Experiment - Metric

3.2.7.B5.2: Explain the construct of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Herschel Experiment - Metric

3.2.7.B5.3: Describe how sound and light energy are transmitted by waves.

Herschel Experiment - Metric
Longitudinal Waves

3.2.7.B6: Unifying Themes

3.2.7.B6.1: Demonstrate that heat is often produced as energy is transformed through a system.

Energy Conversion in a System
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects

3.2.7.B6.2: Demonstrate how the transfer of heat energy causes temperature changes.

Conduction and Convection
Heat Absorption
Heat Transfer by Conduction

3.3: Earth and Space Sciences

3.3.7.A1: Earth Features and the Processes that Change It

3.3.7.A1.1: Define basic features of the rock cycle.

Rock Cycle

3.3.7.A1.3: Differentiate among the mechanisms by which heat is transferred through the Earth’s system.

Water Cycle

3.3.7.A3: Earth’s History

3.3.7.A3.1: Explain and give examples of how physical evidence, such as fossils and surface features of glaciation support theories that the Earth has evolved over geologic time.

Human Evolution - Skull Analysis

3.3.7.A4: Water

3.3.7.A4.1: Differentiate among Earth’s water systems.

Pond Ecosystem

3.3.7.A4.2: Describe the motions of tides and identify their causes.

Tides - Metric

3.3.7.A5: Weather and Climate

3.3.7.A5.1: Describe basic elements of meteorology.

Hurricane Motion - Metric

3.3.7.A5.2: Explain the relationship between the energy provided by the sun and the temperature differences among water, land and atmosphere.

Pond Ecosystem

3.3.7.A6: Unifying Themes

3.3.7.A6.1: Locate significant geologic structures using various mapping representations.

Building Topographic Maps
Plate Tectonics
Reading Topographic Maps

3.3.7.A6.2: Describe changes in atmospheric conditions associated with various weather patterns.

Hurricane Motion - Metric
Weather Maps - Metric

3.3.7.B1: Composition and Structure

3.3.7.B1.1: Explain how gravity is the major force in the formation of the planets, stars, and the solar system.

Gravity Pitch

3.3.7.B1.2: Describe gravity as a major force in determining the motions of planets, stars, and the solar system.

Gravity Pitch

3.3.7.B2: Unifying Themes

3.3.7.B2.2: Describe repeating patterns in the Sun- Earth-Moon system and the positions of stars.

2D Eclipse
3D Eclipse
Comparing Earth and Venus
Moonrise, Moonset, and Phases
Phases of the Moon
Seasons: Earth, Moon, and Sun
Tides - Metric

3.3.7.B2.3: Relate planetary size and distance in our solar system using an appropriate scale model.

Solar System Explorer

3.4: Technology and Engineering Education

3.4.7.C2: Engineering Design

3.4.7.C2.1: Explain how modeling, testing, evaluating, and modifying are used to transform ideas into practical solutions.


3.4.7.D1: Applying the Design Process

3.4.7.D1.1: Identify and collect information about everyday problems that can be solved by technology and generate ideas and requirements for solving a problem.


3.4.7.E1: Medical Technologies

3.4.7.E1.1: Investigate recent advancements in medical technologies and their impact on quality of life.

Human Karyotyping

Correlation last revised: 9/16/2020

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