SB1: Students develop an understanding of the characteristic properties of matter and the relationship of these properties to their structure and behavior.

SB1.1: using models to represent matter as it changes from one state to another.

Phases of Water

SB2: Students develop an understanding that energy appears in different forms, can be transformed from one form to another, can be transferred or moved from one place or system to another, may be unavailable for use, and is ultimately conserved.

SB2.1: recognizing that energy can exist in many forms (i.e., heat, light, chemical, electrical, mechanical).

Energy Conversion in a System
Energy Conversions
Heat Absorption
Herschel Experiment - Metric
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects

SB3: Students develop an understanding of the interactions between matter and energy, including physical, chemical, and nuclear changes, and the effects of these interactions on physical systems.

SB3.1: recognizing that most substances can exist as a solid, liquid, or gas depending on temperature.

Phases of Water

SB4: Students develop an understanding of motions, forces, their characteristics and relationships, and natural forces and their effects.

SB4.3: making waves move through a variety of media.

Longitudinal Waves
Ripple Tank

SC1: Students develop an understanding of how science explains changes in life forms over time, including genetics, heredity, the process of natural selection, and biological evolution.

SC1.1: recognizing sexual and asexual reproduction.

Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

SC1.2: recognizing that species survive by adapting to changes in their environment.

Rainfall and Bird Beaks - Metric

SC2: Students develop an understanding of the structure, function, behavior, development, life cycles, and diversity of living organisms.

SC2.3: describing the levels of organization within a human body (i.e., cells, tissues, organs, systems).

Circulatory System
Digestive System

SC3: Students develop an understanding that all organisms are linked to each other and their physical environments through the transfer and transformation of matter and energy.

SC3.1: recognizing that organisms can cause physical and chemical changes (e.g., digestion, growth, respiration, photosynthesis) to matter and recognizing the importance of energy transfer in these changes.

Cell Energy Cycle
Digestive System

SC3.2: organizing a food web using familiar plants and animals.

Forest Ecosystem

SD1: Students develop an understanding of Earth's geochemical cycles.

SD1.1: exploring the rock cycle and its relationship to igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks.

Rock Cycle

SD1.2: identifying the physical properties of water within the stages of the water cycle.

Water Cycle

0: The student demonstrates understanding of the structure and properties of matter by:

Water Cycle

SD4: Students develop an understanding of the theories regarding the evolution of the universe.

SD4.1: contrasting characteristics of planets and stars. (i.e., light reflecting, light emitting, orbiting, orbited, composition.)

Gravity Pitch

Correlation last revised: 9/22/2020

This correlation lists the recommended Gizmos for this state's curriculum standards. Click any Gizmo title below for more information.